Visit Sweden interviews with participants at #GSTC2024Sweden Global ConferenceIn April, the Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC) hosted the #GSTC2024Sweden international conference in Stockholm from April 24th to 26th 2024, focusing on the theme of Purposeful Travel. This event brought together over 500 participants from nearly 60 countries, fostering a rich exchange of knowledge on how to advance sustainable tourism practices.

Visit Sweden has done a series of insightful articles (in Swedish) about “Hållbar Besöksnäring”, in English, “Sustainable Hospitality”; which delve into various aspects of sustainable hospitality and responsible travel, effectively highlighting the GSTC’s commitment to promoting sustainable tourism globally.

The conference, themed around Purposeful Travel, emphasized the importance of assuming responsibility for our journeys and the impact they have on the destinations we visit. The articles provide a comprehensive overview of the key discussions that took place during the conference.

‘‘This is How Tourism Builds Sustainable Attractiveness for the Destination Sweden’’ (Så bygger turism hållbar attraktionskraft för resmålet Sverige) is one of the core articles which highlights how tourism can build sustainable attractiveness for destinations like Sweden. It emphasizes the role of conscious travel in fostering a sense of responsibility among travelers. By understanding the impact of their choices, visitors can contribute to the preservation of natural resources and cultural heritage, making each journey more meaningful.

As a global organization, GSTC establishes standards that serve as a common language for sustainable tourism practices,  »How Can One Work Systematically with GSTC’s Criteria for Sustainable Development’’ (Arbeta systematiskt med hållbar utveckling) discusses how businesses can work systematically with the GSTC Criteria for sustainable development. This article outlines the framework GSTC provides, guiding businesses in implementing sustainable strategies that enhance their operations while benefiting the environment and local communities.

‘’Environmental and Climate-Smart Solutions are the Key’’ (Miljö- och klimatsmarta lösningar är nyckeln) focuses on environmentally and climate-smart solutions delves into the innovative strategies presented during the global congress. It features insights from various lectures, underscoring the importance of adopting sustainable practices across the tourism industry. The newly introduced GSTC Criteria for MICE (meetings, incentives, conferences, and exhibitions) highlight the need for all aspects of tourism to prioritize sustainability.

Visit Sweden’s coverage also touches on social issues related to sustainable tourism in ‘’Social Issues – Welcoming and Inclusive’’ (Sociala frågor – välkomnande och inkluderande).  It emphasizes the importance of social inclusion and the role of local communities in tourism development. By prioritizing accessible tourism experiences, businesses can create welcoming environments that engage both visitors and residents, fostering a sense of belonging and cultural exchange.

‘’Build a Thriving Place Through Innovation and Conscious Governance’’ (Bygg en blomstrande plats genom innovation och medveten styrning Ett medvetet resande var temat för den kongres) highlights the shared insights from the conference on destination management and development, showcasing how thoughtful leadership can drive sustainable practices and ensure long-term success for tourism stakeholders.

‘’Communicate and Builds Credibility Over Time’’ (Kommunicera och bygg trovärdighet över tid) addresses the challenge of communicating sustainability efforts effectively. The article explores strategies for discussing sustainability without overtly labeling initiatives as « sustainable. » It also examines how the EU’s new Green Claims Directive will impact tourism companies, emphasizing the need for transparent and credible communication.

The series of articles from Visit Sweden encapsulates the vital discussions and insights shared at the #GSTC2024Sweden International Conference which took place in Stockholm, emphasizing the significance of conscious travel and sustainable tourism practices. 

Watch here the Recap Video Visit Sweden did about #GSTC2024Sweden (In Swedish):