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10 04, 2017

GSTC Training: Seychelles Sustainable Tourism Foundation Develops Destination Action Plan

2021-12-23T07:29:56+08:004月 10th, 2017|

The Seychelles Sustainable Tourism Foundation (SSTF) organized a half-day GSTC training (Cerf Island, Seychelles, April 1st, 2017) for its board members and partners to familiarize them with the criteria and discuss their implications for the Seychelles. One of the main aims of the SSTF is to work towards a GSTC destination certification of the [...]

20 03, 2017

GSTC Sustainable Tourism Training, Kowloon, Hong Kong

2021-08-31T03:31:22+08:003月 20th, 2017|

The 3-day training was held in Kowloon, Hong Kong from March 17-19, 2017. The training was led by Professor Lewis Cheung, Dr. Alan Wong and Mr. Derek Tse. It covered key topics such as sustainable tourism standards and certification, tourism's roles in the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and best practices in destination management, [...]

20 03, 2017

First GSTC Training in Hong Kong Concludes with a Great Success

2018-01-08T06:03:39+08:003月 20th, 2017|

GSTC Training Partner Infinity Group and the Hong Kong Ecotourism & Travels Professional Training Centre (香港生態旅遊專業培訓中心 ETTC) organized, from March 17-19, 2017, the first training class of the GSTC Sustainable Tourism Training Program (STTP) in Hong Kong. GSTC Sustainable Tourism Training in Hong Kong The 3-day training class was hosted at Heritage Lodge (featuring a [...]

5 03, 2017

GSTC Training of Control Union Auditors

2017-07-02T09:15:43+08:003月 5th, 2017|

February-March 2017, Bangkok, Thailand, and Dalfsen, The Netherlands - The Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC) had conducted a training to Control Union (CU) auditors. This is to ensure CU's auditors obtain the required knowledge of the tourism sector in general and the GSTC Criteria and indicators in particular. The training sessions took place in Bangkok, [...]

8 02, 2017

GSTC Sustainable Tourism Training, Akita, Japan

2021-09-21T06:28:25+08:002月 8th, 2017|

The Asian Ecotourism Network (AEN), a GSTC Training Partner, in collaboration with Ecotourism Japan, hosted a GSTC training class from February 4-5, 2017, in conjunction with the 3rd Sustainable Tourism Forum in Senboku City, Akita, Japan (February 6-7, 2017). Following the Forum, GSTC training participants participated in a local excursion, which highlighted culture and [...]

28 01, 2017

GSTC Trains Lao PDR Tourism Professionals and Officials

2017-07-02T09:43:18+08:001月 28th, 2017|

January 2017, Vientiane, Lao PDR – The GSTC has successfully conducted a sustainable tourism training class in Vientiane, Lao PDR (January, 11-13, 2017), organized in partnership with and with the support of the Ministry of Information, Culture and Tourism (MICT) of Lao PDR and GIZ (German Corporation for International Cooperation). The training class was attended [...]

18 01, 2017

GSTC Training + International Forum, Nagasaki, Japan, 1-2 November 2017

2021-09-28T01:30:26+08:001月 18th, 2017|

GSTC Sustainable Tourism Training (Nov 1-2, 2017), Sustainable Tourism International Forum (Nov 4-5, 2017) Language: Japanese Organized by: Asian Ecotourism Network (GSTC Training Partner), Ecotourism Japan / 特定非営利活動法人日本エコツーリズムセンター GSTCサステナブルツーリズム国際認証トレーニングプログラム 概要:GSTCの公認トレーナーによるトレーニングプログラムで、国際認証制度の内容を理解し、事例をもとにどのように導入検討できるかを学びました。3日間のトレーニングプログラムは、特定非営利活動法人日本エコツーリズムセンターの主催及び一般社団法人島原半島観光連盟と島原鉄道株式会社の協力により開催されました。 修了証は、日本エコツーリズムセンターから修了者に贈られました。また、公式のGSTCテスト(英語)を受験して合格した人は、GSTCより公式のGSTCの証書(Professional Certificate in Sustainable Tourism)を取得する事ができます。 トレーニングプログラムと島原半島エクスカーション トレーニングプログラムの座学の初めの2日間は、2017年11月1日~11月2日に、長崎県雲仙市にある青雲荘で行われました。世界の持続可能な観光に向けた取り組みの紹介に始まり、持続可能な観光素材となり得るものや地域でのネットワークの必要性など参加者からの活発な発言が見られました。 翌日の11月3日には、トレーニングプログラムのフィールドワークとして、参加者は島原半島のサステナブルツーリズムの現場を訪れ、地元のガイドの案内で地域特有の見所などを体験しました。 サステナブルツーリズム国際認証 島原半島フォーラム GSTCトレーニングの後、11月4日~5日まで、サステイナブルツーリズム国際認証 島原半島フォーラムが島原市有明文化センター(グリーンウェーブ)で開催されました。フォーラムは、「2017年開発のための持続可能な観光の国際年」を記念し、またこの1年を振り返るものとなりました。基調講演として、アリアナ・ルキン・サンチェス氏 国連世界観光機関駐日事務所 事業・広報部課長、アルバート・サルマン氏 グリーンデスティネーションズ プログラムリーダー、高山 傑氏 アジアエコツーリズムネットワーク 会長の3名から発表がありました。フォーラムは、島原半島観光連盟の共催及び日本エコツーリズムセンター主催で開催されました。報告書はこちらより確認できます。 GSTC Sustainable Tourism International Certification Training [...]

20 11, 2016

GSTC Sustainable Tourism Training, Changnyeong, South Korea

2021-08-31T03:10:30+08:0011月 20th, 2016|

In partnership with the Ministry of Environment of South Korea, the GSTC offered an STTP training class (November 18-19, 2016) for representatives of ecotourism destinations from around the country. The training was held at Upo Wetland Ecovillage, Changnyeong County, Gyeongnama Province, Korea, and was open only to invited participants representing [...]

16 11, 2016

GSTC Announces Online Training Courses for a New Professional Certificate in Sustainable Tourism

2021-01-07T23:57:54+08:0011月 16th, 2016|

The GSTC Sustainable Tourism Training Program expands its offers of Online, Onsite and Customized Courses November 17, 2016 - The Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC), the leading global authority on quality sustainability standards for travel and tourism, now offers a Sustainable Tourism Training Program (STTP). The program provides practical insights and expert guidance to [...]

16 11, 2016

June 19-July 14, 2017 – GSTC Sustainable Tourism Training Online Class (2017 Q3)

2017-08-09T04:18:18+08:0011月 16th, 2016|

The GSTC Sustainable Tourism Training Program (STTP) offers practical insights and effective steps to help you improve your sustainability practices, and an opportunity to earn GSTC Certificate in Sustainable Tourism. The facilitated online training class of the STTP offers a convenient way to improve your sustainability skills in a flexible online learning environment, while at [...]

18 06, 2016

GSTC Sustainable Tourism Training, Athens, Greece

2022-08-27T10:36:15+08:006月 18th, 2016|

The three-day intensive and interactive training program was held in Athens, Greece, from June 15-17, 2016. The training was led by Dr. Ioannis Pappas and covered sustainability best practices by hotels, tour operators and destinations, offering valuable insight into the GSTC Criteria, the world’s leading standard for tourism sustainability. This [...]

7 05, 2016

GSTC Sustainable Tourism Training, Washington, DC, USA, May 4-6, 2016

2021-12-23T04:51:06+08:005月 7th, 2016|

The three-day intensive and interactive training program was held in Washington, DC, May 4-6, 2016.  The training was led by Kathleen Pessolano and covered tourism as a tool for sustainable development, sustainability best practices and the GSTC Criteria–the world’s leading standard for tourism sustainability, and sustainability marketing for tourism businesses [...]

4 04, 2016

GSTC Sustainable Tourism Training, Cape Town, South Africa

2021-08-31T01:22:53+08:004月 4th, 2016|

The three-day intensive and interactive training program was held in Cape Town, South Africa, April 1-3, 2016.  The training was led by Anna Spenceley, and covered global trends in sustainable tourism, sustainability best practices and the GSTC Criteria, with the aim of strengthening awareness of sustainable tourism through practical insights [...]

16 02, 2016

GSTC Sustainable Tourism Training, Bangkok, Thailand

2021-12-23T05:11:10+08:002月 16th, 2016|

The three-day intensive and interactive training program was held in Bangkok, Thailand from Feb 13-15, 2017. Bangkok, Thailand. The training was led by Dr. Mihee Kang and covered tourism as a tool for sustainable development, sustainability best practices and the GSTC Criteria, the world’s leading standard for tourism sustainability, as [...]

25 11, 2015

GSTC Training in Guanajuato, Mexico

2017-07-02T09:42:54+08:0011月 25th, 2015|

Held in Guanajuato, Mexico, this training provided participants with a dynamic environment to learn the Criteria and indicators through structured working days utilizing theory, practices and real life examples from the local region. The training also included a panel discussion with federal and local authorities across public and private sectors to address empowerment, entrepreneurship, financial [...]

18 09, 2015

GSTC Sustainable Tourism Training, Bangkok, Thailand

2021-08-28T07:20:43+08:009月 18th, 2015|

The GSTC, in association with the Asia Ecotourism Network (AEN) and the Pacific Asia Travel Association (PATA), conducted the GSTC Sustainable Tourism Training Class in Bangkok, Thailand from September 15-17, 2015. The three-day training class covered topics such as: global trends in sustainable tourism, the GSTC Criteria for Hotels & [...]

25 07, 2015

GSTC Sustainability Training & Accreditation Workshop

2021-08-28T07:24:04+08:007月 25th, 2015|

A GSTC Sustainability Training and Accreditation Workshop was held in Bonn, Germany from July 21-24, 2015. This workshop was hosted by the GSTC accreditation partner, Accreditation Services International (ASI). The training program specifically targeted certification bodies that may wish to seek GSTC Accreditation for their existing or proposed sustainable tourism [...]

25 05, 2015

GSTC Completes Sustainability Training Course in Botswana

2020-09-06T15:57:20+08:005月 25th, 2015|

(May 27, 2015) In a collaboration between the Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC) and the Botswana Tourism Organisation (BTO) a six day GSTC Sustainability Training Course concluded this past Sunday in Kasane, Botswana. The GSTC Sustainability Training Course had 20 participants from the BTO including Auditors of the Botswana Ecotourism Certification System, and key managers [...]

26 06, 2014

GSTC Sustainable Tourism Training in Maharashtra

2021-05-25T15:26:01+08:006月 26th, 2014|

June 26, 2014 - The Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC) is pleased to announce the launch of the GSTC Sustainable Tourism Training Program. The training program is designed to educate travel and tourism professionals on key factors needed to integrate sustainability into a destination, business or organization. Highlights include discussions about current best practices, [...]

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