
15 01, 2024

GSTC Attraction Criteria 1st Public Consultation is Now Open

2024-06-11T10:04:30+08:001月 15th, 2024|

The Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC) announced in April 2023 the development of new criteria sets, GSTC MICE Criteria and GSTC Attraction Criteria, with support from the Singapore Tourism Board STB.  The GSTC MICE Criteria (covering Venues, Event Organizers, and Events/Exhibitions) and GSTC Attraction Criteria aim to serve as the global sustainability standards for [...]

12 01, 2024

The Emerging Trends in Hotel Sustainability Certification

2024-01-12T17:23:05+08:001月 12th, 2024|

GSTC’s Roi Ariel shares how the increasing number of certification bodies is changing the meetings industry. An increasing number of certification bodies have entered the MICE industry to certify hotels as sustainable. These include Bureau Veritas, Vireo Srl and Control Union. The latter, for example, has more than 200 certification programmes. Such certification bodies [...]

11 01, 2024

ITIJ – The Outlook is Sunny: The Global Travel Forecast for 2024

2024-01-11T18:26:03+08:001月 11th, 2024|

As a new year begins, it is a good opportunity to reflect on international travel in 2023 and to also look ahead… The global travel industry courageously navigated the pandemic’s severe ramifications and continues to demonstrate tremendous resilience post-Covid-19.  It’s been nearly four years since the pandemic was declared in March 2020, swiftly followed [...]

9 01, 2024

The GSTC Sustainable Tourism Training sponsored by The Austrian National Tourist Office concluded successfully

2024-01-09T17:57:42+08:001月 9th, 2024|

The Austrian National Tourist Office, Österreich Werbung, sponsored the GSTC Sustainable Tourism Training for its staff in Linz. The two-day training in German was held from November 9 to November 10, 2023. The Austrian National Tourist Office joined the GSTC as a member in May, 2023. The training was led by GSTC Trainers Dr. [...]

9 01, 2024


2024-01-15T09:20:50+08:001月 9th, 2024|

観光庁(JTA)では、地域が観光を活用し、持続的に地域経営を行えるよう、地方公共団体やDMO等向けの観光指標「日本版持続可能な観光ガイドライン(JSTS-D)」の研修動画を作成しました。このビデオは、YouTubeチャンネルで視聴可能であり、「持続可能な観光」に関する基本方針と特に地域に理解いただきたい基準に絞って説明しています。 日本版持続可能な観光ガイドライン(JSTS-D)は、2021年4月に「GSTC承認基準」(GSTC-Recognized standard status) を取得しました。 JSTS-DはGSTCの観光地向け基準に基づいており、2019年に国土交通省 観光庁(JTA)によって開発されました。これは、47の基準と日本固有の基準や指標が追加されたもので、包括的なガイドラインとして作成され、参考資料やガイドラインの使用方法、好事例、用語集、ひな形、役立つリンク等が含まれています。 詳細については観光庁のウェブページよりご確認下さい。

5 01, 2024

GSTC Criteria – Now Available in Polish

2024-01-05T18:03:00+08:001月 5th, 2024|

The GSTC Industry Criteria and the GSTC Destination Criteria v2.0 have been translated into Polish and are available to download in the Criteria Translations section. Kryteria Branżowe GSTC (dla hoteli i biur podróży) oraz Kryteria GSTC dla Destynacji Turystycznych v2.0 zostały przetłumaczone na język polski i są dostępne w sekcji "Tłumaczenia Kryteriów"

3 01, 2024

GSTC Training Combined with the ACSTDM Programme, University of Colombo-Sri Lanka

2024-01-03T17:46:13+08:001月 3rd, 2024|

The University of Colombo offers an Advanced Certificate Course in Sustainable Tourism Destination Management (ACSTDM) combined with the GSTC Sustainable Tourism Course, preparing students for leadership roles in tourism organizations looking to commit to sustainable tourism practices in Sri Lanka. “The University of Colombo has taken the lead in introducing the GSTC Sustainable Tourism [...]

2 01, 2024

Hotel Yearbook 2024 Hospitality ESG Edition Now Released

2024-01-02T16:35:48+08:001月 2nd, 2024|

The Hotel Yearbook 2024 Hospitality ESG Edition has been released and is available online for free. Along the same lines as previous editions of the Hotel Yearbook, the 2024 ESG Edition gathers the thoughts and research from a wide-ranging group of senior executives, analysts, consultants, and opinion leaders from all over the world.  This [...]

29 12, 2023

Public Consultation on GSTC Accreditation Manual Revision v.4.0

2023-12-29T21:34:18+08:0012月 29th, 2023|

We invite tourism industry stakeholders to participate in the public consultation on the revision of the GSTC Accreditation Manual for Certification of Hotel/Accommodation & Tour Operator v.4.0, which will run for 100 days from December 29th, 2023 to April 6th, 2024. About the GSTC Accreditation Manual for Certification of Hotel/Accommodation & Tour Operator: The [...]

28 12, 2023

GSTC Partners with Agoda and the Government of Goa to Promote More Sustainable Tourism in India

2023-12-28T15:56:15+08:0012月 28th, 2023|

The Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC) collaborated with Digital travel platform Agoda and the Government of Goa to organize a Hotel Sustainability Training for industry professionals from November 28 to 29, 2023, at Park Regis, Goa, India. This two-day program brought together local hoteliers for a series of sessions led by influential industry experts, [...]

26 12, 2023

GSTC Criteria – Now Available in Arabic

2023-12-26T16:03:26+08:0012月 26th, 2023|

The GSTC Industry Criteria and the GSTC Destination Criteria v2.0 have been translated into Arabic and are available to download in the Criteria Translations section. تمت ترجمة معايير المجلس العالمي للسياحة المستدامة لشركات القطاع السياحي (قطاع الفنادق و قطاع مكاتب السياحة والسفر ومنظمي الرحلات والتجارب السياحية) ومعاييرالمجلس العالمي للسياحة المستدامة للوجهات السياحية (الإصدار الثاني) إلى اللغة العربية وهي الآن متاحة [...]

25 12, 2023

GSTC at the Taiwan Visitors Association 67th Anniversary

2024-01-23T23:03:58+08:0012月 25th, 2023|

GSTC General Manager, Roi Ariel was a keynote speaker at the 67th Anniversary of the Taiwan Visitors Association, held on the 13th of December 2023. In his presentation titled 'Sustainable Tourism as the Future of Tourism,' Mr. Ariel highlighted the urgent need for integrating sustainable practices in the tourism sector, sharing insightful examples and [...]

21 12, 2023

Travelife Ltd revised Standard for Accommodation Providers Gains GSTC-Recognized Status

2023-12-21T16:39:59+08:0012月 21st, 2023|

The Global Sustainable Tourism Council® (GSTC®) is pleased to announce that the Travelife Ltd revised standard for accommodation providers has gained GSTC-Recognized status, meaning it has been fully recognized as equivalent to the GSTC Industry Criteria.  Travelife for Accommodation* revised standard, the first revision since 2014, reflects new and emerging sustainability issues and focuses [...]

20 12, 2023

The GSTC Sustainable Tourism Training sponsored by the Tokyo Convention & Visitors Bureau concluded successfully

2023-12-20T18:54:15+08:0012月 20th, 2023|

The Tokyo Convention & Visitors Bureau (TCVB) sponsored the GSTC Sustainable Tourism Training in Tokyo, Japan, from October 16th to October 18th, 2023. The training offered to 20 TCVB supporting members, was led by GSTC Trainer Dr. Mami Futagami, Emeritus Professor at Meijo University.   The GSTC Sustainable Tourism Course provided participants with the essential [...]

20 12, 2023

Jet2holidays launches ‘Certified Sustainable Hotels’ based on the GSTC Criteria

2023-12-21T23:05:57+08:0012月 20th, 2023|

Over 800 hotels feature in Jet2holidays’ new ‘Certified Sustainable Hotels’ collection Customers and independent travel agents can now easily find and choose from these hotels, which meet GSTC-Recognized Standards Jet2holidays has launched a brand-new program where they highlight sustainable hotels, meaning that customers and independent travel agents can easily find and choose from a [...]

19 12, 2023

GSTC Partners with BCD Travel China and Colorful Earth to Drive Sustainable Transformation in Business Travel

2023-12-19T21:37:27+08:0012月 19th, 2023|

To support companies in their quest for sustainable business travel, the Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC), BCD Travel China, and Colorful Earth have entered a partnership for 2024. In a collaborative effort, the partners are set to unveil the "Sustainable Business Travel Strategy Guide" along with a suite of training programs targeted at corporate [...]

15 12, 2023

Dr Ioannis Pappas, GSTC Director Mediterranean Region, participated in EBRD’s Webinar Series

2023-12-15T20:06:42+08:0012月 15th, 2023|

GSTC Mediterranean Region Director, Dr. Ioannis Pappas participated in the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) Webinars series as a keynote speaker with the session: “Hospitality for the resilient future: Adapting to Climate Challenges and Seizing Opportunities in Tourism” the 5th of December 2023, dedicated to SME’s; that was part of the series [...]

15 12, 2023

Fukuoka City Joins GSTC

2024-01-19T18:33:31+08:0012月 15th, 2023|

Fukuoka City has joined as a Member of the Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC), as the first municipality destination member in Japan.  Fukuoka City, situated in the northern part of Kyushu Island, Japan, emerges as a vibrant hub blending modernity with rich cultural heritage. This bustling metropolis, with its roots in the ancient city [...]

15 12, 2023

GSTC x JTB ステークホルダーダイアログ「サステナブルな観光地経営支援について」

2023-12-15T16:50:25+08:0012月 15th, 2023|

~2022年度ALL JTB AWARD サステナビリティ推進賞受賞の取り組みから今後のさらなる可能性を探る~ GSTCのCEOランディ・ダーバンドが2023年9月に日本を訪れた際、JTB本社でステークホルダーダイアログが開催されました。民間部門が日本における持続可能な観光地経営にどのように貢献できるかについて議論され、会議には、JTBグループの代表取締役である山北栄二郎氏をはじめ、執行役員の方々等が参加されました。 2022年度のALL JTB AWARD サステナビリティ推進賞*を受賞の取り組みから今後のさらなる可能性を探る事を目的とし、地域の持続可能性を高めていくために優良事例をどのようにして各地域の観光戦略に適応させていく事ができるのか、という事について議論されました。 GSTC理事の髙﨑邦子氏(JTB コーポレートコミュニケーション・広報担当執行役員)が、会議の進行役を務め、賞を取得したJTB熊本支店の担当中村亮介氏の小国町の鍋ヶ滝での賞取得に至るまでの経緯についての話からスタートしました。   記事全文は、こちらから [*注:※ JTBグループの商品、サービス、事業、仕組み、および社内の組織活動等の取り組みを対象とし 、サステナビリティへの貢献度、事業成長へのインパクト、KPIの明確さと達成度合いを総合的に勘案して授与される賞。]

15 12, 2023

NIKKEI GXがGSTCのCEO、ランディ・ダーバンドに持続可能性基準についてインタビュー

2023-12-15T16:45:52+08:0012月 15th, 2023|

観光施設にサステナ基準、欧米で選別の波 国際団体GSTC 新型コロナウイルス禍の影響が一巡し、人の移動が回復してきた。一方で、大量に二酸化炭素(CO2)を出す飛行機の利用は控えるべきだとの見方も欧州を中心に広がりつつある。観光業は環境問題にどう向き合うべきなのか。国際基準団体GSTCのランディ・ダーバンド最高経営責任者(CEO)はNIKKEI GXの取材で、今後はサステナビリティー(持続可能性)への配慮によって観光地の選別が進むと指摘した。 日経GX: https://www.nikkei.com/prime/gx/article/DGXZQOUC03CJF0T01C23A0000000 

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