
12 12, 2020

GSTC Training Program Highlights: 2020 Summary

2022-07-06T14:08:48+08:00diciembre 12th, 2020|

About the GSTC Sustainable Tourism Training Program With the aim of strengthening awareness of sustainable tourism in destinations around the world, the GSTC Sustainable Tourism Training Program (STTP) covers global trends in sustainable tourism. It looks at sustainability best practices for both businesses and destinations. It also offers a unique opportunity to gain an [...]

4 12, 2020

GSTC Training Short Course for Swisscontact Indonesia

2020-12-09T17:36:11+08:00diciembre 4th, 2020|

GSTC Sustainable Tourism Training for Swisscontact Indonesia The GSTC Sustainable Tourism Training Program (STTP) delivered a custom short online course on December 1st and 2nd, 2020, for Swisscontact Indonesia. The short training course was attended by 20 Swisscontact officers representing the following projects by the Swiss-Indonesian Development Cooperation: Sustainable Tourism Destination Development (SusTour), which [...]

23 11, 2020

Valsugana Tourism Board Joins GSTC

2022-07-12T08:38:37+08:00noviembre 23rd, 2020|

APT Valsugana Tourism Board has joined the Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC) as a destination member. Valsugana is located in northeastern Italy, with 62,000 inhabitants in 24 municipalities. After 15 years of planning, designing, implementing and monitoring the tourism activity in their area, Valsugana Tourism Board realized it was the right time to start [...]

15 11, 2020’s Sustainability Handbook

2022-07-06T12:51:28+08:00noviembre 15th, 2020|'s 2020 survey found that demand for sustainable accommodation is growing year on year: 82% of global travellers identified sustainable travel as important to them; 70% say they’re more likely to book accommodation if they know it’s eco-friendly. Therefore, launched a new sustainability handbook for its partners. The handbook includes information on setting [...]

12 11, 2020

One Planet Sustainable Tourism Programme 2019 Annual Magazine

2022-08-23T08:28:31+08:00noviembre 12th, 2020|

Using Standards to Scale Sustainability in Tourism There are countless standards and certification schemes for sustainable tourism in the world. This provides opportunities, but can also create confusion. For this reason, UNEP and UNWTO joined forces with industry leaders and the conservation community. Together, they created the GSTC as a Council and the GSTC [...]

11 11, 2020

MSC Cruises Calls Shore Excursion Tour Operators to Become Certified to the GSTC Criteria

2021-01-07T17:36:07+08:00noviembre 11th, 2020|

In their 2019 Sustainability Report 2019, MSC Cruises aims for all shore excursion tour operators at their frequent destinations to be certified to the GSTC Criteria as part of the PROTECTOURS Program: “In 2019, approximately 10% of our excursions were with tour operators certified to the Global Sustainable Tourism Council - GSTC standards. The GSTC [...]

10 11, 2020

GSTC Industry Criteria – Now Available in Japanese

2020-11-10T22:17:05+08:00noviembre 10th, 2020|

The GSTC Industry Criteria has been translated into Japanese and is available to download in the Criteria Translations section. GSTC観光産業向け基準が日本語に翻訳されました。基準(多言語)のページよりダウンロードが可能です。

10 11, 2020

GSTC Sustainable Tourism Training for the Japan Tourism Agency (JTA)

2021-02-09T08:19:19+08:00noviembre 10th, 2020|

In September and October 2020, the GSTC, in partnership with the Japan Tourism Agency (JTA) offered professional training sessions of the GSTC Sustainable Tourism Training Program (STTP) in five regional destinations: 三浦半島 Miura, Kanagawa 京都 Kyoto ニセコ Niseko, Hokkaido 沖縄 Okinawa 白川村 Shirakawa, Gifu These destinations are part of the JTA's ongoing efforts to implement the Japan Sustainable Tourism [...]

27 10, 2020

Hotelbeds joins the GSTC and launches Green Hotels Programme

2022-07-06T14:15:33+08:00octubre 27th, 2020|

Hotelbeds is launching a new initiative to identify, highlight and promote sustainable accommodation within its hotel portfolio. Over 15,000 properties are already part of The Green Hotels Programme and are available from today to more than 60,000 B2B travel buying partners worldwide. Additionally, Hotelbeds announces it has become a full member of the Global [...]

27 10, 2020

GreenStep Sustainable Tourism Standard is a GSTC-Recognized Standard

2022-04-04T19:16:51+08:00octubre 27th, 2020|

The Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC) is pleased to announce that the GreenStep Sustainable Tourism Standard (version 2) for Lodging and Tour Operators has achieved the ‘GSTC-Recognized Standard’ status. GreenStep’s Sustainable Tourism standard is part of their broader Sustainable Tourism 2030 initiative, which provides programs and services for destinations, tourism businesses, and accommodation providers. The [...]

26 10, 2020

Turismo de Portugal Joins GSTC

2020-10-27T09:46:21+08:00octubre 26th, 2020|

Turismo de Portugal has joined the Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC) as a destination member. Turismo de Portugal is the official Portuguese Tourism Board, responsible for the promotion, development and sustainability of tourist activity in the country. It thus unites in one single body all the institutional powers relating to the development of tourism, [...]

21 10, 2020 expects to see a more eco-conscious mindset in 2021 and beyond

2022-07-06T12:51:28+08:00octubre 21st, 2020| Reveals Nine Predictions For The Future of Travel #6 Impact Awakening expects to see a more eco-conscious mindset in 2021 and beyond as Coronavirus has amped people’s awareness about their impact on the environment and local communities, according to new insights, data and research spanning 20,000 travelers across 28 countries. "Over half [...]

8 10, 2020

Destination Stewardship Report – Autumn 2020 (Volume 1, Issue 2)

2021-08-08T00:43:42+08:00octubre 8th, 2020|

Destination Stewardship Report Autumn 2020 October-December (Volume 1, Issue 2) The Destination Stewardship Report is an e-quarterly collaboration between the Destination Stewardship Center and Global Sustainable Tourism Council, and in time maybe others. Our goal is to provide practical information and insights useful to anyone whose work or interests involve improving destination stewardship in a [...]

6 10, 2020

GSTC Destination Criteria v2 – Now Available in Thai

2020-10-06T11:36:03+08:00octubre 6th, 2020|

The GSTC Destination Criteria v2.0 has been translated into Thai and is available to download in the Criteria Translations section. เกณฑ์การท่องเที่ยวอย่างยั่งยืนโลก สำหรับแหล่งท่องเที่ยว v2.0 (GSTC Destination Criteria v2.0) แปลภาษาไทย สามารถดาวน์โหลดได้แล้วที่ Criteria Translations.

29 09, 2020

GSTC Destination Criteria v2 – Now Available in German

2020-10-06T11:34:06+08:00septiembre 29th, 2020|

The GSTC Destination Criteria v2.0 has been translated into German and is available to download in the Criteria Translations section. Die GSTC Destination Criteria v2.0 wurde ins Deutsche übersetzt und kann im Bereich Criteria Translations heruntergeladen werden.

27 09, 2020

Why local communities are important to the future of Japan’s ailing tourism industry (The Japan Times)

2020-09-30T09:06:22+08:00septiembre 27th, 2020|

The pandemic has accelerated these trends. Prior to 2020, the government had already poured trillions of yen into promoting lesser-visited parts of Japan as tourist destinations. Although sustainability rarely factored into official tourism strategy within Japan, the effects of the climate crisis and overtourism appear to have finally made some impact. Government white papers [...]

27 09, 2020

COVID-19 put a halt to over-tourism. Can we plan a sustainable reset? (The Globe and Mail)

2020-09-27T11:45:10+08:00septiembre 27th, 2020|

Because so many organizations and destinations are coming at this from different starting points, the Global Sustainable Tourism Council - GSTC has established a baseline standard for more responsible tourism practices, offering criteria that help consumers find reputable destinations and companies. It also helps both government and private-sector organizations develop sustainable tourism requirements for destinations, [...]

25 09, 2020

A Call for Restarting Travel & Tourism with Child Protection in Focus

2020-09-30T12:45:56+08:00septiembre 25th, 2020|

ECPAT and the Down to Zero Alliance call upon governments and businesses to prioritize child protection when developing a sustainable future for the sector 25 September 2020 – The Down to Zero Alliance comprising Terre des Hommes Netherlands, Defence for Children-ECPAT, ECPAT International, Free a Girl, ICCO and Plan International Netherlands calls upon the intergovernmental [...]

15 09, 2020

The Case for Responsible Travel: Trends & Statistics 2020 by CREST

2021-04-06T11:30:19+08:00septiembre 15th, 2020|

The Center for Responsible Travel (CREST) released a new tourism industry study; The Case for Responsible Travel: Trends & Statistics 2020. This year's report includes a special focus on the two major crises facing our world today: climate change and COVID-19. Using cutting-edge research, the 2020 Case for Responsible Travel report provides an overview [...]

4 09, 2020

China’s Sustainable Travel Alliance

2020-09-08T13:18:05+08:00septiembre 4th, 2020|

Sep 4, 2020 - WWF, in cooperation with relevant players in the travel and tourism industry and other civil society actors, has launched the Sustainable Travel Alliance online (可持续旅行联盟), in which over 21 members have made a commitment to fighting the illegal wildlife trade, and reducing plastic and food waste in the tourism sector. [...]

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