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Destinations news

10 08, 2020

GSTC Sustainable Tourism Training for the Cayman Islands Department of Tourism

2020-08-31T22:31:22+08:00août 10th, 2020|

GSTC Sustainable Tourism Training for the Cayman Islands The Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC), in partnership with the Cayman Islands Department of Tourism (CIDT), organized a custom online training course for 20 CIDT representatives from across the organization, including a wide range of sections and departments - from customer service, to promotion, to [...]

21 07, 2020

Arizona Office of Tourism Joins GSTC

2020-07-22T18:19:37+08:00juillet 21st, 2020|

Arizona Office of Tourism Joins GSTC July 2020 - The Arizona Office of Tourism has joined the Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC) as a destination member. The Arizona Office of Tourism works to strengthen and grow Arizona's economy through travel and tourism promotion, positioning Arizona as a leading destination for domestic and international travelers [...]

1 07, 2020

GSTC’s Crucial Criterion A1

2021-07-11T16:37:41+08:00juillet 1st, 2020|

Destination Stewardship Report – Summer 2020 (Volume 1, Issue 1) This post is from the Destination Stewardship Report (Summer 2020, Volume 1, Issue 1), an e-quarterly publication that provides practical information and insights useful to anyone whose work or interests involve improving destination stewardship in a post-pandemic world. GSTC-D A1: Its Importance by Randy [...]

1 07, 2020

Revising GSTC’s Destination Criteria

2021-07-11T16:37:48+08:00juillet 1st, 2020|

Destination Stewardship Report – Summer 2020 (Volume 1, Issue 1) This post is from the Destination Stewardship Report (Summer 2020, Volume 1, Issue 1), an e-quarterly publication that provides practical information and insights useful to anyone whose work or interests involve improving destination stewardship in a post-pandemic world. The Elaborate Process of Revising Your [...]

1 07, 2020

Destination Stewardship Report – Inaugural Issue

2021-08-08T00:46:04+08:00juillet 1st, 2020|

Destination Stewardship Report Summer 2020 Q3 (Volume 1, Issue 1) Welcome to the Destination Stewardship Report. This quarterly e-newsletter is a collaboration between the Destination Stewardship Center and Global Sustainable Tourism Council, and in time maybe others. Our goal is to provide information and insights useful to anyone whose work or interests involve improving [...]

22 06, 2020

GSTC Sustainable Tourism Training for the Bahamas Ministry of Tourism & Aviation

2020-08-03T19:29:24+08:00juin 22nd, 2020|

GSTC Sustainable Tourism Training for the Bahamas The GSTC Sustainable Tourism Training Program (STTP) delivered, in partnership with the Bahamas Ministry of Tourism and Aviation, a 2-week online course on the GSTC Criteria. The course was attended by tourism industry stakeholders from both the public and private sectors, representing destinations including: Nassau, [...]

5 06, 2020

GSTC Training for Destination and Industry Stakeholders in Norway

2020-08-03T19:29:14+08:00juin 5th, 2020|

Promoting Sustainability Skills for More Sustainable Destinations In May - June 2020, the GSTC Sustainable Tourism Training Program (STTP) hosted a custom 4-week course for destination and industry stakeholders from across Norway, in partnership with Innovation Norway. The course participants, from over 40 destinations across Norway, are part of Innovation Norway's Sustainable [...]

3 06, 2020

Report on GSTC Destination Assessment of Dubrovnik

2020-06-05T14:27:51+08:00juin 3rd, 2020|

Dubrovnik, 2nd June - The Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC) Destination Assessment of Dubrovnik Report was presented in Dubrovnik via video by Dr. Ioannis Pappas, GSTC Director - Mediterranean Region, with the participation of Mato Franković, Mayor of Dubrovnik, and Kelly Craighead, President and CEO of Cruise Lines International Association (CLIA). The presentation was [...]

1 06, 2020

Timeline To Certification: Jackson Hole/Teton County Receive Earthcheck Silver Sustainable Destination Certification

2021-04-09T07:15:11+08:00juin 1st, 2020|

By Tim O’Donoghue, Riverwind Foundation 2012: Jackson Hole is a Sustainable Destination Standards Early Adopter In 2012, the Global Sustainable Tourism Council selected Jackson Hole as one of the first Early Adopters of Sustainable Destination Standards. The GSTC’s concluding remarks were that “Teton County more than any other place in the world has the [...]

28 05, 2020

Survey results on Japanese Sustainable Tourism based on GSTC Destination Criteria

2020-05-28T09:42:42+08:00mai 28th, 2020|

Under GSTC’s auspices, a national survey based on the GSTC Destination Criteria (GSTC-D) was conducted by Japan Tourism Agency among Japan’s local governments, to assess the degree of understanding on sustainability issues, and the current activities in developing sustainable destinations. The survey also aimed to help the development of "Japan Sustainable Tourism Standard for [...]

25 05, 2020

The GSTC Criteria now Available in the Western Balkan Languages

2020-05-27T16:16:48+08:00mai 25th, 2020|

Facing the need to grow sustainability as the long-term competitive advantage of rural areas – and in fact, of any type of tourism destinations and businesses - the Regional Rural Development Standing Working Group (SWG RRD) and the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), within the jointly implemented regional project  Support to Economic Diversification [...]

8 04, 2020

Greek Ministry of Tourism Joins GSTC

2022-08-27T10:36:16+08:00avril 8th, 2020|

Greek Ministry of Tourism Joins GSTC On March 9th, a Cooperation Agreement has been signed between the Greek Ministry of Tourism and the Global Council of Sustainable Tourism (GSTC), signifying the Ministry's intention to harmonize the Greek tourism industry with international standards for sustainable tourism development. [GMT press release in Greek] Through this cooperation, [...]

20 02, 2020

Japan Tourism Agency Joins GSTC

2021-04-05T15:58:03+08:00février 20th, 2020|

Japan Tourism Agency Joins GSTC Japan Tourism Agency has joined the Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC) as a Destination Member. The Japan Tourism Agency (JTA) is an organization that was set up in 2008 as an agency of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism. It was established to serve as the hub [...]

25 01, 2020

Moab Area Travel Council Joins GSTC

2021-06-24T12:07:44+08:00janvier 25th, 2020|

Moab Area Travel Council Joins GSTC January 2020 - Moab Area Travel Council has joined the Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC) as a destination member. The Moab Area Travel Council (MATC), directed by State code, seeks to improve the local economy by promoting, marketing, and supporting recreation, tourism, events, and conventions in a manner [...]

9 12, 2019

« Navigating the Way Forward » – GSTC 2019 Global Conference in the Azores

2023-02-07T16:40:06+08:00décembre 9th, 2019|

“Navigating the Way Forward” – GSTC 2019 Global Conference in the Azores The GSTC 2019 Global Sustainable Tourism Conference "Navigating the Way Forward" that took place on December 4th-7th in Terceira Island, the Azores, brought together 250 delegates from 42 countries, along with hundreds of viewers that watched the live broadcasting of the conference. [...]

14 11, 2019

Jeju Special Self-Governing Province Joins GSTC

2019-11-14T12:08:55+08:00novembre 14th, 2019|

Jeju Special Self-Governing Province has joined the Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC) as a Destination Member. As the largest volcanic island in Korea, Jeju Special Self-Governing Province is one of Koreans’ popular destinations due to its unique and beautiful nature and culture, and is most commonly known to Koreans as the best honeymoon destination in [...]

10 08, 2019

Sri Lanka Tourism Development Authority (SLTDA) Awards Hotels through the National Sustainable Tourism Certification (NSTC)

2019-08-29T20:29:08+08:00août 10th, 2019|

Sri Lanka Tourism Development Authority (SLTDA) initiated the National Sustainable Tourism Certification (NSTC) as the first step towards making Sri Lanka's tourism industry sustainable with the technical and financial assistance from UNDP Biodiversity Finance Initiative (BIOFIN). As part of the process, hotels were awarded for their sustainable practices on 5th August 2019 at Ape Game, [...]

30 07, 2019

Destination Assessment of Belize City

2022-04-22T03:37:54+08:00juillet 30th, 2019|

Belize Tourism Overview Belize offers plenty of opportunities to explore its natural resources. It has one of the largest barrier reefs in the northern hemisphere - a World Heritage Site; the Blue Hole; offshore islands; and Mayan archaeological sites, ancient cities, and sacred cave complexes. This array of ecosystems and cultural attractions has made [...]

1 07, 2019

Sustainable Sedona Tourism

2021-03-16T10:23:06+08:00juillet 1st, 2019|

Jennifer Wesselhoff, President and CEO of the Sedona Chamber of Commerce, speaks about Sedona, Arizona's new sustainable tourism plan following their GSTC Destination Assessment in 2016. Sedona is applying the GSTC Criteria for Destinations, applying key tactics to keep their resident and visitor experience top-notch while the population *doubles* daily from tourism--a $1B business for [...]

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