Latest GSTC News and Updates

20 06, 2011

Election Committee

2011-06-20T19:55:05+08:00June 20th, 2011|

The GSTC Board of Directors includes twelve seats with three-year terms, with annual elections for those among the twelve which are vacant or expired. This committee plays an oversight role on the process of nominating and electing board members to those seats. Their specific duties are dictated by the organization's bylaws. herbert.hamele @ y: [...]

15 06, 2011

Barcelona and the Responsible Tourism Challenge

2020-05-16T11:36:33+08:00June 15th, 2011|

Over the past twenty years, Barcelona has undergone an extraordinary evolution as a tourist destination.  Boosted by the Olympic Games of 1992 (an authentic point of inflection - before and after) Barcelona has gone from being practically irrelevant on the international tourist circuit, to becoming one of the most highly desired world destinations. With [...]

15 06, 2011

Certification Helped the Timber & Fishing Industries. Is Travel Next?

2011-06-15T06:00:53+08:00June 15th, 2011|

Consumer interest in Sustainable Travel is on the rise.  According to a recent report from CMIGreen, consumers are more actively engaging in activities and purchasing decisions that are inline with their values.  When consumers made the same value alignment with fish and paper products big changes were seen in those respective industries. Study after study [...]

13 06, 2011

Accreditation – The Name of the Credibility Game

2017-06-26T08:24:27+08:00June 13th, 2011|

In a previous post we talked about the fact that customers are removed from the certification process. They aren’t fully aware of what a business is doing and/or if that business is making improvements in order to maintain its status as a certified sustainable business. True. These same concerns surrounded the establishment of programs for [...]

7 06, 2011

Sabre Holdings and Travelocity adopt the GSTC Standards

2021-10-15T06:51:00+08:00June 7th, 2011|

Leilani Latimer - Sabre Holdings, GSTC Board Member and Chair of the Market Access Working Group Standards for Sustainable Tourism When you think of standards, do you think of limitations or confinements? If you've ever been in sales, you know that standards can give you boundaries, which you can then run freely [...]

6 06, 2011

The GSTC Criteria: Not One-Size-Fits-All

2011-06-06T06:00:52+08:00June 6th, 2011|

One of the most common misconceptions about the GSTC Criteria is that it was designed to be a one-size-fits-all solution. This couldn’t be farther from the reality. The criteria are a reference or starting point for any business seeking to become more sustainable. In fact, the GSTC has created tools to help businesses do a [...]

31 05, 2011

The International Standards Working Group – Laying The Foundation

2021-10-02T04:54:05+08:00May 31st, 2011|

The International Standards Working Group will gather at the 2nd Annual GSTC Membership Council Meeting to continue our work on updating the GSTC Criteria. Our Working Group is responsible for managing the GSTC Criteria, specifically the revision process as required by ISEAL standards. Prior to the annual meeting I wanted to provide a bit [...]

30 05, 2011

GSTC Membership – Join Today & Be A Part of the Momentum!

2021-01-09T13:48:18+08:00May 30th, 2011|

Shannon Stowell - President, Adventure Travel Trade Association and GSTC Board Member I recently sent a direct invitation to the entire Adventure Travel Trade Association (ATTA) members to join the Global Sustainable Tourism Council. Why? Why would I encourage our members to join another organization? Because I believe membership in the GSTC [...]

30 05, 2011

Our Amos Bien To Moderate Webinar: Using Tourism Certification To Position Your Business in the Market. Free!

2021-12-15T00:52:22+08:00May 30th, 2011|

Amos Bien - Technical Director, GSTC The GSTC and the Rainforest Alliance are presenting a two-part webinar series for ATTA on using certification to position businesses in the marketplace. Our fabulous Technical Director, Amos Bien, will moderate the sessions. Session #1, covering terminology and definitions, will be June 9 @ 10am PDT [...]

26 05, 2011

TravelMole Interview with GSTC Executive Director Erika Harms

2021-12-15T00:07:23+08:00May 26th, 2011|

Last week at the World Travel & Tourism Council's Global Summit held in Las Vegas, Nevada, GSTC Executive Director Erika Harms spent some time chatting with TravelMole TV's Charles Kao.Erika discusses a number of issues about GSTC's future education outreach to providers and consumers, the growing demand for sustainable tourism, new partnerships with Amadeus and [...]

25 05, 2011

Let’s Talk

2021-12-23T05:28:29+08:00May 25th, 2011|

There has been some talk about the GSTC not being responsive to criticism. We’d like to address this and then get back to the collaborative work of helping the travel and tourism sector protect destinations, reduce poverty and create equitable and productive markets. The GSTC takes feedback and criticism seriously. We posted an open letter in [...]

23 05, 2011

GSTC Board Member Elections 2011

2017-03-04T16:43:56+08:00May 23rd, 2011|

The GSTC Secretariat is pleased to announce the opening of the GSTC Board Election process as described in our by-laws (Article 5, Section 5) and Operations Manual. To review the process please click here.  First please visit the Candidates page to learn about each candidate. Then click on VOTING FORM to make your selections. On [...]

11 05, 2011

Adventure Travel World Summit

2011-05-11T15:27:02+08:00May 11th, 2011|

  The Adventure Travel Trade Associations' annual Adventure Travel World Summit delivers to executive-level adventure tourism professionals the must-attend conference of the year for the global adventure travel community.  Meet GSTC board members Leilani Latimar, Director, Sustainability Initiatives at Sabre Holdings and Shannon Stowell, President of ATTA.  Join the ATTA in Chiapas, Mexico, October 17-20, 2011 [...]

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