Latest GSTC News and Updates

20 06, 2019

9.2 million TUI customers stayed in certified hotels (81% of TUI’s Hotels)

2022-08-23T08:27:23+08:00June 20th, 2019|

TUI 2018 Sustainability Report: 9.2 million customers stayed in sustainable hotels certified to a GSTC-Recognized standard (81% of the hotels owned by TUI Group) TUI Group has just released its 2018 Sustainability Report with the progress on their goal to increase the number of hotels with sustainability certifications to accommodate 10 million customers a year [...]

16 06, 2019

GSTC Destination Criteria Revision: 2nd round of public consultation

2019-06-18T16:22:33+08:00June 16th, 2019|

We are currently revising the GSTC Destination Criteria (GSTC-D). Earlier this year we held a public consultation asking for comments on the existing criteria and inviting recommendations for improvements and additions. We are most grateful to everyone for their contribution. Based on the consultation we have proposed revised GSTC-D criteria, accessible here. From mid-June, [...]

14 06, 2019

GSTC Webinar Recording: Accessible & Inclusive Travel

2023-07-07T22:53:57+08:00June 14th, 2019|

On June 14th, 2023, ahead of the first cohort of the GSTC Accessible & Inclusive Travel Online Course (July 3-9, 2023), Martin Heng, former Accessible Travel Manager and Editorial Adviser at Lonely Planet, shared invaluable insights in a public webinar about Accessible & Inclusive Travel. This public webinar was moderated by Roi Ariel, GSTC [...]

10 06, 2019

Destination Assessment of Roatan, Honduras

2021-01-23T07:23:22+08:00June 10th, 2019|

Tourism in Roatan, Honduras Today Roatan is an island in the Caribbean located 65 kilometers from the coast of Honduras. Tourism is key to Roatan’s economy. However, it's unfortunately confronted with its own set of issues. The island’s growing popularity has resulted in increased wastewater, pollution, and other environmental threats. These are all accelerated [...]

6 06, 2019

Bangkok Post: Push to Certify Sustainable Destinations

2022-04-01T06:14:47+08:00June 6th, 2019|

Push to Certify Sustainable Destinations The Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC) has teamed up with the state-run Designated Areas Sustainable Tourism Administration (Dasta) and Mae Fah Luang University to develop experts in sustainable destination assessment. The collaboration marks a significant step for the global body in ASEAN, where Indonesia and Thailand are the first [...]

5 06, 2019

Balancing Tourism and Sustainability across Asia (Urban Land Institute)

2020-05-31T19:23:42+08:00June 5th, 2019|

“Closing beaches that have been overused wouldn’t need to happen today if yesterday there had been proper planning and execution of sustainable policies, plus enforcement of existing laws relating to waste management,” says Randy Durband, GSTC CEO. “The good news is that there is positive movement. The bad news is that much needs to [...]

31 05, 2019

CNBC Writes About the GSTC Destination Criteria

2019-07-31T11:42:32+08:00May 31st, 2019|

"In order for a destination to be certified as sustainable, the Global Sustainable Tourism Council outlines a list of criteria. It ranges from supporting local businesses, to conserving natural resources, and encouraging visitors to participate in the community." Separately, places like Jackson Hole, Wyoming and Yellowstone National Park in Montana are following a similar [...]

31 05, 2019

Arival: Are Sustainability Certifications Worth It?

2019-05-31T10:16:35+08:00May 31st, 2019|

Arival Looks into the question: "Are Sustainability Certifications Worth It?"   There is a clear business opportunity for tour operators to please travelers who care about sustainability a little—and to earn new customers from the passionate travelers who care about sustainability a lot. Certifications can help prove your company’s sustainable practices, and offer assurance to [...]

28 05, 2019

GSTC Industry Criteria – Now Available in Swedish

2021-03-19T13:29:08+08:00May 28th, 2019|

The GSTC Destination Criteria has been translated into Swedish and is available to download in the Criteria Translations section. GSTCs Destinationskriterier har översatts till svenska och finns att ladda ner i avdelningen för kriterieöversättningar.

26 05, 2019

The Mauritian Standard on Sustainable Tourism is Now a GSTC-Recognized Standard

2019-05-28T00:05:20+08:00May 26th, 2019|

The Mauritian Standard on Sustainable Tourism is Now a GSTC-Recognized Standard The Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC) is pleased to announce that the Mauritian Standard on Sustainable Tourism has achieved the ‘GSTC-Recognized Standard’ status. The Mauritian Standard on Sustainable Tourism (MS 165:2019) was developed to guide the sustainable development of the tourism industry in [...]

24 05, 2019

GSTC Training Program Announces New Partner, mascontour

2019-05-24T21:22:46+08:00May 24th, 2019|

GSTC Training Partner: mascontour Sustainable Tourism Consulting & Communication The Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC) announces a new partnership with mascontour, a leading global sustainable tourism consultancy based in Berlin, Germany. GSTC will work with mascontour's team of expert sustainable tourism consultants to deliver training and skills development opportunities for tourism industry professionals. One [...]

22 05, 2019

Tips from Airbnb Tourism Advisory Board

2019-05-22T11:40:33+08:00May 22nd, 2019|

How to Support Healthy Tourism When You Travel: Tips from Airbnb Tourism Advisory Board Professor the Hon. Bob Carr, the former Foreign Affairs Minister for Australia and former Premier of New South Wales: "Beyond the advice of our Tourism Advisory Board, there are many other resources you can tap for learning how to be a [...]

20 05, 2019

PATA BUFFET – State of the Industry Report

2020-09-01T13:17:04+08:00May 20th, 2019|

PATA BUFFET (Building an Understanding For Food Excess in Tourism) State of the Industry Report Every year around the globe, 1.3 billion tonnes of food is lost or wasted. That is one-third of all food produced for human consumption (FAO, 2019). There is a huge opportunity for the tourism and hospitality industry in the Asia [...]

15 05, 2019

GSTC Destiniation Criteria – Now Available in Swedish

2021-03-19T13:29:18+08:00May 15th, 2019|

The GSTC Destination Criteria has been translated into Swedish and is available to download in the Criteria Translations section. GSTCs Branschkriterier har översatts till svenska och finns att ladda ner i avdelningen för kriterieöversättningar.

9 05, 2019

On the Road to Sustainable Tourism in Västerbotten, Sweden

2021-03-19T10:47:00+08:00May 9th, 2019|

GSTC Member "Region Västerbotten" in Northern Sweden, has identified GSTC and its Criteria as a means to help create sustainable tourism in businesses and DMOs. Region Västerbotten is responsible for regional development and growth in Västerbotten County. This is the story of they have applied the GSTC Criteria in their region: Step 1: Regional [...]

8 05, 2019

Sustainability Heroes in Västerbotten

2021-03-19T10:46:24+08:00May 8th, 2019|

Region Västerbotten in Northern Sweden has completed a three-year project of introducing sustainable thinking and acting among industry and public stakeholders with the GSTC Criteria as guidelines. About 60 tourism businesses were assessed with GSTC Industry Criteria and given sustainable tourism action plans. Participants ranged from small family outdoors businesses to city hotels, museums [...]

3 05, 2019

APEC: Recognising Sustainability in Tourism

2020-09-01T13:20:01+08:00May 3rd, 2019|

APEC Addresses Greenwashing in Tourism and refers to the importance of GSTC in a new Policy Report Demand for sustainable tourism has been on the rise, and with it came exaggerated sustainability claims – also known as “greenwashing”. This policy brief addresses the issue by examining the use of environmental certifications to address greenwashing and [...]

25 04, 2019

Global Travelers prefer eco-friendly accommodation: Sustainable Travel Report 2019

2021-06-04T11:42:38+08:00April 25th, 2019|

Global Travelers prefer eco-friendly accommodation: Sustainable Travel Report 2019 70% of global travelers say they would be more likely to book an accommodation knowing it was eco-friendly, whether they were looking for a sustainable stay or not. However, when it comes to recognizing a sustainable place to stay, almost three quarters (72%) of [...]

24 04, 2019

Condé Nast Traveler Recommends GSTC

2019-05-02T09:08:02+08:00April 24th, 2019|

Condé Nast Traveler Recommends GSTC “Aside from air travel, properties have some of the greatest impacts in terms of energy use and food." Check a hotel’s website for a "Responsible Travel," "Environment," or "Good Stewards" section—if they’ve spent time, energy, and money to be low-impact, they’ll likely have this information displayed - says Jim Sano, WWF​'s [...]

19 04, 2019

The Toll of Tourism: Can Southeast Asia Save Its Prized Natural Areas?

2019-04-21T14:37:59+08:00April 19th, 2019|

The Toll of Tourism: Can Southeast Asia Save Its Prized Natural Areas? From Thailand to Bali, a huge increase in tourists, many from China and other rapidly developing economies, is straining sensitive ecosystems to the breaking point. Some countries are trying to control the boom, with a few closing popular destinations to allow damaged [...]

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