GSTC Sustainable Tourism Training: January 24-26, 2022
This week, the GSTC delivered a 3-day in-person training in Awaji Island, Hyogo, Japan, engaging tourism industry professionals representing various sectors including travel agencies, local and regional government bodies, tour guides, media, tour operators, and educators.
Led by GSTC Trainer Masaru Takayama (Founder, Asian Ecotourism Network; Owner, Spirit of Japan Travel), the training class also featured presentations and contributions by local destination representatives and sustainability leaders: Mr. Hajime Takahashi, Sumoto City, Planning Section; Mr. Junzo Tsuji, Awaji Satoyama Preservation Society; and Mr. Kiyotaka Okada, Environment Ministry Counselor.
Below are some comments provided by participants, highlighting the importance of applying sustainability practices through various sectors and fields involved in tourism.
(Comments originally provided in Japanese – English translation added by the GSTC).
今回のプログラムを受けて、サステナブルツーリズムの基本的な考え方や必要性、取り組むに当たり必要な行動指針など、具体的かつ体系的に理解できました。- 細川公志 アドバイザー 株式会社ライダス (“Through this training program, I was able to understand – in more detail and systematically – the fundamental approaches to sustainability, its importance, and how to implement action steps.“)
通訳ガイドとして、ただ日本の観光地をご紹介するだけでなく、今後は地域の方々と観光客の橋渡しをするインタープリターとしての使命と、持続可能な観光は町づくりという認識を持って、日本の文化、伝統を世界へ広めていきたいと思いました。- Mariko Shimura, Tour Guide (“As a tour guide, I became more aware of my mission of serving as an interpreter connecting local communities and visitors, and supporting local development through sustainable tourism – and not just showing tourist attractions to visitors.“)
観光ビジネスのため、企業の存続のためという観点だけではなく、GSTCの理念や取り組みが、社会常識や生活規範として浸透して行くことが重要だと考える。そこから行政、ビジネス、市民としてナチュラルに行動していくことが理想だと思う。- 井上 寿 代表取締役 株式会社ライダス (“I recognize that sustainability practices – as represented by the GSTC Criteria – should be spread across different areas of society and through our daily lives, not just for supporting the needs of tourism businesses. With such an understanding, I hope to see sustainability actions organically grow among public, private and civil society stakeholders.“)
About the GSTC Sustainable Tourism Training Course
✓ Gain in-depth knowledge of the GSTC Criteria, the global standard for sustainability in travel and tourism. |