On June 6th, the European Urban Initiative (EUI) launched the Public Consultation of the draft Action Plans of the Urban Agenda (UA) for the EU Thematic Partnerships on Greening Cities and Sustainable Tourism.

The Public Consultation of the draft Action Plan of Sustainable Tourism will be open from 6th June until 11th July. A summary of the draft Action Plan is available here to facilitate the consultation process. The complete draft of the Action Plan is available here.

Have your say here: EU Survey Public Consultation Form

The proposed set of Actions aims to transform the tourism landscape, making it more resilient, inclusive, and environmentally conscious. Developed through extensive collaboration among the members of the Thematic Partnership on Sustainable Tourism, within the Urban Agenda for EU, the Action Plan outlines six Actions designed to address the key challenges faced in the framework of urban tourism today. 

The consultation is open to everyone interested in contributing, including institutions and authorities, academic and research centers, companies, NGOs, experts, and citizens, are encouraged to participate by sharing their knowledge and ideas to further develop and enhance the proposed actions. Once the Public Consultation ends, the partnership will integrate the feedback in the final Action Plan which will be finalised in winter 2024.

More information can be found on the  UAEU Partnership page here, where you will also find a Miro-board illustrating the Actions of the Action Plan. 

You can read the original news article about the public consultation here: https://www.urbanagenda.urban-initiative.eu/news/have-your-say-sustainable-tourism-draft-action-plan