Mount Huangshan Scenic Area Administrative Committee (HSAC) is an organization legislatively ratified by the standing committees of the People’s Congress of Anhui Province and authorized by the Huangshan Municipal Government to conduct the overall management of Mt.Huangshan.HSAC has four functions,including strategic planning, protecting the resources and environment, promoting tourism development and coordinating the interests of communities. Mt. Huangshan is the only one featuring mountainous landscape among “the top ten scenic areas in China”. Mt.Huangshan was listed in“World Cultural and Natural Heritage” site in 1990 by UNESCO. By 2009, Mt Huangshan Tourism Development Group, established by the HSAC, managing nearly 50 enterprises with the total number of employees about more than 6,000 people. It is one of “the Top 20 Chinese Tourism Groups”,including travel agency management group, cable-car companies, company specialized in scenic area management, cultural development tourism company, and star-rated hotels.