Khiri Travel is more than just another tour supplier. As an independently owned high-end travel supplier, Khiri offers the chance to veer off the beaten path and to discover something utterly new. Rather than simply lead tourists through the same predictable litany of guidebook highlights, our tours take adventurers deep into the heart of Southeast Asian culture. Agents who partner with Khiri have the unique opportunity to provide their clients with immersive experiences, such as visiting untainted communities, engaging with local populations, and encountering things they may never have discovered on their own. Our guides are able to offer this level of authenticity because we have spent years building genuine relationships in each of our host countries. We have offices on the ground in Myanmar, Thailand, Laos, Vietnam, Indonesia and Cambodia. In each country, our employees reach out to their communities through a series of socially and environmentally minded projects. Khiri shares profits and business with locals, creating jobs and a steady source of income. Our philanthropic work is so extensive that we have a separate charity group (KhiriReach) dedicated to improving the lives of the underprivileged and the environments in which they live. In one of the world’s fastest growing tourism regions, Khiri provides an intimate, personalized and meaningful alternative to generic package trips. Our tours can all be customized to suit individual or group needs, and to help travelers experience this region in a way they will never forget.  For more information, please visit