sml tourism eco forum114 October 2016, Barcelona, Spain – Luigi Cabrini, GSTC Chair, spoke about «Green & Inclusive City Destinations – How to conciliate sustainability and competitiveness?» at the Tourism Eco Forum in Barcelona on October 14, 2016.

Susana Conde, GSTC Spain Representative and one of the GSTC Board of Directors, moderated the workshop on «Taking Action for Sustainable Destination Objective,» where Luigi Cabrini also spoke. The workshop was for tourist organizations interested in applying sustainability criteria. Through members of the Global Council of Sustainable Tourism and other organizations got to know how to apply them in their respective sectors.

The Global Eco-Forum joined forces with the Vilamon Festival, a citizen event promoting responsible and sustainable tourism, and the City of Barcelona, to reflect on the sustainable transition of Urban Tourism in the Mediterranean and its contribution to the implementation of Paris Agreements and the Sustainable Development Goals.


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