The first GSTC Applied DEI in Travel Course was conducted from June 6th to June 29, 2023, and successfully concluded after four weeks. The online course created in partnership with Travel Unity, gave participants an opportunity to learn about best practices in diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) and have meaningful dialogues with colleagues from across the globe. The training covered Travel Unity’s DEI Standards for Visitor-Facing Organizations, which center on three Pillars: Management & Workforce, Visitorship, and Community Impact.

DEI Course

The Importance of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI)

Diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) are crucial components of a thriving travel and tourism industry. Diversity brings together a wide range of cultures, traditions, and perspectives, thereby enhancing the richness of the travel experience and promoting global understanding and mutual respect. Equity ensures fair access to travel opportunities and employment within the industry, irrespective of race, gender, age, religion, disability, or socio-economic status. This makes the industry more resilient, adaptable, and representative of the global community it serves. Inclusion, on the other hand, fosters a sense of belonging and respect for every individual, encouraging participation and collaboration. An inclusive environment enhances customer satisfaction, stimulates innovation, and fosters a creative workplace.

In a world increasingly connected, DEI presents an opportunity for the industry to lead by example, demonstrating how an embrace of diverse perspectives can contribute to a more harmonious and equitable society.

Highlights from the Course

Throughout this 4-week online journey, participants developed a deeper understanding of DEI and were equipped with the tools necessary to cultivate a more inclusive and equitable environment in their own organization. The course had a practical application component with real-life examples from its trainer, Roni Weiss, Executive Director of Travel Unity. Participants came from various sectors and provided diverse perspectives: Tour Operator and Travel Agency, Education / Research / Academia, Accomodation.

Monica Molina, Senior Consultant, Global Destinations Sustainability Movement said about the course: « The best part of the training is the personal exchange with other participants and the trainer. I learned a lot from their experience and opened my vision to different perspectives. »

Upcoming courses

 Our next GSTC Applied DEI in Travel Course will start from October 10th to November 3rd, 2023.  More information on this four-week online course is here.