Individual Membership

Become a GSTC Member Today

Individual Membership is for individual tourism industry stakeholders, for example independent consultants and freelance professionals, who are engaged in sustainable tourism and would like to support and contribute to the GSTC’s work of spreading sustainability practices in travel and tourism.

Please note, that the Individual Membership is only for individuals and has limited member benefits. For example, does not allow the usage of the GSTC Member Logo. If you’re interested in joining the GSTC as an Organization Member, please click here.

To learn more about the different membership categories and benefits, please visit our Membership Categories & Fees information page.


Total Amount
About You
Payment Options
Credit Card
Billing Name and Address
Membership Agreement

By submitting this GSTC membership application form, I confirm that:

1) I have read and agree with the GSTC Membership Policy, consent to my responsibilities as a member, and accept the code of behavior as stated in the Membership Policy.

2) The information given in this application is correct.