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So far GSTC Admin has created 50 blog entries.
5 12, 2013

Early-Adopter Spotlight: Lake Llanquihue in Chile Completes “Early Adopter” Assessment of Global Sustainable Tourism Criteria for Destinations

2020-08-04T13:46:57+08:00December 5th, 2013|

 The Chilean destination of Lake Llanquihue has completed the Global Sustainable  Tourism Council’s (GSTC) Early Adopters pilot program to test its new Criteria and  Indicators for Destinations.  The destination joins the Cusco-Sacred Valley-Machu  Picchu corridor in Peru as the first South American destinations to participate in and  complete the GSTC Early Adoptersprogram. The Early Adopters program [...]

16 11, 2013

Early-Adopter Spotlight: Cusco Region of Peru Completes “Early Adopter” Assessment of Global Sustainable Tourism Criteria for Destinations

2021-12-11T04:37:54+08:00November 16th, 2013|

The Destination Cusco-Sacred Valley-Machu Picchu Peru,, known locally as the Cusco region and  globally for the Historic Sanctuary of Machu Picchu and Cusco World Heritage Sites, has completed  the Global Sustainable Tourism Council’s (GSTC) Early  Adopters pilot program to test its new Criteria  and Indicators for Destinations. The Cusco region is one of Peru’s most visited [...]

4 11, 2013

How the Global Sustainable Tourism Criteria for Destinations (GSTC-D) were developed

2025-01-10T18:49:16+08:00November 4th, 2013|

Cronology The need for the Global Sustainable Tourism Criteria for Destinations (GSTC-D) was determined in late 2009 by the Destination Stewardship Think Tank co-convened by Royal Caribbean Cruise Lines and Sustainable Travel International. As a result, the GSTC Destination Working Group (the “Destinations WG”) was formed in February 2010. The methodology for the development [...]

24 10, 2013

Early-Adopter Spotlight: South Sardinia Completes “Early Adopter” Assessment of Global Sustainable Tourism Criteria for Destinations

2021-12-15T01:18:36+08:00October 24th, 2013|

 First Mediterranean destination adopts baseline criteria and indicators for sustainable tourism WASHINGTON, D.C. (October 24, 2013) – South Sardinia is the first Mediterranean destination to complete the  Global Sustainable Tourism Council’s (GSTC) Early Adopters Program to test its new Criteria and Indicators for  Destinations.  The assessment was one of the [...]

15 05, 2013

The ATTA integrates GSTC Criteria into its Values Statement

2021-12-23T05:01:56+08:00May 15th, 2013|

By Talia Salem Longtime partners of the GSTC, the Adventure Travel Trade Association (ATTA) recently published its Values Statement for the first time. These values will help guide the ATTA, its membership, and its mission going forward. The Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC) criteria were included in these values. We chatted [...]

16 04, 2013

GSTC hosts Technical Workshop in Hannover

2017-07-29T10:51:33+08:00April 16th, 2013|

On March 11-12 in Hannover Germany, Amos Bien held a GSTC technical workshop about GSTC criteria and the GSTC recognition, approval and accreditation processes. It was attended by representatives from a number of European certification standards interested in learning more about GSTC, and it served to facilitate lively and fruitful discussion between these standards and [...]

11 04, 2013

Interview with National Geographic Traveler’s Jonathan Tourtellot

2021-09-28T12:58:57+08:00April 11th, 2013|

The Global Sustainable Tourism Council is only as strong as its stakeholders and members. An early participant in the GSTC, Jonathan Tourtellot has worked with the GSTC on sustainable destinations, serves on the Destinations Working Group and has worked on the criteria what makes a destination sustainable, which include not [...]

1 03, 2013

The GSTC Workshop for European Certification Programs

2013-03-01T17:30:33+08:00March 1st, 2013|

ON BEHALF OF THE GLOBAL SUSTAINABLE TOURISM COUNCIL AND TUI YOU ARE CORDIALLY INVITED TO THE GSTC WORKSHOP FOR EUROPEAN CERTIFICATION PROGRAMS The Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC) is global initiative dedicated to promoting sustainable tourism efforts around the world. The GSTC Criteria are designed to be the minimum that a tourism business, destination, or [...]

14 02, 2013

Sustainable Tourism and the Visitor Experience

2021-12-15T00:31:27+08:00February 14th, 2013|

By: Talia Salem As an organization that is focused on certifying sustainable standards in the travel industry, the topic of sustainable tourism is very near and dear to our hearts. Global Sustainable Tourism Council hopes that one day sustainable tourism will no longer be ideal, but rather be the normal mode of operating. Each [...]

19 09, 2012

GSTC Training Courses: 28-29 September, 2012

2017-06-10T17:30:20+08:00September 19th, 2012|

As part of GSTC’s Annual Meeting, we are hosting training courses for our members and guests to share best practices, tools and latest trends in the realm of sustainable tourism on September 28-29. We’re bringing together experts in the field so that you’ll have an opportunity to learn from them about destination criteria and the GSTC [...]

19 09, 2012

GSTC Hands-On Workshops: September 27, 2012

2017-06-10T17:30:20+08:00September 19th, 2012|

As part of GSTC’s Annual Meeting, we are hosting a series of hands-on workshops for sustainable tourism practitioners and destinations on the morning of September 27, 2012. We’re bringing together experts in the field so that you’ll have an opportunity to learn practical tips on how to best manage, measure and market your sustainability in [...]

19 09, 2012

GSTC’s Open Forum: September 26, 2012

2017-06-10T17:30:20+08:00September 19th, 2012|

We’re excited for GSTC’s Annual Meeting and Open Forum, coming up soon on September 26-29, 2012 in Washington, DC! Not only will you have an opportunity to meet experts, learn first hand about the destination sustainability criteria, and take away practical tips to better measure and market your sustainability, but you’ll be able to do [...]

7 08, 2012

Early-Adopter Spotlight: Lanzarote, Canary Islands

2020-09-05T10:25:36+08:00August 7th, 2012|

Lanzarote's Jardin de Cactus Part of Spain but geographically closest to Africa, the Canary Islands are a popular vacation destination for Europeans. Lanazrote is the easternmost of the Canaries, known for its biological wealth (nearly 100 species found nowhere else but this single island), quaint fishing villages, volcanic landscape, year-round sun and [...]

3 08, 2012

Zeitz Foundation and the Chimirol Biojardineras: An Example of Community Involvement

2017-06-26T08:26:32+08:00August 3rd, 2012|

GSTC member Zeitz Foundation shares with us the story of community involvement, environmental protection, education and promoting the local agricultural economy by building biojardineras (artificial wetlands) to manage waste water in Chimirol, Costa Rica. This was the first project of its kind in Costa Rica involving the partnership of a private company (Hotel Monte Azul) with [...]

25 07, 2012

Accessible Tourism and its Importance in the Sustainable Tourism Discussion

2017-06-26T08:26:32+08:00July 25th, 2012|

We are excited to welcome Allison Kleinman of Volunteers for Economic Growth Alliance (VEGA), a GSTC member, as our guest author today. VEGA works with volunteers and organizations in over 30 countries to promote its goal of reducing poverty and promoting sustainable economic growth in emerging markets. Today, Allison shares the importance of accessible tourism [...]

19 07, 2012

Jackson Hole, Grand Teton & Yellowstone, Wyoming

2020-09-05T10:25:37+08:00July 19th, 2012|

Wyoming’s breathtaking Jackson Hole and Grand Teton and Yellowstone National Parks are at the forefront of sustainable travel should come as no surprise. By becoming a GSTC Early Adopter, this dynamic destination has positioned itself to further its leadership in sustainable tourism. 

23 06, 2011

The Problem Is Too Big To Go It Alone

2011-06-23T06:00:34+08:00June 23rd, 2011|

The beauty of the GSTC is that it is a collaborative effort. All of our members have undertaken activities or represent companies who have undertaken activities to support the advancement of Sustainable Tourism. We are inclusive organization and we work hard to reach out to build partnerships. Making sustainable tourism mainstream is not something that [...]

15 06, 2011

Barcelona and the Responsible Tourism Challenge

2020-05-16T11:36:33+08:00June 15th, 2011|

Over the past twenty years, Barcelona has undergone an extraordinary evolution as a tourist destination.  Boosted by the Olympic Games of 1992 (an authentic point of inflection - before and after) Barcelona has gone from being practically irrelevant on the international tourist circuit, to becoming one of the most highly desired world destinations. With [...]

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