課程表 | 好評推薦 | 證照 | 培訓講師 & 主持人 | 報名須知 |
Agoda為支持交通部觀光局發表的2030觀光政策白皮書中「鼓勵觀光業參照全球永續觀光委員會 (Global Sustainable Tourism Council, GSTC) 之〖全球永續觀光準則〗自主推動永續觀光計畫取得認證」的重點措施,善盡社會企業責任,推廣永續觀光,故計劃與GSTC合作在台灣資助永續觀光培訓課程,協助台灣旅宿業者取得相關認證。
第一天:11月9日 | ||
時間 | 主題 | |
9:00-9:10 | 主辦單位致詞 Opening Remarks by Organizers 台南市政府觀光旅遊局 郭貞慧局長 Louisa Kuo, Director-general of Tainan City Government Tourism Bureau | |
9:10-9:30 | 贊助單位致詞 Opening Remarks by Sponsor Agoda 台灣總經理 齊彥喆先生 David Chi, Taiwan Country Director, Agoda | |
9:30-9:35 | 全球永續旅遊委員會與課程介紹 合辦單位-社團法人台灣永續旅行協會理事長陳盈潔 Getting Started with the GSTC Sustainable Tourism Training Course | |
9:35-10:10 | GSTC與GSTC準則制定 岳湖, GSTC總經理 (翻譯:陳盈潔)GSTC and GSTC Criteria Introduction and Overview Roi Ariel, General Manager of GSTC (Translator: Monique Chen) | |
10:10-10:30 | 休息時間Tea Time | |
10:30-11:20 | 全球旅宿業與旅遊業永續旅遊準則: (A) 永續營運管理 培訓講師:陳盈潔(A) Sustainability Management Trainer: Monique Chen | |
11:20-12:00 | 台南市政府永續旅館發展/減碳行動 台南市政府觀光旅遊局 郭貞慧局長Sustainable Tourism Development of Tainan City/ Carbon Reduction Actions Louisa Kuo, Director-General of Tainan City Government Tourism Bureau | |
12:00-13:20 | 午餐 Lunch | |
13:20-14:00 | 全球旅宿業與旅遊業永續旅遊準則: (B) 在地社區經濟回饋 準則與國際永續案例分享 培訓講師:陳盈潔 / 助理講師:敬雪柔(B): Socioeconomic Impacts Trainer: Monique Chen with support from Hedy Ching | |
14:00-14:50 | 貴賓分享:高志豪 集集兩腳詩集概念旅館負責人Guest Expert Presentation Amo Kao, Manager of Footprint Inn | |
14:50-15:50 | 團體討論 Group Discussions and Share | |
15:50-16:10 | 休息時間 Tea Time | |
16:10-17:00 | 全球旅宿業與旅遊業永續旅遊準則: (C) 社區文化保存與遊客管理 準則與國際永續案例分享 培訓講師:陳盈潔(C) Cultural Impacts Criteria and International Cases Trainer: Monique Chen | |
17:00-17:30 | 飯店現地解說 On Site Hotel Visit |
第二天:11月10日 | ||
時間 | 主題 | |
9:00-9:50 | 全球旅宿業與旅遊業永續旅遊準則: (D) 環境生態保育 準則與國內外永續經營管理案例分享 培訓講師:陳盈潔(D) Environment Impacts Trainer: Monique Chen | |
9:50-10:50 | 團體討論 Group Discussions and Share 討論時間30分鐘 / 每組分享5分鐘 討論助教: 陳盈潔 Monique Chen/ 敬雪柔Hedy Ching | |
10:50-11:10 | 休息時間 Tea Time | |
11:10-12:00 | 貴賓分享:孫薈茹 雲品溫泉酒店日月潭執行副總Guest Expert Presentation Vero Sun, Executive Assistant General Manager of Fleur de Chine Hotel | |
12:00-13:10 | 午餐 Lunch | |
10:10-14:00 | 全球目的地永續準則: (A) 目的地永續營運管理 (B) 在地社區經濟回饋 培訓講師:陳盈潔GSTC-D Section (A) (B) (A) Sustainability Management, Planning and Marketing Quality Experiences (B) Managing Tourism’s Socioeconomic Impacts Trainer: Monique Chen | |
14:00-14:40 | 準則與國內外永續經營管理案例分享 業界顧問案例分享:張怡平協理 旋之恆管理顧問公司Guest Expert Presentation Joanne Chang, Director of Rotation Management LTD | |
14:40-15:00 | 休息時間 Tea Time | |
15:00-16:00 | 全球目的地永續旅遊準則: (C)社區文化保存與遊客管理 (D)環境生態保育培訓講師:陳盈潔GSTC-D Section (C) (D) (C) Protecting Cultural Heritage, Promoting Sense of Place (D) Achieving a Sustainable Balance: People, Planet and Profit Trainer: Monique Chen | |
16:00-16:30 | 業界顧問案例分享 張怡平協理 旋之恆管理顧問公司Guest Expert Presentation Joanne Chang, Director of Rotation Management LTD | |
16:30-17:00 | 頒發結訓證書 台南市長 黃偉哲 Wei-Che Huang, Tainan City Mayor Agoda資深區域經理 林承漢 Andy Lin, Agoda Senior Area Manager |
GSTC seminar helps to open the eyes and to develop a new regard on longevity of tourism and the entire sustainable content. I would advise to every professional body working in tourism to participate to this kind of seminar as soon as possible.
The GSTC Sustainable Tourism course was a holistic, digestible, and engaging opportunity. As a busy professional, the pace and length of course was very thoughtful and the combination of live sessions, networking with tourism professionals, expert guest presenters, small breakout sessions, videos, quizzes, links to a plethora of resources, and discussion forums ensured that I could make the most out of my investment in the course.
Food for your brain! If sustainable tourism didn’t mean anything to you before, just subscribe to start your own journey towards sustainability whether you’re a traveler, or a stakeholder of the Tourism Industry!
The course was enriching, and the reflections are already helping me in my work. Using the GSTC Criteria as a basis for a holistic vision of sustainability in tourism works perfectly.
This is a well prepared and well delivered course. It provides comprehensive coverage of key issues, real life examples and good practice from across the industry. Instructors are knowledgeable, responsive and easy to follow. Presentations by guests speakers are also very interesting and illuminating. I highly recommend.
This is exceptional to work with a group from all around the world and to share experiences from so many different tourism destinations. While learning more about each GSTC pillar & criteria I was encouraged to immediately apply the evaluation criteria to my own business and to challenge myself into a lot more sustainable actions.
I loved the GSTC Tourism course, it had great information and allowed for wonderful interactions with other industry professionals from around the world. Very relevant to how the industry should be moving and focusing to become a more responsible and equitable industry.
I think this is a very complete, interesting course for anyone in Sustainability to take. There’s global networking, great examples of people leading change and sharing ideas for future collaborations. It gave me a closer look into how to approach the different aspects that constitute a businesses in different industries as well as destinations. It opened my mind to new fresh ideas.
What is great with this course is the ability to not only hear guest speakers and trainers about their experience and knowledge but also have discussions among the participants with a variety of backgrounds. This was very valuable in terms of broadening my scope to set a foundation for the journey towards sustainability in Malaysia’s tourism industry.
This course is fantastic! So well organized, well balanced, and informative! Highly recommended for those that understand sustainable tourism to those just starting their journey. Excellent reviews, speakers, and instructors, very engaging!
The GSTC training has been very inspiring and relevant, an excellent programme providing in-depth knowledge of the GSTC criteria for sustainable practices together with al lot of real life examples. Good qualified trainers and great guest speakers! I would really recommend the course to all industry professionals who is serious about making sustainable impacts for a better travel and hospitality industry.
I really enjoyed this course and learned a lot. It was interesting to hear from people all over the world and get their perspectives on sustainability. I loved hearing from the guest speakers. I would recommend this course to anyone who is interested in sustainability in the tourism industry.
The GSTC course was a great way to learn more about Sustainability, what it means, different aspects of it and how to create a plan to start! As someone relatively new in this topic, I found the information extremely helpful and educational. The guest speakers were inspiring and aspirational, and all of the group discussions and comments were really enriching. Thank you GSTC for creating such wonderful content!
A very informative course and well organized by excellent teachers. It was also very rewarding to “meet” people in the tourism industry around the world and unite in the interest and knowledge regarding sustainable tourism. I would definitely recommend this course to everybody involved in tourism.
The course is very interesting and well designed. With very professional speakers, it gives you a lot of insights and the possibility to work on real cases.
As a hotelier I’ve known about sustainability, but this course gave me more practical examples from different sectors and different states. The group discussions and team activities throughout the course also encouraged us to learn more about the subject.
This course has given me an approach to the GSTC Criteria, where the basic and complete structure to move forward on sustainable paths is visualized. The reflections generated through real examples, discussions and available material are key to better internalize what sustainability means. Ideas applicable to our business and our work area appear during the course that contribute positively to one’s reality. I will recommend this course, for its contribution to the objective, honest and constructive understanding of what sustainability is.
This course provided me with a thorough understanding of how to implement sustainable travel practices. I will definitely integrate information from this training into my work with travel organizations and destinations to help them achieve short-term progress through a long-term strategy.
The GSTC programme, led by highly qualified and experienced facilitators and world class presenters, provides a thorough analysis and an integrated approach to sustainable tourism development. The brilliantly structured course, the live online sessions, discussion fora and extensive reference material gave us all access to much valuable information. In addition, the networking opportunities and rich sharing among the global participants, ourselves mostly ST experts, made for a most enriching and inspiring experience. It is wonderful to be part of a world-wide community of sustainable tourism practitioners, imparting such wisdom and committed to making a positive impact for all. Thank You GSTC for an outstanding programme!
The course was very helpful to gain a deeper insight into sustainability in tourism and also to learn what challenges and realities other tourism professionals around the globe have to deal with.
This course was incredibly well organized and delivered. I was continually impressed with the asynchronous materials like the pre-recorded videos, examples and slides. This prepared me well for the live sessions where discussions occurred and mini cases were used to apply the knowledge. The weekly summaries were very beneficial in pulling together the key learnings. I really enjoyed the forums where participants could provide their own examples and further the learning process.
I would highly recommend this GSTC course to industry, destinations and other schools as it focuses on relevant, practical, implementable elements of sustainability for tourism management and operations. Both the director organizing the course and the facilitator delivering the course content, were exceptional in putting this program together.
The GSTC sustainable tourism course has helped me to consolidate the basis of sustainability opening my mind by teaching me different ways to approach tourism industry and destination from a sustainable point of view. It’s very rich to share ideas with people from all over the world. An excellent organization, I highly recommend it to anyone with curiosity about how to improve in the sustainable tourism industry.
The course is very interesting, helpful and fruitful. Apart from the excellent trainers and guests, the variety of the participants from all over the world added more value to the course.
I would recommend GSTC training to anyone working in tourism development (communities, states, provinces) as well as the broad spectrum of industries (accommodations, transportation, attractions, etc.) engaged in the tourism “business.” Understanding what it means to build a sustainable tourism environment that is inclusive of all stakeholders is fundamental to the future of destinations and tourism itself.
The GSTC training proved to be extremely helpful for me and my small-scale travel agency that I founded only 18 months ago. We definitely still have a long way to go on the road to sustainability but the GSTC training has been a very important step towards it. The training offers very detailed and concrete insights as well as general strategies to work towards a sustainable organisation.”
The GSTC course was very professional and a great experience. I appreciated the communications via emails on what was next, what to expect. There is a lot of data on this topic and GSTC made if very easy to comprehend and the training is the best I have seen this far. I would highly recommend this course and educational training. I look forward to working very closely with GSTC in the future.
I want to extend my heartfelt gratitude for the enlightening and enriching course on the Sustainable Tourism Training Program offered by GSTC. Through this course, I gained a keen insight into the criteria set by GSTC, enabling me to grasp the nuances of collaborating effectively with diverse stakeholders. I particularly appreciate the emphasis placed on engaging various entities, including local communities, tourism boards, businesses, and government agencies, in fostering sustainable tourism practices through live lectures and live group discussions. The course’s practical approach allowed me to delve into real-life scenarios, enabling me to develop a comprehensive strategy to promote sustainable tourism in collaboration with these stakeholders.
I enjoyed the weekly presentations and discussions. I learnt a lot from experiences from other participants. The learning by doing approach during Thursdays helped a lot in trying to apply what I learnt on Mondays.
This course has been very relevant and provides in-depth knowledge of GSTC criteria for sustainable practices for destinations as well as the travel industry [with] plenty of real life examples and share links to plenty of reading material throughout the course. … As we move forward during these difficult COVID times, learning our lessons on the damage to nature, it becomes all the more important for industry professionals to get trained and step up efforts to embrace sustainability in all aspects of tourism. Hence, I recommend this course to all industry professionals.
As an adventure travel tour operator, we are focused on doing as much good as possible to every place and community we visit and sustainability is rightly gaining momentum, both with industry professionals and with our customers. Therefore having the knowledge from this course means you can stay ahead of the curve and ensure your efforts are being focused in the right areas. This course has allowed me to gain insights from right across the tourism spectrum, which I otherwise wouldn’t have had access to (not easily anyway!), as well as opening my eyes to just how much difference we can make.
The overall learning experience was great! The internet platform, videos and resources are are very well explanatory and the weekly live sessions perfectly illustrate all criteria.
Great teachers and companions allowed to understand all the relevant issues of this complex industry and to get inspired by great examples!
An excellent course, very well designed and structured, challenging with great support from the trainers. The practical insights I gained will help me in my future project to embed sustainability in educational projects.
I enjoyed being able to learn about up to date and practical examples of sustainable tourism from operators and destinations around the globe.
It was a great experience to complete my holistic knowledge of sustainable tourism and to get in contact with people and sustainable projects around the word which share the same values and goals.
This is a great introductory way to get started with your sustainability strategy. It’s a bit daunting to overhaul an entire business and operation strategy in order to be come a more sustainable organization, so this course is definitely needed in learning how to get started, inspiration from other entities, ability to create global connections with others in the industry that have the same focus, and great resources to guide you in the beginning phases of building up your own strategy.
The GSTC training is very useful in our efforts of future sustainability. This knowledge is very important to our company business moving forward. The GSTC criteria guided us towards the best practices that enables us to monitor the progress of each important tasks. I would strongly recommend GSTC training to everyone because its set a baseline for future sustainability efforts.
It was a great learning experience, very practical and applicable in real life. The trainers are always available, caring and attentive. The participants are of a high level, and the notion of “learning by sharing” is taken seriously. I feel ready to use the GSTC Criteria for my personal project but also to support other professionals in my region.
This training in sustainable tourism is a life-changing experience. It will shift your perspective on sustainable travel and equip you with the tools to implement it in your workflows. If you’re looking for new ideas and a path to a more sustainable approach, I highly recommend the GSTC training course.
I had a great experience hearing and discussing how my fellow training participants act in their country / organization / company to constantly improve their sustainable practices.
The most significant takeaway for me was the comprehensive understanding it provided regarding sustainability and its various components. The course offers an excellent starting point and a systematic approach for anyone looking to embark on their sustainability journey. It has been instrumental in helping me grasp the entirety of the concept and has provided a solid foundation for initiating sustainable practices.
My course facilitator and teacher (Ayako and Antje) went above and beyond to answer our questions and provide us with additional resources. The course content (the GSTC Criteria) was delivered in an understandable and organized way. Learning the GSTC Criteria and how it applies to our own projects, businesses, and destinations is integral to anyone wanting to do any kind of work in the future centered around travel. I appreciated that the course was delivered in an interactive way over Zoom, and not just something we watched on YouTube. For me, being able to interact with fellow students from around the world, was a big plus. Was well worth it, and I highly recommend the course!
Participating allowed me to gain valuable insights and knowledge which I am determined to apply in my field of work as a representative of a state tourist board.
This course takes a comprehensive approach to integrating sustainability practices into the tourism industry. The perfect way to dive into this topic is through a blended modality that mixes theoretical and practical approaches and this is exactly what happens in this course.
It was inspiring to connect with like-minded individuals from diverse backgrounds, all passionate about sustainable tourism. The opportunity to share ideas, ask questions, and engage in meaningful discussions enriched the learning process and fostered a sense of sustainable tourism community. The course was designed to accommodate a variety of learning styles and schedules. The flexibility to access the course materials at our own pace ensured that participants from different time zones and with various commitments could benefit fully.
I’ve always tried to improve and learn about modern methods of preservation, practice sustainable tourism and ways to better apply my knowledge with my team. With my participation in this course, I was able to understand the GSTC criteria and how best to apply them in my daily life in a didactic way.
I highly recommend the course to anyone interested to explore or deepen sustainability in tourism. It gives a great overview on all dimensions and how to tackle them hands-on. Course management and content are both at the highest level! Thanks!
考試 & 證照
GSTC Professional Certificate in Sustainable Tourism
陳盈潔 (Monique Chen) 
Chairwoman, Sustainable Travel Taiwan
臺灣大學園藝學系學士、建築與城鄉研究所碩士,曾任黃金博物園區創園營運推廣組組長,也曾參與文建會時期松山菸廠與華山酒廠再利用前期規畫工作。從事文化保存相關工作有 20 多年,從半公部門、私部門,轉換到公部門,再跨入非營利組織。2016 參與Travelife TO & TA 稽核輔導課程/ 2018 年取得 GSTC 培訓師資格,同年也取得 Green Destinations稽核員資格。並於 2017 、2018與2022 年協助於台灣舉辦 GSTC 永續旅遊準則培訓課程。
主持人 & 分享嘉賓
岳湖 (Roi Ariel) 
General Manager, GSTC
現任全球永續旅遊委員會(GSTC)的總經理,一直致力於成就 GSTC的使命,努力在公共單位和私營業者之間推進永續旅遊的相關知識與實踐,從而發展和提高參與成員對 GSTC 所制定的永續旅遊標準的理解及遵守。國立政治大學應用經濟和社會發展的研究,以色列耶路撒冷希伯來大學國際關係與比較宗教學士學位。曾在聯合國(亞洲及太平洋經濟社會委員會UNESCAP)研究可持續發展,並任職亞太旅行協會(PATA),等其他非營利組織。
敬雪柔 (Hedy Ching)
Chief Training & Strategy Officer, Sustainable Travel Taiwan
國立高雄餐旅大學旅館管理系學士畢業。畢業後入職台北晶華酒店,從基層的會務秘書一路晉升到貴賓樓層的英式管家,並擔任資深管家培訓員。在初次接觸到永續旅遊時,就被它的管理系統深深吸引,因而決定投身永續項目的推廣與執行,目前擔任台灣永續旅行協會的顧問實務培訓基礎課程講師,且通過GTS綠色旅行標章稽核員考試以及獲得GSTC Sustainable Tourism Training Program 認證。
張怡平 (Joanne Chang)
Director, Rotation Management LTD.
逢甲大學土地管理所碩士、文化大學土地資源學士畢業。求學階段由原來商科轉入不動產,從法學基礎、規劃評估、開發分析一路向前,意外接觸到地域經濟後,發現工作跟旅遊結合是件很棒的事,就這樣決定深耕在創意設計與地域行銷這條路,至今已超過 19 年。為了讓自己一路以來所見所學,能對這片土地有更大效益,2017 年完成 GSTC STTP 資格後,開始進入永續旅遊這條路,積極參加 Travellife 與 Green Destinations 的培訓課程,期待能深入瞭解國際認證系統,與國際旅遊產業鏈的各種進化,讓所陪伴的地方/客戶能更精準的投入與自我實際,堅持「讓台灣這土地的美好被世界看見」。
高志豪 (Amo Kao) 
Manager, Footprint Inn
孫薈茹 (Vero Sun)
Executive Assistant General Manager, Fleur de Chine
報名完成後會收到培訓課程的相關資料,在為期2天的培訓期間內也將提供免費的午餐及下午茶點,培訓課程完成後,將會提供您印有GSTC、Agoda、台南市政府 與 台灣永續旅行協會 logo的結業證書,以茲證明。