Webinars for GSTC Members
Sustainable tourism webinars are offered to GSTC Members on an ongoing basis since 2017. GSTC Members can join members-only webinars, that share the most up-to-date knowledge on sustainable tourism. The webinars are presented by GSTC staff as well as GSTC members.
The webinars and meetings are an opportunity to actively network and connect with fellow members from around the world, sustainable tourism professionals and stakeholders.
We encourage members to take advantage of the various education and training opportunities available through the GSTC, and to continue seeking knowledge and tools to improve your sustainable tourism practices.
Upcoming Webinars
Revolutionizing Hospitality: The Future of Sustainable and Plant-Based Dining
Imagine a future where the meals served in hotels and resorts not only delight guests but also contribute to a healthier planet and a more responsible food system. This session explores the transformative role of plant-based cuisine and sustainable sourcing in hospitality.
Learn how these initiatives are reshaping hotel food offerings, reducing environmental impact, and meeting the expectations of today’s conscious travelers. Gain insights from industry leaders on practical strategies, success stories, and innovative solutions that help hotels and restaurants create menus that are both sustainable and appealing. Join us in redefining the future of dining in hospitality!
– Nick Cooney, Founder and a Board Director ,Lever Foundation
– Cecilia Zhao, Sustainability Program Director, Lever Foundation
Tuesday 1st, April | 7:00 PDT |10:00 EDT |15:00 UK |16:00 CET
Via degli Dei: First Hiking Trail Certified as a GSTC Destination
Join us for an insightful webinar on Via degli Dei, the historic hiking trail connecting Bologna and Florence, the first in the world to achieve GSTC Destination Certification.
This session will take you through the journey to certification, showcasing the vision and mission of the organization behind one of Italy’s most renowned hiking routes. With an innovative and forward-looking approach, this case study highlights the dedication, strategy, and collaboration that made this achievement possible.
We will explore:
- Their process of obtaining GSTC certification
- The destination management strategy behind this milestone
- The role of territorial marketing in promoting sustainable cultural tourism
- How public-private collaboration drives impactful sustainability initiatives
By analyzing this pioneering case, we’ll discuss how sustainable tourism can generate long-term value for local communities, inspire new destination management models, and encourage responsible travel experiences.
– Giuseppe La Carrubba, Sustainable and Experience Tourism Specialist, Appennino Slow
Wednesday 9th, April | 9:00 UK | 10:00 CEST | 16:00 SGT | 17:00 JST |
Accelerating Destination Sustainability: Leveraging the GDS-Index for Performance Improvement
Sustainable destination management requires robust criteria and measurement tools to track progress, benchmark performance, and drive lasting impact. With over 100 destinations worldwide using it, the Global Destination Sustainability Index (GDS-Index) is a performance improvement programme that helps destinations assess, refine, and accelerate their sustainability strategies across environmental, social, and governance (ESG) criteria.
What to Expect in This Webinar:
- Understanding the GDS-Index – How its structure and methodology align with the GSTC’s mission and criteria.
- Driving Progress – How destination management organisations and NTOs use the Index to benchmark their sustainability efforts, develop more responsible tourism strategies, and drive performance
- Real-World Impact – Hear how Destination Canada and Tourism Montreal, GSTC Members use the GDS-Index to accelerate transformation, and drive destination and business level GSTC accredited certification
- The Power of Data – How data-driven decision-making strengthens sustainability efforts.
Join us to learn how the GDS-Index can support GSTC members in advancing their sustainability strategies and positioning their destinations as global leaders in responsible tourism.
– Guy Bigwood, FIEMA, Chief Executive Officer and Chief Changemaker, GDS-Movement
– Claudia Bustinza, Senior Changemaker & GDS-Index Lead, GDS-Movement
– Fanny Beaulieu Cormier, Head of Sustainable Development, Tourisme Montréal
– Virginie De Visscher, Executive Director Business Events, Destination Canada
Tuesday 22nd, April | 7:00 PDT |10:00 EDT |15:00 UK |16:00 CET
Interested in presenting?
Members that are interested in delivering webinars can contact GSTC General Manager, Roi Ariel, at roi@gstcouncil.org to discuss further details.
Past Webinars
All webinars are recorded and are available to watch at the time of convenience. Webinar recordings can be accessed by GSTC Members after logging in.
Herramientas de Gestión Sostenible en Destinos: Huella Hídrica y Casos de LATAM & Caribe
En este webinar exploraremos herramientas clave de gestión sostenible aplicadas a destinos turísticos, con un enfoque en la medición y reducción de la huella hídrica. A través de casos de estudio en América Latina y el Caribe, analizaremos estrategias efectivas para la gestión de recursos hídricos. Además, compartiremos un enfoque de planificación territorial que involucra a varios países, con el objetivo de fomentar la colaboración y avanzar hacia una agenda común de sostenibilidad. Únete a esta conversación con expertos para descubrir soluciones prácticas y aplicables a la realidad de los destinos turísticos.
– Natalia Naranjo, Country Representative de Catalyste+ y Capacitadora del GSTC
– Jorge Moller, Director Regenera ONG y Program Director para GSTC en Latinoamérica
– Cristian Carvajal, Operaciones y Contenido, Regenera ONG
Jueves 13 de marzo | La grabación del webinar está disponible públicamente aquí
EXO Travel: A Tour Operator’s Approach to Sustainability and Climate Action
Join us for an insightful presentation on EXO Travel’s dedication to sustainable tourism. As an Asia-based Destination Management Company, EXO Travel is committed to providing authentic, eco-friendly travel experiences. This session will take you through EXO’s sustainability journey, exploring how they align with the GSTC Tour Operator Criteria and actively engage stakeholders: staff, suppliers, and clients alike, in their sustainability efforts. Discover EXO’s Climate Action Plan and learn about their impactful initiatives to support vulnerable communities, all while creating a positive environmental footprint.
Speaker: Alexandra Michat, Chief Purpose Officer – EXO Travel Group
Wednesday 5th, March | Recording of the webinar is available for GSTC Members
From Tourism Measurement to Destination Management: How DMOs Can Leverage Data to Foster Sustainable Tourism
This webinar will showcase how forward-looking data and AI-powered algorithms are enabling destinations to manage tourism responsibly, balancing growth with the reduction of CO2 emissions.
The webinar will:
- Present real use cases and success stories from around the world, illustrating how DMOs are addressing sustainability challenges through the use of data.
- Highlight practical applications of data, such as identifying tourism pressure points and evaluating the impact of policies aimed at reducing environmental footprints.
- Demonstrate how destinations can measure the success of their sustainability strategies and anticipate future trends by leveraging existing solutions.
Attendees will gain valuable insights into how data, AI, and predictive analytics can support the transition from merely tracking tourism growth to actively managing and guiding it toward sustainable outcomes. The presentation will provide tangible, actionable strategies for DMOs aiming to foster a greener and more responsible future for tourism. In essence, this webinar aims to inspire DMOs to harness the power of data in their journey toward more sustainable tourism practices.
Speaker: Olivier Ponti – Director Intelligence & Marketing, ForwardKeys.
Tuesday 25th, February | Recording of the webinar is available for GSTC Members
Tourism Portugal’s Innovation in ESG: The 360° Program and FOREST Tool
The Portuguese Tourism 360° Companies Program encourages tourism businesses to report their sustainability performance while offering technical support to develop and implement effective ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) strategies. As part of this initiative, the program provides free access to the FOREST tool – an innovative platform designed for sustainability reporting in tourism. This software streamlines ESG data management and automates the creation of comprehensive sustainability reports, helping businesses track and communicate their impact more efficiently.
Speaker: Elisabete Félix,Director of the Business Development Department, Tourism Portugal
Thursday 20th, February | Recording of the webinar is available for GSTC Members
Introducción: Estrategias para Comunicar Iniciativas Sostenibles
** Webinar en español**
Este webinar explorará estrategias simples y prácticas para ayudarte a compartir el valor de tus iniciativas sostenibles de manera efectiva. Ya sea que estés comenzando o refinando tu enfoque, la sesión se centrará en brindarte herramientas e ideas claras para conectar con tu audiencia y fomentar una mayor comprensión sobre la sostenibilidad.
También descubrirás las últimas tendencias y los principales reportes de la industria que guían el sector. Aprende cómo estos insights pueden inspirar tus mensajes y ayudar a alinear tus iniciativas con las expectativas del mercado y las necesidades de las partes interesadas.
Presentadora: Estefanía del Azar, Directora de Comunicaciones, GSTC.
Miércoles 12, Febrero| | |Recording of the webinar is available for GSTC Members
Presentación de la Guía Práctica de Pagos por Servicios Ambientales en Turismo de Naturaleza
** Evento en Directo **
Los PSA son incentivos económicos que reconocen las acciones de conservación y restauración en ecosistemas estratégicos del país. Aplicados al turismo sostenible, los PSA tienen especialmente el potencial de fortalecer la generación del tejido social, escalar las economías populares y promover la generación de empleos verdes, garantizando la continuidad de los servicios ambientales.
Este evento tiene como objetivo realizar el lanzamiento de la Guía técnica e ilustrativa para el diseño e implementación de proyectos de Pagos por Servicios Ambientales (PSA) en la modalidad de Turismo de Naturaleza. Desarrollada por la Universidad de los Andes, en conjunto con el Programa Destino Naturaleza de USAID, el Ministerio de Ambiente y Desarrollo Sostenible y el Ministerio de Comercio Industria y Turismo, y comunidades de diferentes regiones de Colombia, la guía es una herramienta que apoyará y acompañará la formulación de proyectos de PSA en Colombia.
Martes 28, Enero | La grabación de la presentación de la guía PSA está disponible públicamente aquí
Pousada Literária: A Model for Sustainable Hospitality in Latin America
Join us for an inspiring webinar featuring Pousada Literária, the first hotel in Latin America GSTC-Certified*. Discover how their innovative practices in waste management, community engagement, and regenerative tourism have positioned them as a leader in sustainable hospitality.
Located in the heart of Paraty, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, Pousada Literária integrates environmental conservation, cultural preservation, and authentic guest experiences. From partnerships with local cooperatives to promoting biodiversity through sustainable landscaping and gastronomy, their work exemplifies the transformative power of responsible tourism.
[Note: The term “GSTC-Certified” is shorthand for “certified by a Certification Body that is GSTC-Accredited]
Eline Martins, Sustainability General Manager, na zhouse
Thursday 23rd, January | |Recording of the webinar is available for GSTC Members
From Data to Action: Sustainability Insights from Visit Finland
Explore Finland’s approach to sustainable tourism through its national Sustainable Tourism Indicator system, a vital component of the ‘Sustainable Travel Finland’ programme aligned with the GSTC Criteria. This system monitors the tourism sector’s sustainability, identifying strengths, areas for development, challenges, and limits. In this webinar, we’ll delve into the data to uncover valuable insights into the current state of tourism sustainability in Finland.
Liisa Kokkarinen, Head of Sustainable Development, Visit Finland
Wednesday 15th, January | |Recording of the webinar is available for GSTC Members
Driving Sustainable Tourism Locally: Insights from the GSTC Italy Working Group
Discover how to bring global sustainability to local communities in our webinar with the GSTC Italy Working Group. Learn how to effectively implement and promote the GSTC standard at the local level, empowering destinations, businesses, and tourism operators to embrace sustainable practices. Explore strategies that can help you drive change, foster responsible tourism, and create lasting positive impacts in your region. Whether you’re involved in tourism management, local governance, or community engagement, this webinar will equip you with the knowledge to champion sustainability in your area.
Federica Bosco, Vice-Chair GSTC Italy Working Group
Thursday 24th, October | |Recording of the webinar is available for GSTC Members
Conservation Through Exploration: A Case Study with Natural Habitat Adventures
Join us for an insightful webinar with Natural Habitat Adventures, a world leader in conservation travel, to explore their groundbreaking approaches to sustainable tourism. As a 100% carbon-neutral travel company, Nat Hab continues to innovate with new decarbonization efforts, zero-waste adventures and eco-conscious itineraries in collaboration with World Wildlife Fund. Discover how they combine immersive nature experiences with leading-edge sustainability practices.
Court Whelan – Chief Sustainability Officer, Natural Habitat Adventures.
Thursday, 17h October | |Recording of the webinar is available for GSTC Members
Resiliencia y Sostenibilidad en Quintana Roo: Historias de Héroes Locales y Visiones Futuras
*Webinar en español*
El impacto de las estrategias sostenibles en destinos turísticos: Relatos de resiliencia y sostenibilidad desde Quintana Roo. Este webinar explorará cómo las estrategias de sostenibilidad en destinos turísticos no solo impulsan estándares internacionales, sino que también honran a los héroes locales que lideran iniciativas de conservación y desarrollo responsable. A través de historias inspiradoras y un análisis profundo de áreas de oportunidad, descubriremos cómo la comunidad local y las autoridades trabajan en conjunto para lograr mejoras continuas.
Además, se abordará la visión del empresariado local en pro de un desarrollo sostenible y su alineación con el plan turístico de Quintana Roo 2030, destacando la importancia de un enfoque colaborativo en la preservación de los recursos. Se hará énfasis en la política pública que respalda esta visión de sostenibilidad y gobernanza participativa, subrayando el rol de las comunidades en la toma de decisiones para impulsar un turismo responsable y equitativo.
– Beatriz Barreal Danel – Fundadora, Riviera Maya Sostenible
– Maestra Ma de Jesús Rodríguez – Presidenta, Asociación de Hoteleros y Restaurantes de Bacalar
– Andrés Aguilar – Subsecretario en la Secretaría de Turismo, Gobierno del Estado Libre y Soberano de Quintana Roo
Octubre 3, 2024 |Recording of the webinar is available for GSTC Members
Mastering Sustainability Metrics: Resorts World Sentosa’s Approach to GSTC Criteria and KPIs
Join us for an insightful webinar showcasing Resorts World Sentosa’s expertise in measuring and managing sustainability performance. This session will delve into how Resorts World Sentosa applies the GSTC Criteria to evaluate and enhance their sustainability practices, and how they utilize Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) to track and report on their environmental, social, and economic impacts.
Discover how this leading integrated resort employs innovative tools and methodologies to ensure alignment with global sustainability standards and drive continuous improvement. Gain valuable insights into effective measurement strategies, data management, and the benefits of transparency in achieving sustainability goals. This webinar is an essential opportunity for industry professionals interested in advanced practices for sustainability assessment and reporting.
Resorts World Sentosa
Wednesday, September 25th, 2024 | Recording of the webinar is publicly available here
Genuine Ecotourism in Jordan – a case study of Feynan Ecolodge
Discover the groundbreaking sustainable practices of Feynan Ecolodge, Jordan’s most eco-friendly accommodation and a true beacon of ecotourism. This webinar will delve into how Feynan Ecolodge operates entirely off-grid, using 100% solar power, and employs innovative methods to minimize its environmental impact while maximizing positive contributions to the local community and the surrounding Dana Biosphere Reserve. From carbon-neutral travel and water conservation to waste reduction and wildlife protection, learn how Feynan sets a new standard in sustainable travel.
Join us to explore how this extraordinary ecolodge not only preserves Jordan’s natural beauty but also inspires global change by demonstrating that tourism can be a force for good.
Nabil Tarazi Founder & CEO – EcoHotels/Nastadeem
Sepemteber 18th, 2024 |Recording of the webinar is available for GSTC Members
Showcase of Best Practices: Pioneering Sustainability Regulations in the Balearic Islands
Join us for a webinar exploring how the Balearic Islands are leading the change in sustainable tourism through innovative sustainability regulations. We will discuss a range of groundbreaking policies that are driving the shift towards circularity, responsible waste management, and reduced carbon footprints in the tourism sector.
This session aims to inspire other destinations by showcasing the Balearic Islands’ approach to sustainability, offering insights on how similar strategies can be implemented to achieve environmental excellence globally. Discover how these forward-thinking initiatives are setting new standards for the future of tourism.
Florencia Kogan, Head of Sustainability Department – BIOLINEA INT
Sepemteber 12th, 2024 |Recording of the webinar is available for GSTC Members
Social Achievements through Corporate and Public-Private Partnerships
The transformative power of corporate projects and public-private partnerships in driving social impact. We will delve into the strategies, best practices, and real-world examples of how businesses and public entities collaborate to achieve significant social milestones.
Elsa Bonilla, Director Creciendo Juntos – Península Papagayo
August 28th, 2024 |Recording of the webinar is available for GSTC Members
Parques Nacionales de Latinoamérica y el Caribe; planificando la conservación de la biodiversidad a través del Turismo Sostenible y Regenerativo
Los Parques Nacionales se presentan como un escenario clave para la conservación de la flora y fauna mundial, pero también como áreas que pueden disfrutarse a través de prácticas respetuosas al haber un reconocimiento sobre la importancia de sus especies en la vida de nuestro planeta Tierra.
Sin embargo, una pregunta nos aqueja, ¿cómo equilibrar la conservación, y al mismo tiempo, permitir que estos espacios sean visitados? Pues bien, durante este seminario web, escucharemos cómo cuatro parques nacionales de Latinoamérica y el Caribe, esta región extremadamente biodiversa, que alberga aproximadamente el 45% de la biodiversidad mundial, han implementado estrategias para que el Turismo se vuelva un vehículo de preservación.
Tendremos un recorrido, desde la Patagonia, donde la capacitación de los guías locales rima con sostenibilidad, atravesando la cordillera de los Andes hasta llegar a la Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta para conocer la iniciativa “Respira” del parque Tayrona con la naturaleza y la comunidad, luego pasaremos por Galápagos donde aprenderemos sobre cómo los guías locales reportan acerca de eventos que concierne a la conservación de especies únicas en el mundo y terminaremos en Costa Rica, donde la “pura vida” se puede experimentar desde el límite aceptable de cambio en las actividades de buceo.
– Luis Diego Torres Chacón, Coordinador Programa Turismo Sostenible del Área de Conservación Marina Coco.
– Carolina Cerda, Directora de Vinculación Comunitaria de la Fundación Rewilding Chile
– Juan Carlos Rodríguez Aguiar, Profesional Social del Parque Nacional Natural Tayrona
– Sandra Gamboa Jarrín, Responsable del área de Manejo de visitantes de la red de sitios de visita de Uso Público de las Áreas Protegidas Galápagos
Jueves 22 de Agosto, 2024 | Recording of the webinar is publicly available here
Sustainable Attractions: Understanding and Contributing to the GSTC Attraction Criteria
Currently, there are no globally adopted standards or criteria for Attractions, and even a common definition of the term is missing. That’s why at GSTC, we have embarked on a journey to develop sustainable standards and guidelines for Attractions that align with our goals and objectives.
Join us to explore the GSTC Attraction Criteria and help shape sustainable tourism standards. You’ll gain a comprehensive understanding of how these Criteria support sustainable tourism goals. We’ll delve into their purpose, development process, and key components, including the various phases of creation and revision. Learn about the importance of the GSTC Attraction Criteria and how you can contribute to their development.
We’ll provide clear instructions on participating in the Public Consultation to help refine these standards. Don’t miss this chance to be part of the conversation and support sustainable tourism
GSTC Secretariat & Attraction Criteria Development Technical Team
Agust 13th, 2024 | Recording of the webinar is publicly available here
Integrating Sustainability from Design to Operations: The Six Senses Approach
Join us for an insightful webinar exploring how Six Senses integrates sustainability into every aspect of its operations. From their organic gardens and locally sourced materials to their commitment to high standards of sustainable building practices, discover how they blend innovative design with eco-friendly approaches. Learn about their strategies for energy and water efficiency, waste reduction, and habitat restoration, and see how these efforts contribute to creating healthy environments for both people and wildlife.
Jennifer Klar, Director of Corporate Sustainability, Six Senses
August 6th, 2024 |Recording of the webinar is available for GSTC Members
Rethinking Mass Tourism – Innovations for a Sustainable Future
Mass tourism has posed significant challenges for many destinations worldwide, sparking extensive debate and criticism. Despite these concerns, it’s evident that mass tourism is not disappearing anytime soon. So, how can we address its impacts and leverage its potential for positive outcomes?
Join us for an insightful webinar where we explore innovative solutions to transform the mass tourism challenge into a win-win situation. We’ll discuss how under-visited local communities can benefit from tourism, and how strategic tourism planning can enhance both direct and indirect benefits for various regions.
By tapping into creativity and innovation, we can redefine 21st-century tourism and unlock its full potential. Don’t miss this opportunity to learn how to turn the challenges of mass tourism into opportunities for sustainable development and community enrichment.
Kevin Phun, Director at The Center for Responsible Tourism Singapore.
July 25th, 2024 |Recording of the webinar is available for GSTC Members
Developing Socially Sustainable Tourism: Embracing Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion
*Public Webinar
Join us for a webinar exploring the intersection of sustainable tourism and the principles of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI). Through interactive discussions and activities, we will examine the profound impact of DEI on tourism practices, emphasizing how these principles foster more sustainable and community-driven tourism initiatives. We will also address the enduring impacts of colonialism on tourism through the lens of DEI.
Participants will gain valuable insights from real-world examples showcasing successful integration of DEI principles in tourism planning and development. Whether you are a tourism professional, advocate, or enthusiast, this webinar offers actionable strategies for promoting inclusive practices that enhance the social sustainability of tourism destinations.
Dr. Soyoung Park, Assistant Professor in the Hospitality and Tourism Management Program at Florida Atlantic University
Wednesday 10th July |Recording of the webinar is publicly available here
Más allá de la sostenibilidad: turismo regenerativo
(Seminario Web en Español)
En el contexto de retos actual, el desarrollo y la mejora de la competitividad de los destinos turísticos tienen una oportunidad trascendental en el paradigma de la regeneración, un binomio con capacidad tractora para la restauración de sistemas naturales y sociales mientras construimos valor y diferenciación en las experiencias de cualquier destino turístico. Un encuentro para poner al día conocimientos y conocer el progreso a partir de experiencias analizadas recientemente por la empresa Pax# Genuine Tourism Advisors.
Pau Pitarch De Dalmases, Cofundador y Socio de Pax# Genuine Tourism Advisors
Julio 3, 2024 |Recording of the webinar is available for GSTC Members
You Take Care Now: Embracing Destination Stewardship in an Age of Change
As the world of travel & tourism changes, destination organizations are being called upon to do much more than marketing—often, this means taking on a role of stewardship. Amidst a bewildering sea of certifications and green labels, there’s a core ethos that can guide your destination. Using real-world case studies, this presentation will offer a concise definition of destination stewardship, share a variety of approaches to stewardship, highlight ways to use data to keep your eye on the ball, and share three easy things that every destination can do to become better stewards of their place.
Matthew Landkamer, Founder Principal, Whereabout
July 2nd, 2024 |Recording of the webinar is available for GSTC Members
Integrando Sostenibilidad, Salud y Seguridad para Turistas y Destinos Turísticos
(Seminario Web en Español)
En este seminario web exploraremos cómo la sostenibilidad, la salud y seguridad (Health & Safety) y la seguridad física (Security) pueden integrarse eficazmente para crear destinos turísticos más seguros y responsables. Descubra estrategias y mejores prácticas que no solo mejoran la experiencia del turista, sino que también promueven el bienestar de las comunidades locales y la protección de los visitantes.
Este seminario web está orientado para profesionales del turismo, operadores de destinos, hoteleros y cualquier persona interesada en el futuro del turismo sostenible. Especialmente para nuestros miembros en América Latina.
Diego Lorenzo Hernández, Gerente de Desarrollo y Negocios, Preverisk Group
Junio 12, 2024 |Recording of the webinar is available for GSTC Members
Smart Tourism Ecosystem Development Readiness in Southeast Asia
This webinar covers the findings of a recent Asian Development Bank brief about how Southeast Asian countries are using smart technologies to make their tourism sectors more competitive, inclusive, and sustainable, and outlines the complex financing and infrastructure challenges they face.
Trevor Weltman, Partner at Clickable Impact Consulting Group
June 4th, 2024 |Recording of the webinar is available for GSTC Members
Case Studies in Sustainable Tourism Implementation: Lessons from Kenya
Explore real-world examples of sustainable tourism implementation in Kenya. Discover how destinations and businesses have successfully integrated sustainable practices aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Gain insights into the challenges encountered and the positive outcomes achieved, offering valuable lessons for sustainable tourism efforts worldwide
Emmanuel Gichuru, Program officer-Standard and Best Practices, Ecotourism Kenya
Sheila Kutto, Programs Coordinator, Ecotourism Kenya
May 22nd, 2024 |Recording of the webinar is available for GSTC Members
Responsible Practices for Small Tour Operators: Insights from the Karakoram Region
Pakistan, a land of stunning contrasts, from towering mountain peaks like K2 in the north to vast deserts in the south. This webinar focuses on the Karakoram region, a rugged landscape boasting some of Earth’s highest mountains and longest glaciers outside the polar regions. Karakoram is also home to a rich cultural diversity with five ethnic groups and a rich array of languages, music, and traditions.
Tourism in the Karakoram has seen a significant increase, driven by both domestic and international visitors. While this surge brings economic benefits, including job creation and community development, it also presents challenges like inflation, ecological disruption, and cultural impact. This webinar explores the positive and negative impacts of tourism on the region’s economy, environment, and socio-cultural landscape. And how Beyond the Valley, as an active member of GSTC, is at the forefront of addressing these challenges.
This webinar aims to share insights into sustainable tourism practices in the Karakoram, where participants will have the opportunity to learn from best practices, how tourism can benefit local communities while preserving the regions unique natural and cultural heritage.
Umer Latif, Founder of Beyond the Valley.
May 15th, 2024 |Recording of the webinar is available for GSTC Members
Greenview: Climate crisis and the tourism industry
Join us for an insightful webinar as we explore the critical intersection of the climate crisis and the tourism industry, with a specific focus on greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.
Our expert panel will provide a comprehensive overview of GHG emissions, including Scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions, and examine the current regulatory landscape affecting the tourism sector. We’ll also discuss the imperative for tourism industry players to address this crisis and showcase practical solutions for measuring and mitigating GHG emissions.
– Jasline Ng, Manager, Greenview
– Napatr Meer, Manager, Greenview
– Sahil Aggarwal, Manager, Greenview
May 9th, 2024 |Recording of the webinar is available for GSTC Members
Exploring New Zealand’s Qualmark Standard
Dive into the core principles of New Zealand’s tourism excellence with the Qualmark Standard. Developed by New Zealand’s official quality assurance organization, Qualmark sets the benchmark for quality travel experiences.
Join us to delve into the nuances of the Bronze, Silver, and Gold accreditation levels, each reflecting a commitment to sustainable tourism and exceptional visitor satisfaction. Discover the evaluation process and learn how businesses align with Qualmark’s stringent criteria. Whether you’re a seasoned professional or new to the industry, this webinar offers valuable insights into learning from their experiences and applying them to your own context.
Steven Dixon, General Manager, Qualmark New Zealand
March 25th, 2024 |Recording of the webinar is available for GSTC Members
Key Findings from Global Meetings and Events Forecast in 2024
In this webinar we will delve into the 13th annual Global Meetings and Events Forecast report from AMEX GBT, which provides a clear picture of what to expect in the meetings and events industry by 2024. Information was gathered from more than 500 professionals around the world and leaders from five continents and 26 countries were interviewed.
This year’s report highlights important trends, such as the advancement of technology and artificial intelligence, the growing interest in making meetings more sustainable and the increasing emphasis on wellness and inclusion. Experts also highlight the importance of strong partnerships to succeed in this ever-changing landscape and where face-to-face meetings remain crucial to spark creativity, create culture and drive growth.
Eloísa Urrutia, Head of Global Sustainability Meetings & Events, AMEX GBT
March 14h, 2024 |Recording of the webinar is available for GSTC Members
Sustainability in Austria: leading projects as prerequisite for upcoming developments
Explore how standards and certifications play a pivotal role in Austria tourism’s journey towards ecological, socio-cultural, and economic sustainability. Discover how Austrian businesses and destinations, led by the Austrian National Tourist Office, are integrating sustainability into their DNA, showcasing exemplary projects that go beyond certification requirements.
This webinar provides a comprehensive overview of Austria’s balanced approach to tourism development, emphasizing the importance of sustainability as a prerequisite for the future success of the nation’s tourism sector.
Katrin Erben, Expert on Sustainability at the Austrian National Tourist Office
February 20th, 2024 | Recording of the webinar is available for GSTC Members
Sustainable Success: A Small City Hotel’s Journey to GSTC Certification
Explore the inspiring journey of personal enlightenment that fueled a commitment to environmental activism and the integration of sustainable practices in a small city hotel.
During this session, No 11 Hotel & Apartments will share their hands-on experience, detailing how they successfully attained GSTC certification, as the first small city hotel in Turkey to be GSTC Certified. Crafted for small city hotels with a desire to create a meaningful impact, this webinar reveals the potential of seamlessly integrating authentic environmental actions into certification. Owners, managers, and operators of small hotels, motels, family-owned pensions, and eco-lodges can anticipate a valuable learning experience.
Ayse Zeynep Sezerel, Owner, No11 Hotel & Apartments
February 15th, 2024 | Recording of the webinar is available for GSTC Members
Attractions’ Collective Journey to Sustainability: Insights from The Royal Djurgården Society and Parques Reunidos
* Public Webinar
Sustainability is not merely a goal to achieve; it’s a commitment and an ongoing journey of continuous improvement. In this interactive conversation, explore the sustainable actions and challenges faced by The Royal Djurgården Society and Parques Reunidos, two remarkable organizations deeply rooted in sustainability within the Attraction Industry.
As the GSTC introduces global guidelines for sustainable practices in Attractions, learn about the pivotal role the Criteria play. The absence of universally adopted criteria for Attractions necessitates our collective efforts to establish a common understanding and set of standards aligned with GSTC’s goals.
The Royal Djurgården Society, representing over 60 attractions in Stockholm, brings a rich history of over 400 years, emphasizing cooperation and sustainability. Their unique Sustainability Team, comprising champions within the destination, collaborates to drive sustainability forward.
Parques Reunidos, a global leisure park operator with over 50 years of experience, stands as one of the three truly global operators. Operating a diversified portfolio across Europe, North America, and Australia, their commitment to sustainability reflects in ethical operations, community support, and environmental protection.
Gain valuable insights into the journey of Attractions, understanding the challenges, and embracing the ethos of continuous improvement.
– Camilla Zedendahl, CEO of the Royal Djurgården Society
– Isidora Díaz, Chief Sustainability and HSE, Officer of Parques Reunidos Group
February 8th, 2024 | Recording of the webinar is publicly available here
Pathways to Compliance to the GSTC Criteria
* Public Webinar
For many tourism businesses and DMO’s, complying with each criterion in the GSTC Criteria can be challenging. GSTC recommends taking its stages, selecting certain criteria to show compliance to initially, then moving on to others until the organization is confident of two things: that their practices comply with each criterion, and that they have the ability to provide evidence of that.
Join GSTC CEO Randy Durband as he draws from the experience of other GSTC members in developing and operating pathways that suit their own unique situation.
Presenter: Randy Durband, CEO GSTC.
Session 1 – January 24th, 2024 | Recording of the webinar is publicly available here
Session 2 – January 25th, 2024 | Recording of the webinar is publicly available here
Hotelzero: Empowering Hotels Toward Certification with Innovative Technology
Hotelzero, an innovative software designed as a tool to propel hotels toward certification and empower them on their journey towards achieving zero-net goals. Explore its cutting-edge features for efficient water, energy, and waste tracking, tailored to streamline sustainability management and audit preparation. Ideal for small to mid-size hotels, HotelZero simplifies sustainability management with a collaborative pathway for cross-functional teams.
Discover how this technology not only optimizes processes and enhances sustainability practices but also actively supports hotels in complying with certain criteria in the GSTC Industry Criteria for Hotels.
Presenter: Jason Lin, Co-Founder and CEO at Hotelzero
January 18th, 2024 | Recording of the webinar is available for GSTC Members
Explorando la herramienta de evaluación del desempeño sostenible de un tour operador de la Universidad Tecnológica de León
En este seminario web abordaremos:
- Importancia de la evaluación del turismo sostenible: Descubre por qué evaluar el impacto del turismo sostenible es crucial para el sector privado e institucional.
- Presentación de la herramienta dinámica de auto-evaluación: Conoce la innovadora herramienta desarrollada por la Universidad Tecnológica de León, basada en los Criterios GSTC para Tour Operadores. Esta herramienta dinámica redefine la autoevaluación del desempeño sostenible en la industria turística.
- Aplicación de la herramienta a un tour operador local y resultados: Acompáñanos mientras aplicamos la herramienta a un tour operador local. Exploraremos los resultados y cómo esta evaluación concreta puede orientar a las empresas turísticas hacia prácticas más sostenibles
Presentador: Manuel Miroglio, Profesor de la Licenciatura en Gestión y Desarrollo Turístico de la Universidad Tecnológica de León
Enero 9, 2024 | Recording of the webinar is available for GSTC Members
Sustainable Supplies – Action for a Sustainable Future
Building a sustainable supply chain at Metaxa Hospitality Group
Metaxa Hospitality Group is leading the way, linking organically – and through local communities – sustainability with social responsibility, confirming that Sustainable Procurement is an important component for the “Green transition” of the Hospitality industry. The Group takes the initiative to train its supplier partners into a sustainable procurement team and build a group of sustainable suppliers. The initiative now regards suppliers specialized in the Food & Beverage sector with a potential to expand in all procurement sectors.
This innovative action is organized for the first time by a Hotel Group in Greece and is an initiative of the Group to educate the Group’s supplier partners in understanding the sustainable way of production & procurement based on international ESG (Environmental – Social – Governance). For the needs of this initiative, Metaxa Hospitality Group collaborated with Local Food Experts, a social cooperative company specializing in building sustainable supply chains.
- Marigianna Chalkiadaki : Sustainability Manager at Metaxa Hospitality Group
- Nikiforos Steiakakis: Chief Strategy Officer at Local Food Experts
November 30th | Recording of the webinar is available for GSTC Members
visitBerlin Unleash the Green Potential: Mastering Sustainable Event Planning and Turning SDGs into Practice
* Open Webinar
Are you passionate about event planning and want to make a positive impact on our planet? Are you eager to learn how to create memorable events while minimizing environmental impact? If so, this webinar is the perfect opportunity for you to gain valuable insights and become a part of the growing movement towards eco-friendly events!
Berlin has developed solutions to implement sustainable event planning economically, socially and ecologically. The Sustainable Event Guidelines Berlin and Sustainable Partners enable event planners to become part of sustainable development, plan events for the future and inspire target groups.
Why should you join?
Empower Change: By participating in this webinar, you’ll acquire the knowledge and tools needed to become a sustainability advocate in our industry.
Stay Ahead of the Game: As sustainability becomes a key criterion for event success, staying informed and adopting sustainable practices will set you apart from competitors.
Cost-Efficiency: Learnhow to plan events that are both eco-friendly and budget-friendly.
Practical Insights: You’ll leave with actionable strategies and a case study from BESTIVAL (Berlin’s business festival for the MICE industry) which you can implement immediately.
Q&A Session: Have burning questions about sustainable event planning? This is the perfect time to ask anything.
- Manuel Wrobel, Head of Business Development Berlin Convention Office, visitBerlin
- Kyra Reiter, Marketing Manager Conventions, Sustainable Meetings Berlin, visitBerlin
November 22nd, 2023 | Recording of the webinar is publicly available here
How can a destination engage with its ecosystem towards sustainability ?
Implementing a destination-wide sustainable tourism strategy requires leadership from the DMO. During this webinar, Tourisme Montréal will show you how to integrate sustainable development into its corporate culture, leading by example. They will provide specific examples on how they ensured effective implementation, as well as how they support local stakeholders and raise awareness among tourists.
Presenter: Fanny Beaulieu Cormier, Sustainable Development Consultant, Tourisme Montréal
November 16th, 2023 | Recording of the webinar is available for GSTC Members
Sharing Best Practices: Unveiling the South Tyrol Sustainability Seal – based upon the GSTC Criteria.
How can you identify destinations and accommodation businesses that are actively committed to providing solutions for a sustainable future? In South Tyrol, the answer is clear – the unmistakable South Tyrol Sustainability Seal, a certification based upon the GSTC Criteria that gives recognition to entities in the tourism industry committed to safeguarding both nature and human beings.
As Owners of the GSTC Recognized Standard: Sustainable Tourism Standard South Tyrol, IDM Südtirol – Alto Adige is at the forefront of promoting sustainable practices and shaping a greener future for the tourism industry.
In this webinar, you will gain valuable insights into:
- What the South Tyrol Sustainability Seal is and what it represents.
- A comprehensive overview of how businesses and destinations in South Tyrol can achieve this prestigious certification.
- The pivotal role played by accredited certification bodies, underlining South Tyrol’s unique approach to certification.
- The assurance of rigorous evaluation by independent experts, guaranteeing that businesses and destinations meet the stringent sustainability criteria set by the GSTC.
Presenter: Johanna Reinel – Programme Manager Sustainability, IDM Südtirol – Alto Adige
November 8th, 2023 | Recording of the webinar is available for GSTC Members
Tourism Development Planning: Learning from IPDT’s 20 Years of Experience
IPDT is a tourism consultancy organization, specialized in the development of destinations, with particular emphasis on the production of strategic and marketing plans, tourism communication and promotion, sustainability certification processes and the production of content and information for travel and tourism decision making processes.
IPDT is an Affiliate Member of the World Tourism Organization (WTO), of the Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC) and of the Strategic Council of Porto Airport (Portugal), with more than 20 years of experience in the travel, tourism, and hospitality sectors.
This webinar will introduce you to the IPDT project – how it started, key initiatives and milestones, our experience working with destinations, lessons learned and shared. We will also focus on our communication strategy and how we leverage our networks to give visibility to clients and projects.
- Jorge Costa, President of IPDT, Strategy and Tourism Developmen
- João Gomes, Executive Director, Sustainable Development and Market Research
October 24th, 2023 | Recording of the webinar is available for GSTC Members
The Power of Soap and Plastic Recycling Programs – Active Hotel Sustainability
Clean the World and the Responsible Plastic Management Program (RMP) have active recycling initiatives that empower organizations and hotels to actively participate in soap and plastic recycling programs.
From establishing controls and sustainable practices to fostering community engagement, this webinar will showcase how Clean The World, the RMP, Greenview and hotels work together to take a leadership position in driving environmental stewardship and global health impact. We’ll explore the remarkable soap and plastic recycling programs that empower hotels to make a significant impact on both environmental sustainability, circularity, and global health.
We’ll uncover practical strategies, success stories, and best practices to inspire hotels to join the journey towards a responsible plastic management future.
We will discuss how hotels can turn waste into a powerful tool for global health promotion and showcase the incredible journey of these innovative recycling programs and give insights to the latest developments with verification and certification.
- Terry Riddle, Managing Director – Clean the World International
- Tommie Eaton, Director – Clean the World Europe
- Jessica Yau, Senior Manager – Greenview
- Dave Garforth, Technical Director – Responsible Plastic Management Program
October 19th, 2023 | Recording of the webinar is available for GSTC Members
Grupo Xcaret: Creando Experiencias Turísticas Sostenibles
Grupo Xcaret es una familia apasionada de anfitriones únicos y extraordinarios al servicio de México, de sus huéspedes y visitantes a quienes generan momentos de intensa felicidad que trascienden en sus vidas.
Para el Grupo Xcaret, la sostenibilidad va más allá de un compromiso superficial. Es la base de su enfoque empresarial, asegurando un equilibrio entre el valor económico, sociocultural y ambiental. Esta visión ha llevado al Grupo Xcaret a adoptar la meta de ser líderes en recreación turística sostenible.
En este webinar, exploraremos en detalle cómo el Grupo Xcaret materializa su visión a través de su Política de Sostenibilidad y su Modelo de Xostenibilidad. Estos documentos clave describen los principios fundamentales y las acciones concretas que implementan tanto a nivel corporativo como en cada unidad de negocio.
Presentadora: Miriam Alonso Pacheco, Subdirección Corporativa de Sostenibilidad del Grupo Xcaret
Octubre 5, 2023 | Recording of the webinar is available for GSTC Members
Sonoma County’s Destination Stewardship and Resiliency Master Plan
Under development for two years, with input from hundreds of local businesses and residents, Sonoma County Tourism (SCT) recently unveiled its Destination Stewardship and Resiliency Master Plan for Sonoma County, California. As the first Destination Marketing Organization to advance into a Destination Stewardship Organization, SCT set out to craft a plan with a principal focus on resiliency and stewardship, looking a decade into the future through a data-driven foundation to offer guidance and programming to meet the rapidly changing needs of the destination.
Hear from Sonoma County Tourism on the evolution of this actionable and measurable plan, the role that the GSTC Destination Assessment of Sonoma County played in its development, and our goals to see business, social, and residential sectors coalesce around a shared vision for a sustainable and resilient future.
Presenter: Sonoma County Tourism
· Claudia Vecchio ‒ President and CEO
· Kelly Bass Seibel ‒ Vice President, Community Engagement
· Conrad Braganza ‒ Senior Manager, Research
· Devin McConnell ‒ Manager, Sustainability & Climate Initiatives
GSTC Destination Assessment of Sonoma County, USA
Sonoma County Tourism Destination Stewardship & Resiliency Master Plan
September 26th, 2023 | Recording of the webinar is available for GSTC Members
Legambiente: Economic alternatives in winter tourism destinations
Climate change is significantly impacting life and tourism in mountainous regions. With diminishing snowfall, melting glaciers, and ecological shifts, the traditional paradigm of winter tourism is evolving. While some destinations continue to rely solely on skiing, others are pioneering alternative approaches that align with sustainability.
This webinar, hosted by Legambiente, sheds light on the challenges posed by climate change in the Alps, offering data-driven insights into tourist behavior, changing preferences, and the quest for sustainable practices. Gain an understanding of the dynamic strategies being pursued to ensure responsible tourism and the preservation of these cherished landscapes.
– Paola Fagioli, Tourism Department, Legambiente APS Onlus.
September 14th, 2023 | Recording of the webinar is available for GSTC Members
Ecomuseos: escenarios para la preservación de tradiciones locales y la naturaleza
La Fundación Ecoagroturismo nace en 2005, en Asturias, España, como una organización que fomenta el turismo responsable en las zonas rurales.
En este emocionante webinar, exploraremos uno de sus enfoques para lograr dicho cometido: los ecomuseos. Veremos cómo estos se han convertido en escenarios fundamentales para la puesta en valor de los elementos naturales de un territorio y la preservación de prácticas y tradiciones locales, con el propósito de promover un turismo más sostenible.
A través de la presentación de dos casos exitosos en España, descubriremos cómo la integración de prácticas ecoturísticas y agroturísticas en ecomuseos ha contribuido a la recuperación de tradiciones ancestrales y la conservación de la naturaleza. Además, analizaremos en detalle cómo esta metodología puede ser replicada en otros lugares y contextos culturales.
– Severino García, Presidente de la Fundación Ecoagroturismo.
– David Martín, Responsable del proyecto “Ecomuseo del pastor del agua”.
Septiembre 5, 2023 |Recording of the webinar is available for GSTC Members
Norway’s “Sustainable Destination”: a program designed for sustainable destination development.
The Norway’s acclaimed “Sustainable Destination” program is a national program for long term development and improvement in tourism destinations. The program delivers a Standard (GSTC recognized) to be followed, a described working process with tools and templates, a monitoring portal, incentives and funding, trained advisors, audits/auditors and regularly development and revisions.
Hosted by Innovation Norway, this webinar will delve into the program’s remarkable achievements and contributions towards creating a sustainable future for the tourism industry in Norway and showing the case study of Bergen as the largest destination in the Nordics to be labelled as Sustainable destination.
Innovation Norway aims to contribute to growth in Norwegian businesses and industry through capital and expertise within sustainable frameworks. They offer services within funding, advice, expertise, networking, and promotion.
Visit Bergen is the destination marketing and management organization for The Greater Bergen Area in Western Norway. Public-related information and profiling, media and trade related service and more.
– Knut Perander, Head of Tourism Development, Tourism Department, Visit Norway.
– Magnus Brekke Nygaard, Chief Sustainability Office, Visit Bergen.
August 24th, 2023 | Recording of the webinar is available for GSTC Members
Criterios GSTC – Sustentabilidad aplicada en el valor de mi negocio turístico
Webinar Público
Webinar en español para Latinoamérica, donde exploraremos el tema de la sustentabilidad aplicada al valor de tu negocio turístico a través de los criterios GSTC. Descubre cómo estos criterios pueden guiarte para mejorar el desempeño de tu empresa en sostenibilidad. A través de ejemplos prácticos y casos de éxito, aprenderás a implementar medidas efectivas que impulsen el crecimiento sostenible de tu negocio y promuevan un turismo responsable en la región latinoamericana.
Presentador: Jorge Moller, Director de Programas en Latinoamérica, GSTC
Agosto 9, 2023 | La grabación del seminario web está disponible públicamente aquí
Unlocking Sustainability Insights: Exploring The Cornell Hotel Sustainability Benchmarking Index 2023
Greenview, the world’s leading provider of sustainability programs and data management for the hospitality and tourism sector, will dive into the findings of the Cornell Hotel Sustainability Benchmarking (CHSB) Index 2023, an industry-led global data initiative. This comprehensive index enables hotels to calculate their carbon footprint, benchmark energy and water usage, and assess carbon emissions at a low cost, drawing from a dataset of over 25,000 hotels worldwide.
This webinar will discuss the key findings of the CHSB Index 2023 and how to effectively utilize the CHSB dataset as a hotelier, travel buyer, or sustainability practitioner and gain a deeper understanding of its alignment with GSTC Criteria.
Presenter: Dr. Rehmaashini Jagarajan – Senior Sustainability Manager, Greenview
July 26th, 2023 | Recording of the webinar is available for GSTC Members
Food Waste Prevention: Sustainable Solutions for Cost Saving and Environmental Impact
The PLEDGE™ is a global certification and benchmarking system designed for restaurants, hotel outlets and canteens willing to cut on food waste, save on food costs and nurture the local ecosystem of Food Waste Solution providers.
This webinar will discuss how to save on food costs and minimize food waste through the 7 key pillars of The Pledge benchmarking system: Process Documentation, Employee Commitment, Food Waste Monitoring, Food Handling, Preparation and Offering, Customer Engagement, and Post-Consumer.
Presenter: Marco Sandri, Global Manager of The PLEDGE™
July 20th, 2023 | Recording of the webinar is available for GSTC Members
Good Practices for Sustainable Cruise Tourism
This webinar will discuss the key takeaways from the European Commission’s recently published report on Good Practices for Sustainable Cruise Tourism. Our expert speakers will provide an in-depth analysis of the cruise industry, examining critical issues, data, and sustainable tourism practices.
· Thomas van de Wijdeven, Strategy Consultant, Deloitte NL
· Gurvinder Arora, Manager Policy Strategy, Deloitte NL
· Sascha Gill, Vice President, Sustainability, CLIA
· Ioannis Pappas, Director of the Mediterranean Region, GSTC
June 28th, 2023 | Recording of the webinar is available for GSTC Members
Accessible and Inclusive Travel
This webinar will provide you with valuable insights into the growing accessible and inclusive travel market segment. Learn how to provide accessible and inclusive experiences for people with disability and others with access needs, and thereby gain a competitive advantage, increase their market share and boost their revenue.
Presenter: Martin Heng, Former Accessible Travel Manager & Editorial Adviser, Lonely Planet
Moderator: Roi Ariel, General Manager, GSTC
June 14th, 2023 | Recording of the webinar is publicly available here
Travel Unity’s DEI Standards for Travel & Tourism
This webinar will discuss best practices in diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) and Travel Unity’s DEI Standards for Visitor-Facing Organizations, which center on three Pillars: Management & Workforce, Visitorship, and Community Impact.
Travel Unity is a nonprofit focused on increasing diversity in the world of travel through individual and community empowerment.
Presenter: Roni Weiss, Executive Director, Travel Unity
April 25th, 2023 | Recording of the webinar is publicly available here
Tricolage’s Journey to Certification as a Sustainable Tour Operator
Tricolage Inc., an inbound travel consulting company that promotes sustainable tourism in Japan, is certified to the GSTC Criteria by Control Union (a GSTC-Accredited Certification Body), making Tricolage the first tour operator in Japan to achieve GSTC Certification by Control Union.
This webinar will discuss the intensive certification process and what it means for the future of sustainable tourism in Japan.
Presenter: Benjamin Wong, Co-founder and CEO, Tricolage
April 20th, 2023 | Recording of the webinar is publicly available here
Turning Your Linear Business Model to Circular
It doesn’t matter what kind of business you run. For all business models there are possibilities to become more circular and more sustainable. This is a quick walk-through towards a more circular business model.
The session will provide tips and tricks on how to use circular economy as a compass for daily decision-making.
Presenter: Stefan Pettersson, GAMENG AB
April 6th, 2023 | Recording of the webinar is available for GSTC Members
Trees4Travel: Carbon Management Technology to Measure and Reduce Emissions Impact
Trees4Travel is a ‘Tech For Good’ company working with travel brands in the business and leisure sectors to provide free carbon management technology to measure and reduce emissions impact. Working with future-minded travel companies, it calculates the impact of journeys by translating trips into trees and then planting trees in developing countries to absorb CO2 emissions, helping to restore forests, biodiversity, and support local communities. In addition, every tree is connected to United Nations (CER) certified emissions reduction renewable energy carbon credits, further reducing emissions. Trees4Travel is part of the UN’s Environment Program; One Trillion Trees campaign and supports 13 of 17 UN global sustainability goals. simultaneously invest into renewable energy projects, essentially doubling our promise & backing up our CO2 removal claim.
Presenter: Elkie Nicholas, Co-founder, Trees4Travel
March 7th, 2023 | Recording of the webinar is available for GSTC Members
Responsible Elephant-Based Tourism in Southeast Asia
Elephant-based tourism remains one of southeast Asia’s most popular experiences. But with its many sensitivities, it can be a challenging activity for tour operators and travel trade professionals to confidently support and promote to their customers.
Asian Captive Elephant Standards (ACES) aims to enable the travel trade and consumers to make more informed choices about elephant tourism experiences in southeast Asia.
Presenter: Nicolas Dubrocard, Director, Asian Captive Elephant Standards (ACES)
February 21st, 2023 | Recording of the webinar is available for GSTC Members
Regenerative Vanua: Supporting resilient communities and livelihoods through climate smart regenerative agritourism
Regenerative Vanua is a Not-for-Profit organisation formally registered in 2021 as Charitable Organisation under the Charitable Associations (Incorporations) Act [Cap 140] in Vanuatu. Regenerative Vanua’s Vision is to “Support resilient and climate smart rural communities by restoring pride in Indigenous food culture through regenerative agritourism & food tourism, regenerative farming and food systems and regenerative landscapes”. RegenerativeVanua in collaboration with many partners have developed the Regenerative Agritourism Recognition Pathway which outlines standards that will be recognised by the Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC) to ensure the development of agritourism is resilient in the face of climate change and protects and promotes Indigenous Knowledge Systems.
Presenter: Dr. Cherise Addinsall, Southern Cross University
February 9th, 2023 | Recording of the webinar is available for GSTC Members
Park City’s Sustainable Tourism Plan
Developed in the spring of 2022, the Sustainable Tourism Plan for Park City and Summit County intends to create a future where we consider community and environmental benefits with the same weight as economic benefits, resulting in a thriving community and destination. The plan was developed in collaboration with diverse community stakeholders to create a long-range sustainable destination plan with destination stewardship principles in mind.
Presenter: Morgan Mingle, Director of Sustainable Tourism, Park City Chamber of Commerce | Convention & Visitors Bureau
January 25th, 2023 | Recording of the webinar is available for GSTC Members
Advantage: Balkans. “Not Developed, but Preserved”
The current state of sustainable tourism in the Balkans
The Balkans, as a tourism destination, have become an attractive and desired destination among international travellers. However, the level of sustainability in our region, on its path of transformation, does not meet global standards nor the expectations of responsible travellers who contribute to good impacts in their destinations of choice. To address that and to work towards a more sustainable tourism development, we have established the Balkan Green initiative as a transnational informal body, assigned as the full representative of Green Destinations and the Good Travel Program in the region. We act as a strong, reliable, and professional network. Our aim is to connect professionals of the public and private sectors – big or small – that want to work on credible, measurable development of sustainable tourism, for better quality of life of our residents, and to protect our unique natural and cultural assets. In this webinar we will share first experiences and advice for other such networks.
Presenter: Co-Founders and Partners of Balkan Green
· Aleksandar Donev – Mustseedonia, North Macedonia
· Ivana Petrovic – Mustseedonia, North Macedonia
· Jana Apih – GoodPlace, Slovenia
· Kirsi Hyvaerinen – HYVÄ Coaching & Consulting, Montenegro
· Ledia Meha – Spoonbill Nest Innovation Center, Albania
· Snjezana Derviskadic – Green Visions, Bosnia and Herzegovina
· Terena Cardwell – Spoonbill Nest Innovation Center, Albania
· Thierry Joubert – Green Visions, Bosnia and Herzegovina
January 17th, 2023 | Recording of the webinar is publicly available here
Sustainable destination management through digitization
Outdooractive, a new GSTC member, will share their experiences and learnings from connecting a large user community of +13M members with more than 3500 tourism destinations, associations, service providers and other outdoor tourism partners through the Outdooractive platform ecosystem. In addition to an explanation of the goals of a close collaboration between Green Destinations, Outdooractive will present data-driven solutions for sustainable tourism management and highlight their latest research findings on the role of digital platforms to support the development of sustainable tourism and its impact. The session will close with an outlook on upcoming opportunities to increase the outreach of sustainable tourism experiences through a European Tourism Data Space.
Presenter: Simon Reuter, Research Manager, Outdooractive
November 23rd, 2022 | Recording of the webinar is available for GSTC Members
Weeva: How to make sustainable tourism work for you
Weeva is the holistic digital sustainability management platform the travel industry has been waiting for. Built on a 360-degree framework of interconnected tools, Weeva is holistic, easy-to-use and tracks net environmental and social impact – both negative and positive – in real time. This webinar will discuss how to drive measurable change and build lasting resilience, by putting the power, and the metrics, in your hands.
Presenter: Julie Cheetham, Managing Director, Weeva
November 15th, 2022 | Recording of the webinar is available for GSTC Members
Turismo de Portugal: +Sustainable Tourism Plan 20-23
Drawn up under the premise of stimulating the sustainable development of Tourism throughout the value chain, from supply to demand, and promoting a destination based on the best sustainability practices, the +Sustainable Tourism Plan 20-23 is the strategic, participative and dynamic reference through which Turismo de Portugal assumes responsibility for mobilizing agents and society to promote sustainability in Tourism in Portugal.
Turismo de Portugal will share the methodology followed and the state of its Plan. This webinar will also present, in more detail, two specific initiatives for tourism businesses regarding water efficiency and ESG management.
Leonor Picão and Teresa Ferreira from Turismo de Portugal will present the + Sustainable Tourism Plan 20-23
Elisabete Félix from Turismo de Portugal will present the “360º Tourism Companies Program” – based on ESG management
Patrícia Dias from ADENE will present the “AQUA + Hotels Classification”
November 9th, 2022 | Recording of the webinar is available for GSTC Members
Current State of Sustainable Tourism in Central Asia
This webinar discusses the current state of sustainable tourism in Central Asia. We look at current opportunities and challenges for tourism development in Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan and hear from experts from the region about the interesting initiatives realised in the recent years.
Kairat Sadvakassov, Vice Chairman Of The Board at Kazakh Tourism
Rano Islambekova, Tourism Component Manager, Sustainable Economic Development, Uzbekistan at GIZ
Nargiza Kudaiberdieva, Project Manage at Helvetas Kyrgyzstan
Anula Galewska, Managing Director at Travindy
October 18th, 2022 | Recording of the webinar is available for GSTC Members
Sustainability Orientation at GSTC Assessed Destinations
GSTC Destination Assessment is designed to introduce the destination management team to the core elements required for them to develop sustainable policies and practices by applying the GSTC Criteria to the specific destination.
Over 33 destinations have undergone a GSTC Destination Assessment. In this webinar, Dr. Ioannis Pappas will provide insight into GSTC Destination Assessments over the last few years, followed by Sarah John, a master’s student from Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts, who will share the methodology and results of her master’s thesis, which evaluated destinations that have undergone GSTC Destination Assessment regarding their sustainability efforts and their marketing strategy.
Presenters: Ioannis Pappas, GSTC Director – Mediterranean Region
September 20th, 2022 | Recording of the webinar is available for GSTC Members
GSTC in India: Adopting the Sustainability Agenda in the Travel & Tourism Marketplace
Sustainable travel as a concept is gaining momentum. The Travel and Tourism Marketplaces are well positioned to further the “sustainable & responsible travel” aspirations that travelers are demanding. Given their reach to connect with a range of service providers, which way will the Travel and Tourism Marketplaces go?
This webinar aims to throw light on the role that the Travel and Tourism Marketplaces are playing now, and their potential role in the future.
1. Mr. Deep Kalra – Founder & Chairman, Makemytrip
2. Mr. Harris Manlutac – Director, Head of Consulting APAC, American Express Global Business Travel
3. Ms. Ritu Mehrotra – Regional Commercial Director APAC, Booking.com
Moderator: Mr. CB Ramkumar – Board Member, Global Sustainable Tourism Council
August 24th, 2022 | Recording of the webinar is publicly available here
Sustainable Tourism in Japan
This webinar will discuss the current state of sustainable tourism in Japan, including the impact of GSTC Sustainable Tourism Training in several Japanese destinations.
Masao Aoki – CEO, Looport
Takeharu Kato – CEO, Megurun
Eri Suzuki – Sustainability Coordinator, Niseko Town Hall, Commerce and Tourism Division
Moderator: Emi Kaiwa – GSTC Manager, Asia Pacific
August 10th, 2022 | Recording of the webinar is available for GSTC Members
PATA Tourism Destination Resilience (TDR)
As part of the Crisis Resource Center, PATA’s Tourism Destination Resilience (TDR) programme enables destinations to withstand adversity and bounce forward from crises and disasters. Tourism Destination Resilience is essential for sustainability. Without resilience, years of progress in regenerating an ecosystem or eliminating poverty could be lost in one disaster. This is why we advocate that for a tourism destination to be sustainable, it must first be resilient.
Presenter: Graham Harper, Advisor, Sustainability and Social Responsibility, Pacific Asia Travel Association (PATA)
July 20th, 2022 | Recording of the webinar is available for GSTC Members
Current State of Sustainable Tourism in Greece
Greece tourism in 2022 will reach greater numbers than in 2019, the pre-covid period! The projections for this country in the South of Europe are very positive since the income from tourism is around 25% of the National GTP. However, is that a sign of success or will it be enough for this Mediterranean country to fully recover?
In this webinar, Dr. Ioannis Pappas, GSTC Director of Programs in the Mediterranean, will present the status and general developments in Greek Tourism and Sustainability, including activities that GSTC has designed and executed during the last two years, such as three destinations assessments that have been executed in cities around Greece (Athens, Heraklion), upcoming events in Greece regarding Sustainable Tourism that GSTC will contribute to, as well as the first results of an innovative awareness and training program that was created by Google Greece and GSTC for Tourism SMEs in Greece.
Presenter: Dr. Ioannis Pappas, CEO, Green Evolution SA and Director, Mediterranean Region at GSTC
July 13th, 2022 | Recording of the webinar is available for GSTC Members
Tablet Hotels & The Michelin Guide, Our Plan to Inspire Sustainable Travel
The Tablet Hotels & Michelin Guide selection features over 6,000 unique and inspiring hotels worldwide. Join Tiffany Chan and Annie Kemple as they talk about the launch of Tablet’s Sustainability Icon.
Learn more about Tablet Hotels, the hotel experts at the Michelin Guide
Presenter: Annie Kemple, Head of Tablet Plus Program & Sustainable Development
June 29th, 2022 | Recording of the webinar is available for GSTC Members
Alight – Wayaj’s new platform for sustainable hotels
If there is a takeaway from the pandemic is that travelers now have an increased awareness of sustainability and are looking for more environmentally friendly travel options. Consider the facts: 83% of global travelers think sustainable travel is vital, 81% would like to stay at sustainable hotels, and more than 50% of travelers want to have the option to offset the carbon footprint of their trips
Are you taking advantage of this growing market segment? Join the Wayaj team of experts in technology, sustainable hospitality and tourism for an educational webinar on June 22nd.
Wayaj is a global leader in providing innovative and effective solutions to the hospitality industry to reduce its impact on the environment, and foster sustainable communities. With over 470 hotel members in 109 countries, we deliver the resources, tools and expertise to empower the accommodations sector and travelers to make more informed choices to support sustainability. We are the originators of the IMPPACT (Imperative Metamorphosis to Preserve our Planet and Communities for Tomorrow) Program, featuring our ground-breaking Carbon Footprint Calculating Engine (CFC Engine TM) and Sustainable Actions (SAs) module, Hotel Sustainability Ratings tool, and Alight.travel, the dynamic new booking website offering carbon offset opportunities to guests at checkout. Alight is purpose-built to have a positive impact on travel and ignite change by connecting sustainability-minded travelers with trusted hotels and travel ideas worldwide.
Let’s work together to build a more sustainable world for environmentally conscious travelers.
Nelly Gedeon – Founder and CEO for Wayaj
Logan Cohen, Director of Sustainability
Nerdin St. Rose, Marketing Director
Brian Dass, Chief Technology Officer
June 22nd, 2022 | Recording of the webinar is available for GSTC Members
Fair Trade Procurement in Hotels
When it comes to hospitality, introducing Fair Trade Certified products such as produce, coffee, tea, baking ingredients, and even linens for food service and in-room hotel needs are an effective way to meet your sustainable commitments. Products with the Fair Trade Certified seal™ meet rigorous social, environmental, and economic standards that provide safe working conditions, environmental protection, sustainable livelihoods, and community development funds. As you consider procurement needs for your business, learn how sourcing Fair Trade Certified products can solidify supply chain resiliency, strengthen your brand, build consumer loyalty, and help accelerate your sustainability goals. Fair Trade USA™, an ISEAL organization, is the leading certifier of fair trade products in North America and partners with innovative organizations and industry leaders to ensure sustainable development and corporate social responsibility across the globe.
What are your next steps in procuring and sourcing Fair Trade Certified products for your hotels?
You can download this resource guide that contains powerful data to consider as you plan, procure, and implement criteria commitments, and learn how Fair Trade USA can support you in meeting those goals.
Leilani Latimer, Chief Commercial & Marketing Officer, Fair Trade USA
Abby Ayers, Senior Director, Retail Partnership, Fair Trade USA
May 19th, 2022 | Recording of the webinar is available for GSTC Members
From Impact Escapes to Picker’s Pocket – Business Pivot During Covid
Impact Escapes was established as a sustainable travel company with a focus on Sri Lanka. When New Zealand closed its borders and international travel as we knew it came to a halt we had to make a choice to close the business or diversify our offering.
Fortunately for us, in April 2020 we took part in the GSTC Sustainable Tourism course. Five months later Picker’s Pocket was born, allowing us to continue to support the small operators whilst bringing an experience to New Zealanders.
We’d love to share our journey with you!
Presenter: Sally Miller, Co-Founder of Picker’s Pocket
May 11th, 2022 | Recording of the webinar is available for GSTC Members
Business Travel is Wounded, but Certainly Not Dead
What does the future of business travel look like? In a panel discussion, a group of experts shared their knowledge on how we can introduce operational standards, the importance of data and communications, as well as the role of consulting and education in sustainable business travel.
Julien Etchanchu – Sustainability Practice Lead, Advito
Susan Austin Prendergast – Principal, American Express Global Business Travel
Glenn Thorsen – Head of Partnerships, Thrust Carbon
Bernard Harrop – IG Management, GSTC Sustainable Business Travel Course Instructor
April 28th, 2022 | Recording of the webinar is publicly available here
The State of Sustainable Tourism in Canada
Sustainability has increasingly become an important value for visitors and is a key component to successful tourism businesses and a thriving tourism industry.
In 2021, GreenStep launched the Sustainable Tourism Assessment tool and in turn the Sustainable Tourism 2030 Pledge, encouraging tourism businesses and destinations across Canada, and beyond, to begin measuring their sustainability performance with a commitment to improve their performance by 2030. The Sustainable Tourism assessment score is a free tool and is based on GSTC-recognized criteria, covering all four categories of sustainability.
The online assessment tool has now captured hundreds of data points, across many categories and subcategories of sustainability, from all sectors within the industry. GreenStep will present its findings including areas where the industry is performing well as well as where there is need for support in order to make meaningful progress in the coming years. Next steps to help build back capacity and resiliency within the industry will also be discussed, with the aim to help speed the collective recovery of Canadian tourism businesses affected by the pandemic. Take an engaging look at the state of the sustainable tourism industry in Canada, and what Canada can do to elevate its profile as a sustainable tourism destination.
Presenter: Angela Nagy, GreenStep CEO
April 12th, 2022 | Recording of the webinar is available for GSTC members
Encuentros Humanos y Regeneración (español)
Sin duda uno de los grandes aprendizajes durante la pandemia ha sido revalorizar la importancia de vivir en comunidad: cuidar a nuestros vecinos, comprar localmente, crear negocios locales y producir alimentos que aseguren el bienestar. Esto es lo que queremos compartir en nuestro webinar Titulado: Encuentros Humanos y Turismo Regenerativo, como nos ayudan los criterios del Consejo Global de Turismo Sostenible a implementar estos desafíos. Vivir como una comunidad latinoamericana, generando una experiencia de encuentros humanos que contribuirá a la resiliencia de tantas personas que desean y necesitan encontrarse en persona para compartir ideas, sueños y soluciones. Vamos a abrazar nuestra comunidad turística con fraternidad y amor.
Presentador: Jorge Moller, Director de Programas en Latinoamérica, GSTC
30 de marzo de 2022 | La grabación está disponible públicamente aquí
Guests and Staff Participation – My Green Butler
My Green Butler is a sustainable hospitality management system, which works by monitoring an eco-nexus of resources, behaviours and conditions. It audits electricity, gas, biomass, solar, water, laundry and waste and shows you where and why you have wastage. It directly guides staff and persuades guests to take adaptive action to conserve resources showing them the results. Its ‘real-time’ eco-feedback and advice increase staff participation, increases guest comfort, and enhances their stay experience.
Presenter: Dr. Christopher Warren, Founder of My Green Butler
March 16th, 2022 | Recording of the webinar is available for GSTC members
Glasgow Declaration on Climate Action in Tourism
The Glasgow Declaration on Climate Action in Tourism, which was officially launched at the UN Climate Change Conference (COP26), brings a new set of pathways for climate action, aligning the sector with global commitments and catalyzing collaborative solutions to the many challenges facing businesses and destinations globally. The Glasgow Declaration encourages the acceleration of climate action in tourism by securing commitments to reduce emissions in tourism by at least 50% over the next decade and achieve Net Zero as soon as possible before 2050.
- Jeremy Smith, Co-Founder, Tourism Declares a Climate Emergency
- Jaume Mata, Head of Sustainable Tourism, Visit Valencia
- Dr. Susanne Etti, Environmental Impact Specialist, Intrepid Travel
February 16th, 2022 | Recording of the webinar is available for GSTC Members
Job Growth in Tourism
Jobs in tourism is always a relevant topic, including responsible hiring and promotion practices, the issue of machines vs. the human touch, but now as we plan for a more reliable and full recovery some day after covid-19 and its variants, the topic is very timely. Rika Jean-François, ITB Berlin’s CSR Commissioner and Member of the GSTC Board of Directors, joins GSTC CEO Randy Durband to reflect on the constant opportunity for tourism to serve as an engine for jobs. Recognizing that we cannot speak of jobs generally or in the abstract, in this session we will explore priority areas for more and better jobs in various parts of the vast travel and tourism value chain. As Rika points out, “on one hand we all need fast technology, but nobody wants a purely digital ITB any more, we all want to get back together.” That’s true for both leisure and business travel.
- Randy Durband, GSTC CEO
- Rika Jean-François, ITB Berlin CSR Commissioner and GSTC Board Member
February 16th, 2022 | Recording of the webinar is available for GSTC Members
Risk Management and Crisis Readiness in Tourism
The question today is not if but rather when the next crisis will take place. Interestingly, the biggest risk is often not the crisis itself, but rather the preparation, management, and response. Destinations and the private sector alike can learn from the experiences of others to minimize the possible impact of crises.
In this webinar, we will learn about Risk Management and Crisis Readiness in Tourism from the team at Global Rescue, who wrote the “Crisis Preparedness Management Recovery” for WTTC.
Presenter: Daniel Richards, CEO, Global Rescue
January 27th, 2022 | Recording of the webinar is available for GSTC members
Booking.com Travel Sustainable Badge
Booking.com announced in November the inaugural launch of its Travel Sustainable badge that will provide information to travelers all over the world looking to make more sustainable travel choices.
Properties that meet the required threshold for impact are receiving the first version of the Travel Sustainable badge, including those with a broad range of existing certifications and labels, for example, those officially approved by Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC). This framework approach and measurement methodology have been officially developed within the Travalyst Coalition and approved by the Travalyst Independent Advisory Group, and continue to be developed with further consultation and advice from the Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC).
Speaker: Thomas Loughlin, Sustainability Lead – Sustainable Supply, Booking.com
January 19th, 2022 | Recording of the webinar is available for GSTC members
Pacific Sustainable Tourism Policy Framework
The Pacific Sustainable Tourism Policy Framework reflects the aspirations of the SPTO and its members, the tourism industry, civil society organisations, regional organisations and global development partners. The shared vision is: By 2030 we are empowered by, and benefitting from tourism that is resilient, prosperous and inclusive. It improves the wellbeing of our communities and protects, restores and promotes our cultures, islands and ocean ecosystems. To ensure that tourism in the Pacific continues to be a driver of economic and community wellbeing, all partners are required to implement the policies and actions in the Framework to build a resilient tourism industry, fit for the challenges and opportunities the Pacific faces between now and 2030.
- Christina Leala Gale, Sustainable Tourism and Research Manager, Pacific Tourism Organisation (SPTO)
- Penny Spoelder, Senior Associate, TRC Tourism
November 17th, 2021 | Recording of the webinar is available for GSTC members
GSTC 2021 Online Members Meeting | December 7th & 9th
Every year, GSTC holds a professional conference focusing on sustainable tourism, standards, certifications, and the GSTC Criteria. The themes are different each year, with changing focus on different sustainability aspects from the GSTC Criteria.
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, an onsite conference will not take place in 2021. Therefore, we’ll hold a GSTC 2021 Online Members Meeting on:
December 7th for those in Asia-Pacific, Europe, Africa time-zones
at 09:00 CET | 12:30 IST | 15:00 ICT | 17:00 JP/KR | 18:00 AEST
December 9th for those in the Americas, Europe, Africa time-zones
at 8:00 PT | 11:00 ET | 16:00 UK | 17:00 CET
- Nora Lovell Marchant – Vice President, Global Sustainability, American Express Global Business Travel
- Christopher Grime – Head of Product Integration, SLH
- Janel Campbell – Manager Sustainability Department, Bahamas Ministry of Tourism & Aviation
- Samuel-Wille – Interim Head of Business Development, Switzerland Tourism
- Nicole Sautter – Analyst Global Sustainability Risk, Compliance & ESG, American Express Global Business Travel
- Rika Jean-François – CSR Commissioner, ITB Berlin; GSTC Board Member
- Vibhav Singh – Consulting Manager, Global Business Consulting – APAC, American Express Global Business Travel
- CB Ramkumar – GSTC Board Member & South Asia Director
- Luigi Cabrini – GSTC Chairman
- Randy Durband – GSTC CEO
Unpacking Sustainable Tourism in India through the lens of the GSTC Criteria
* This is a public webinar for participants from India, organized by the GSTC India Working Group
The Covid pandemic while bringing travel to a standstill also brought about a shift in the minds of the consumer globally and within the country. Research conducted by Booking.com in 2020 reveals that 96% of Indian travellers identified sustainable travel as important to them, while 76% said they were more determined to make sustainable choices when looking to travel in the future. However, 39% of Indian travellers do not know how or where to find sustainable travel options and 54% think there aren’t enough sustainable travel options available.
Sustainable tourism, responsible travel and ecotourism are concepts now many in the tourism sector talk about. These terms are largely misunderstood and interpreted in many different ways. More importantly they are equated to only “being green” and “environmental conscious”. How does the industry, stakeholders in destinations, policy makers and tourists build their understanding on what is sustainable tourism and sustainable travel options?
Already being used in India, the GSTC Criteria serve as the global standards for sustainability in travel and tourism. The Criteria are used for education and awareness-raising, policy-making for businesses and government agencies and other organization types, measurement and evaluation, and as a basis for certification.
- Mr. Arvind Singh, Secretary, Ministry of Tourism, Government of India
- Mr. Randy Durband, CEO, GSTC
- Mr. CB Ramkumar, Board Member & South Asia Director, GSTC
November 10th, 2021 | Recording is publically available here
GSTC Destination Management Workshop: Natural Areas and Visitor Management
Tourism in natural areas is a major part of the global tourism industry however, without proper planning and management of tourism activities, there may be negative environmental impacts such as habitat degradation, over-consumption of water, pollution, waste generation, the introduction of alien invasive species, among others. Visitor management plays an essential role in protecting the ecological sustainability of natural areas, providing funding and business opportunities, and creating an enjoyable visitor experience.
Through case studies from North America, Europe, and South America, learn about strategies for visitor management in natural areas.
Speakers: Dr. Kelly S. Bricker, Vice Chair, Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC); Jorge Moller, Program Director, Latin America, GSTC; Candace Strauss, CEO and President of the Sedona Chamber of Commerce & Tourism Bureau; Dr. Ivana Damnjanović, Professor, Singidunum University; Dr. Qwynne Lackey, Assistant Professor, SUNY Cortland; Jake Powell, Gateway and Natural Amenity Region (GNAR) Initiative; Julia Branstrator, Dr. Christina T. Cavaliere’s Tourism and Conservation Lab, Human Dimensions of Natural Resources, Colorado State University; Rogier Gruys, Visitor Experience Manager, Gwaii Haanas National Park Reserve, National Marine Conservation Area Reserve, and Haida Heritage Site; Dr. Kristin Lamoureux, Associate Professor, Virginia Tech
This workshop was part of the British Columbia Regional Tourism Secretariat (BCRTS) Tourism Summit 2021, a joint virtual event in collaboration with the Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC).
November 4th, 2021 |Recordings of the workshops are available for GSTC members
GSTC Destination Management Workshop: Engagement with the Private Sector
Criterion A4 of the GSTC Destination Criteria clearly points out the importance of engagement with the private sector. DMOs should regularly inform tourism-related enterprises about sustainability issues and encourage and support them in making their operations more sustainable. As part of these efforts, a DMO should promote the adoption of sustainability standards and incentivize businesses to achieve certification to verify their claims, such as publicizing a list of sustainability-certified enterprises.
Through case studies from destinations around the world, learn how a DMO can better engage the private sector and drive certification in order to make the destination as a whole more sustainable.
- Jana Apih, Director, GoodPlace Institute
- Ingunn Sørnes, Special Advisor, Innovation Norway
- Milena S. Nikolova, Chief Behaviour Officer, BehaviorSMART
- Ásta Kristín Sigurjónsdóttir, Managing Director, Iceland Tourism Cluster
This workshop was part of the British Columbia Regional Tourism Secretariat (BCRTS) Tourism Summit 2021, a joint virtual event in collaboration with the Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC).
November 3rd, 2021 |Recordings of the workshops are available for GSTC members
GSTC Destination Management Workshop: Measuring Carbon Emissions
Innovation Norway’s “CO2rism” is a tool for calculating the CO2 emissions caused by the transport of tourists to and within Norway. The user groups of this calculator are businesses and destinations marketers interested in insights on the emissions generated by the guests they want to attract. This allows Innovation Norway to judge both the potential tourist consumption and the CO2 emissions by combining their tourist consumption calculator with this new calculator on CO2 emissions.
Learn how tourism-related emissions can be measured effectively and be taken into consideration when planning tourist activities at destinations.
Presenter: Ingunn Sørnes, Special Adviser at Innovation Norway
This workshop was part of the British Columbia Regional Tourism Secretariat (BCRTS) Tourism Summit 2021, a joint virtual event in collaboration with the Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC).
November 3rd, 2021 |Recordings of the workshops are available for GSTC members
The Hotel Waste Measurement Methodology
Waste is a global crisis crippling our systems and contributing to negative environmental outcomes for our planet. While the hotel industry has made great strides to prevent and divert waste, and donate quality items, when possible, industry-wide waste reduction presents challenges without a standard measurement methodology in place. Today, World Wildlife Fund (WWF) and Greenview, a global sustainability consulting group, unveiled a first-of-its-kind methodology to help hotels solve this problem.
The Hotel Waste Measurement Methodology, developed in collaboration with leading hotel brands including Accor, Hilton, Hyatt, IHG Hotels & Resorts, and Marriott International, is designed to provide a common approach for the hotel industry to collect data, and measure and report waste. This methodology creates a consistent way for major brands and individual properties to set meaningful goals to reduce waste, keep it out of landfills, and track progress against those goals over time. Building on robust existing strategies to track waste and set targets, this work harmonizes methods of data collection and addresses common data gaps and challenges.
Presenter: Olivia Ruggles-Brise, Greenview Director
October 20th, 2021 | Recording of the webinar is available for GSTC members
Sustainable Travel Finland Programme
To help the tourism industry in Finland to adopt sustainable practices, Visit Finland launched the Sustainable Travel Finland (STF) programme. The STF programme provides companies and destinations with a sustainable development path; a concrete toolkit for sustainable tourism that makes it easier to adopt sustainable practices and choices in everyday business. STF relies on existing sustainability standards already in use rather than creating another standard. Companies and destinations that undergo the entire programme are recognised with the STF label and have access to a continuous development model, the latest information on sustainable tourism development, marketing support and visibility on Visit Finland channels.
Presenter: Virpi Aittokoski – Manager, Outdoor activities & Sports, Sustainable Travel Finland, Visit Finland
October 14th, 2021 | Recording of the webinar is available for GSTC members
Sustainability Roadmap for Businesses, based on the GSTC Criteria
Speaker: Jane Scaletta – Director, InvestCayman, Ministry of Investment, Innovation & Social Development, Cayman Islands
September 9th, 2021 | Recording of the webinar is available for GSTC members
The Art of Communicating Sustainable Experiences Using Design Thinking and Speak to the Heart
Sustainability is (or should be) part of a modern business model in a new post-pandemic normal but to become an attractive sustainable experience, we need to address our visitors’ hopes, wants, and needs. Design Thinking for the sustainable travelling industry is about speaking to the hearts of our most desired customers. Give them a chance to choose a sustainable experience that relates to their values and most desirable needs. This webinar introduces Design Thinking as a tool to create an irresistible reason to travel: • The art of segmentation and differentiated marketing; • The power of empathy for a stronger segmentation and smart personas; • The reason to use values and behavioristic marketing to attract your visitors.
This webinar gives you a quick and easy to understand toolbox that contains: • Why segmentation is crucial for an attractive experience; • How a persona can help You create sustainable experiences that differentiate your offer from others; • Why values are stronger to communicate compared to specific details.
The webinar will be presented in English and with auto subtitles in Spanish.
Speaker: Stefan Pettersson, Founder of GAMENG
August 12th & September 14th, 2021 | Recording of the webinar is available for GSTC members
How traveller behaviour is becoming increasingly more geared towards sustainability when shopping during international trips
One clear winner from the last 12 months of global lockdowns and travel restrictions is the environment. But the environment is benefitting in other ways too. m1nd-set’s research, conducted during the first quarter of 2021 among over 2000 international travellers from all world, shows that global consumers in general have become significantly more socially and environmentally conscious since the outbreak of the pandemic, with around two-thirds claiming to be making more environmentally friendly or ethical purchases since the start of the pandemic. This does not only includes what consumer shop for – more ethical or environmentally friendly produced products – but also how they shop. m1nd-set’s research explains also that sustainable consumption is here to stay.
- Dr. Peter Mohn – Owner & CEO , m1nd-set
- Anna Marchesini – Head of Business Development, m1nd-set
August 18th, 2021 | Recording of the webinar is available for GSTC members
Gobernanzas, el gran desafío para los Destinos
Hoy en día tras la pandemia está la oportunidad de rediseñar la forma en que hacemos turismo, para ello se hace indispensable el abordar este desafío desde una buena Gobernanza Publico Privada para poder involucrar a todos los actores del destino y de esta forma conseguir que todos abracen esta iniciativa y construyan la visión de Destino en conjunto.
Presenter: Jorge Moller, Director de Programas en Latinoamérica, GSTC
July 20th, 2021 | Recording of the webinar is available for GSTC members
Ecoluxury Retreats of the World Collection
Ecoluxury Retreats of the World is a collection of elegant lodges, exclusive resorts and refined historic hotels, located in places privileged by nature, witnesses of ancient civilizations and scenarios of distant cultures. To be eligible to join the collection, properties need to fulfill the requirements set out in Ecoluxury’s Best Practice Criteria, based on the GSTC Criteria and the UN SDGs.
* Enrico Ducrot, Founder & CEO, Enrico Ducrot, Viaggi dell’Elefante and Ecoluxury
* Livia Muto Nardone, Project Manager, Ecoluxury
July 8th, 2021 | Recording of the webinar is available for GSTC members
Landscape Restoration & Community Engagement: Example from Furnas, São Miguel, Azores
Landscape Restoration is the ongoing process of regaining ecological functionality and enhancing human well-being across deforested or degraded forest landscapes. This is more than just planting trees – it is restoring a whole landscape to meet present and future needs and to offer multiple benefits and land uses over time.
The webinar will focus on a case study from Furnas Landscape Laboratory a project for the Ecologic and Landscape Restoration of Furnas Lake Watershed. This project was awarded twice within its first 5 years of existence, the last award due to the exemplary implementation of the European Landscape Convention (ELC). The ELC promotes a strong engagement of communities in the protection, planning and management of their landscapes, consistently based on environmental, social, economic, cultural and aesthetic sustainability. This specific project had a strong impact on one of the most well-known protected landscapes of Azores Islands (Portugal), a tourism hotspot, and involved dozens of different partner institutions and thousands of volunteers. Collaborations can happen in numerous formats, and several examples will be provided of how can the local community and tourism actors be involved in projects for landscape restoration, be it of ecologic or cultural relevance. Further information on Furnas Landscape Laboratory.
- Miguel G. Caetano Ferreira, Forest Engineer and Natural Resources Manager, Azores
- Carolina Mendonça, Coordinator, Azores DMO
June 24th, 2021 | Recording of the webinar is available for GSTC members
Promoción y Planificación: Como dialogan ambas acciones en el posible regreso sostenible al turismo ¿? Los Criterios del GSTC son una gran ayuda.
Sin duda que los efectos del COVID19 han sido desastrosos para la Industria del Turismo, sin embargo el lado positivo, es que nos da la oportunidad de pensar como queremos regresar a ofrecer nuestros servicios y que tipo de Destino deseamos construir para evitar los aspectos negativos de un turismo no controlado… Conceptos como Gobernanza, Limite aceptable de Cambio, Compra Local, Beneficios para la Comunidad y muchos otros toman relevancia. Durante este Webinar vamos a tocar estos temas y dilucidar como los Criterios de Turismo Sostenible del GSTC nos ayudan como una guía para instalar Sostenibilidad en nuestras propuestas turísticas tanto al mundo público como también a los privados. Te esperamos ¡
Presenter: Jorge Moller, Director de Programas en Latinoamérica, GSTC
June 17th, 2021 | Recording of the webinar is available for GSTC members
Organising Business Travel that Respects Human Rights
Webinar organized by Roundtable Human Rights in Tourism
Employees are often entrusted with booking their business travel independently. Still, every employee is a representative of their company – especially when travelling – and the misconduct of one individual can cause lasting damage to the image of the entire company. Thus, business travellers should book their trip carefully and behave in a responsible manner on site.
Randy Durband, CEO at Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC), and Jessica Espinoza, international expert in business and human rights who conducted numerous research studies and trainings for ECPAT and other human rights organizations, will share first-hand experiences and recommendations to take action.
June 15th, 2021 | Recording available on YouTube
European Travel Commission: ‘Sustainable Tourism Implementation: Framework and Toolkit’
European Travel Commission (ETC), representing 32 national tourism organisations in Europe, has published a new handbook ‘Sustainable Tourism Implementation: Framework and Toolkit’ – an ultimate roadmap for European destinations on how to tackle every step on a journey towards sustainable transformation.
This handbook is for European National Tourism Organisations (NTOs), to support efforts to develop national approaches that advance sustainable tourism. It is intended as a practical document to aid implementation, for all European nations regardless of where they are on their sustainability journey. It is intended to support both those NTOs considering a national certification scheme, and those who are not, to advance national efforts to improve sustainability outcomes.
- Jennifer Iduh, Head of Research, European Travel Commission
- Jana Apih, Director, GoodPlace Institute
- Ben Lynam, Head of Communication, The Travel Foundation
- Rachel McCaffery, Directory, Green Case Consulting
May 27th, 2021 | Recording of the webinar is available for GSTC members
Switzerland Tourism’s Swisstainable Strategy
Swisstainable is the first big step towards securing the long-term success of Switzerland as a holiday, travel and convention destination and making it the world’s most sustainable destination. As part of the Swisstainable programme, sustainable service providers will be awarded an emblem and thus act as role models. The Swisstainable emblem visibly communicates a commitment to sustainability in the industry in a succinct manner. It is designed in such a way that it can be easily integrated into the communication of all service providers. The sustainability programme is for everyone. Guests looking for sustainable offers are often lost in the vast landscape of labels. Swisstainable does not intend to be yet another certification, but rather to provide guidance for guests, using existing standards.
- Samuel Wille, Interim Head of Business Development, Switzerland Tourism
- Helena Videtic, Sustainability Manager, Switzerland Tourism
May 13th, 2021 | Recording of the webinar is available for GSTC members
Sustainable Hotels
Increasingly, travelers prefer sustainable hotels and travel provider clients are seeking confirmation that sustainability practices are in place. The GSTC Industry Criteria with suggested performance indicators for hotels serve as basic guidelines for hotels to become more sustainable, and eventually allow these hotels to seek certification as being sustainable hotels.
Ahead of the first GSTC Sustainable Hotel online course during May 27th – June 11th, Dr. David Ermen will present key issues hoteliers should focus on beyond plastic straws and reusing towels. The session will be moderated by Ayako Ezaki, GSTC Training Director.
May 20th, 2021 | Recording is publically available here
Fighting Food Waste in Hotels
In the US, about 63 million tons of food are wasted each year, with 40% coming from consumer-facing business, including restaurants and hotels. This waste occurs while 41 million Americans, including 13 million children, are food insecure, and it poses one of the biggest environmental threats to the planet. Reducing food waste is one of the easiest and most effective ways to reduce the environmental impact of our food system and feed our communities.
World Wildlife Fund (WWF) and the American Hotel and Lodging Association (AHLA), with support from The Rockefeller Foundation, came together to work with the hospitality industry on understanding and reducing food waste. Through research and a series of demonstration projects with properties across the country, innovative strategies were identified to engage staff, partners and guests in cutting waste from hotel kitchens. Participating hotels saw reductions of 10-38% in just 12 weeks. If this scaled across the industry – it would eliminate half a million tons of waste within a year. “Fighting Food Waste in Hotels” Toolkit by WWF
Presenter: Samantha Kenny, Program Officer – Food Waste, WWF USA
April 21st, 2021 | Recording of the webinar is available for GSTC members
Sustainable Business Travel: Come back BETTER
Business travel is a segment within the tourism industry focusing on visitors who travel for business and professional purposes. According to the World Travel and Tourism Council (WTTC), the share of GDP generated by the business travel market reached 0.7 percent in 2019. In that year, the business tourism spending worldwide – which has more than doubled since 2000 – peaked at roughly 1.28 trillion U.S. dollars. Business travel is an important factor in national and international business. However, it also has a negative effect on our environment.
Sustainable business travel is concerned with managing the costs, social impacts and environmental consequences generated by the use of different modes of business travel. Using the GSTC Criteria as a reference point allows corporates and organizations to improve their commercial performance and enhance their reputation by adopting sustainable working policies and practices.
Ahead of the first cohort of the GSTC Sustainable Business Travel Course (May 27 – June 11, 2021), Horst Bayer and Bernard Harrop will share key trends and applicable examples. This public webinar will be moderated by Roi Ariel, GSTC General Manager.
April 14th, 2021 | Recording is publically available here

Hotel Sustainability & the GSTC Criteria
Webinar organized by Destinations Together
This session will round out our 4-part series on sustainable tourism by looking at contemporary approaches for more sustainable hotels. As with previous sessions on destinations and tour operators, we’ll consider the valuable role of applying the GSTC Criteria to the hotel industry. Randy Durband, GSTC CEO, will lead this session along with Ian Corbett, TUI Group Sustainable Business Manager on the cutting edge of hotel sustainability. GSTC works with members that include Hilton, IHG, TUI Group Hotels, and many other hotels, plus buyers and sellers of hotel space seeking sustainable solutions including OTA’s such as booking.com and tour operators such as Canada’s Transat. Hotels are in many ways core building blocks of visitor experiences, our homes away from home. There is much being done and can be done to make those deep experiences more responsible and sustainable. Join us for a discussion of key strategies taken by hotels and their distribution networks to operate and communicate sustainability.
March 17th, 2021 | Recording available on YouTube
Destination Stewardship & Sustainability
Webinar organized by Destinations Together
Destination Stewardship is a multi-stakeholder approach to establish and maintain the cultural, environmental, economic, and aesthetic integrity of a destination. The Global Sustainable Tourism Council’s (GSTC) Criteria for Destinations define how communities and visitors can maximize the many benefits from tourism while minimizing negative impacts on destination resources and ways of life. Kathleen Pittman, President of Agile Community Partners and a core member of the GSTC team, will share how local communities, government agencies, NGOs, and the tourism industry can form meaningful partnerships to develop and manage tourism sustainably. St Kitts is an example of a destination that has been working for years to adopt the GSTC Criteria for Destinations, including establishing a multi-sector Destination Stewardship Council. Diannille Taylor-Williams, Assistant Permanent Secretary of the St. Kitts Ministry of Tourism, will provide a firsthand account of St. Kitts’s ongoing sustainable tourism journey. Then, focusing at the community level, Jamie Sweeting, President of Planeterra will share how his non-profit organization works with the local population to develop compelling tourism experiences. Through grants and training, they help community business earn income from tourism. In addition, they have also created a robust global tourism community network to share experiences & successes. Cruise lines are keen to offer these unique tours that elevate the local community, and Planeterra has an effective formula to develop them. This session will feature examples of destination stewardship and sustainability in action!
March 3rd, 2021 | Recording available on YouTube
Building a sustainable Tourism community in Ireland
Presenter: Rob Rankin, Managing Director, Sustainable Travel Ireland
In this session, Rob Rankin, Managing Director of Sustainable Travel Ireland, will share examples and lessons based on his experience working with businesses, communities and destination organizations in Ireland, promoting sustainable practices in collaboration with various stakeholder groups.
February 24th, 2021 | Recording of the webinar is available for GSTC
Tour Operator Sustainability & Certification with Travelife
Webinar organized by Destinations Together
Cruise lines and CLIA are making meaningful, long term commitments to sustainable tourism following the GSTC standards, to help ensure the world’s natural and touristic sites are preserved for future generations. As tour operators, you too can make a real difference for your destination by starting the process of certification to the Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC) standards. Naut Kusters, General Manager, Travelife for Tour Operators will detail the certification process. In addition, Trino Molina Casares of Aviomar – Mexico and Emma Bell of ID Tours – New Zealand will share their experience to obtain GSTC certification through Travelife. Tour Operators attending this session will receive access to key sustainability materials upon registration with Travelife. The travel sector in general, and the cruise industry in particular are clearly focused on sustainability likewise, tour operators that are in the process of certification to the GSTC Criteria may likely be rewarded in the post-pandemic tourism environment. Start today and do your part to help make your destination more sustainable and more marketable in the future.
February 10th, 2021 | Recording available on YouTube
Sustainable Tourism & The Cruise Industry
Webinar organized by Destinations Together
The cruise industry is developing plans to resume cruise operations in a post-pandemic environment. Just as guest and crew safety is key to the cruise restart, so too is the protection and management of cruise destinations. Much progress has been made in the tourism sector regarding sustainability. The industry and destinations should continue working collaboratively with GSTC to prioritize the preservation of natural assets and cultural heritage, ensuring that sustainability remains on the agenda and in the budget. Randy Durband, CEO of Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC) will provide an overview of sustainable tourism and, discuss the impact of the pandemic as well as a vision for the future. He will moderate a panel featuring Rob Zeiger, Global Chief Communications Officer, Royal Caribbean Group and Ukko Metsola, Director General, Cruise Lines International Association (CLIA) Europe. Learn how Royal Caribbean has led meaningful change by working with tour operators to obtain certification to the GSTC Criteria, sponsored sustainable destination stewardship and changed seafood purchasing standards to make a real difference. MSC has also made similar commitments to help support sustainable tourism. Likewise, CLIA is providing ongoing leadership to accelerate the sustainable tourism agenda for the cruise industry. This is the first session of our 2021 Sustainable Tourism Webinar Series – learn how you and your company can make a difference for your destination, the oceans and the world!
January 27th, 2021 | Recording available on YouTube
Collaboration Among Competitors to Advance Sustainability:
How you can do it too
- Alexandra Michat Roux, EXO Foundation Manager & EXO Travel Director of Sustainability
- Nia Klatte, Khiri Reach Executive Director & Khiri Travel Regional Sustainability Coordinator
Alexandra and Nia will give examples on how inboud tour operators (DMCs) collaborate to advance sustainability adherence within destinations they work in:
- IMPACT Vietnam, an initiative led by GSTC Members EXO Travel and Khiri Travel, is a network of committed tourism operators working for the promotion of sustainable tourism in Vietnam. “We aim to work closely within our supply chains and with various stakeholders around the country, engaging and encouraging partnerships whenever possible. We know where our strengths lie and as a collaborative group, IMPACT Vietnam will reduce the negative and increase the positive impact that we as members of the travel industry have on the country that we work in, live in and promote.”
- The Indonesian DMC Sustainability Collaboration (IDSC) was initiated by DMCs working in Indonesia working together to collect data from their suppliers. The basic idea of IDSC is to collect data on the application of sustainability and health & safety principles throughout their business practices. The Collaboration designed a comprehensive set of questions and attached to it a comprehensive and easy to read scoring model.
- CAM-DMC is an association consisting of 17 Destination Management Companies (DMC), working in Cambodia for guests from the Western markets.
January 20th, 2021 | Recording is publically available here
Beyond Boundaries: Transforming Tourism with Digital Youth
Presenter: Jason Lin, Founder & CEO, Talent Basket
Making the tourism industry sustainable is a long-term process involving optimal usage of environmental, economic, and social resources. During this session, the speaker will share insights on how young digital talents worldwide will change the models that drive businesses and the impact of Sustainable Supply chain management.
Jason is a serial entrepreneur who aspires to create a global working and living movement that promotes balance, inclusion, and sustainability. Jason is the founder and CEO of Talent Basket, a digital consultancy and talent company made up of global citizens. Jason spearheads a roster of more than 1,000 Gen Z talents across 30 countries, speaking 11 languages, specializing in marketing, analytics, and creative skills. Under Jason’s leadership, the talents come together to work on digital business solutions, destination development, and sustainable movement advocacy for governments, NGOs, multinational corporations, and small to mid-sized businesses.
January 13th, 2021 | Recording of the webinar is available for GSTC members
GSTC 2020 Online Members Meeting
Every year, GSTC holds a professional conference focusing on sustainable tourism, standards, certifications, and the GSTC Criteria. The themes are different each year, with a changing focus on different sustainability aspects from the GSTC Criteria. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, this year we’ll hold a GSTC 2020 Online Members Meeting, 3 hours long which includes important updates and developments as well as examples of how the GSTC framework is being applied.
December 8th/10th | GSTC Members can watch the recordings here
Behind EcoHotels.com
- Axel Weinert, Chief Executive Officer, EcoHotels.com
- Patricia Plesner Arnsted, Sustainability Project Manager, EcoHotels.com
EcoHotels was founded in 2020, as a responsible and sustainable alternative to the large and dominant online travel agencies (OTAs). EcoHotels’ mission is to be a community for hotels, sharing knowledge and best practices, and standing side by side to promote sustainability in the travel industry. “We ensure that only truly dedicated and certified hotels are on our site – at the same time, we understand that sustainability has many faces and that each hotel may have its own approach to sustainability, prioritizing what lies closest to their hearts. There are many certifications out there, and some are more intense than others (and some are just greenwashing, as we’re sure you agree). So we have decided to use the Global Sustainable Tourism Council’s framework. Being certified by a GSTC-Accredited Certification Body or being certified to a GSTC-Recognized Standard will be the gateway to joining our site.”
November 25th, 2020 | Recording of the webinar is available for GSTC members
Sustainable tourism approaches to tackle the climate crisis: examples from destinations in Italy
With more frequent and more severe extreme events, the consequences of the climate crisis are affecting people and businesses alike and the touristic sector, in Italy, has not been spared by the fury of such events: in October 2018, Vaia storm destroyed thousands of hectares of forests of the most famous mountain touristic destinations in the north-east of Italy; one year before, in November 2019, Venice was flooded by an exceptionally high tide that none of the inhabitants had seen. Catie Burlando and Federico Pinato of Etifor – a spin-off of the University of Padova whose mission is to restore the balance between people and nature – will share insights and lesson learned from their work with two tourist destinations in Italy: Valsugana-Lagorai (a certified sustainable destination to the GSTC Criteria) and Alta Badia.
November 18th, 2020 | Recording of the webinar is available for GSTC members
Ivory Consumption Among Chinese Travelers: Preparing for Post-COVID Tourism
COVID-19 has had a huge impact on the travel and tourism industry, with estimates ranging from 60% to 80% decline in international tourism for 2020, but the sector is preparing for a resumption of travel once the threat of the pandemic has subsided. In order to ensure that the renewal of international travel is a green recovery that doesn’t lead to an undoing of conservation gains made with travellers over the last few years, it is important to understand the drivers that lead tourists to purchase elephant ivory while abroad. Before the current international travel restrictions were in place, GlobeScan and WWF conducted a study amongst more than 3000 Chinese travellers who had all been to key destinations in Asia – Cambodia, Hong Kong SAR, Japan, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand, or Vietnam – between August 2019 and January 2020.
Good practices and opportunities for destination managers in times of Covid19
Presenter: Albert Salman, President, Green Destinations
From Oct 6 to Oct 9, 2020, the 5th Global Green Destinations Days (GGDD) will take place. Albert Salman, President of Green Destinations (GSTC-Accredited Certification Body) will share insights from the event with a focus on examples of good practices and opportunities for destination managers in times of Covid19.
October 29th, 2020 | Recording of the webinar is available for GSTC members
Hoteles más Verdes: La ecoetiqueta argentina y sus desafíos ante la pandemia (Español)
Presenter: Emiliano Mastelli, Technical Coordinator of Hoteles mas Verdes
Desde hace diez años la Asociación de Hoteles de Turismo de la República Argentina viene trabajando para incluir la sustentabilidad dentro de la agenda turística del país. Con ese propósito ha creado el Programa Hoteles más Verdes cuyo objetivo es unificar criterios de sustentabilidad en un país extenso y con un oferta turística diversa. Aún con alguna crisis económica en el camino, se mantuvo un crecimiento constante hasta el desafío actual de la pandemia mundial; teniendo que adaptarse a la nueva realidad y aprovechando sus oportunidades.
September 30th, 2020 | Recording of the webinar is available for GSTC members
EXO Travel: How a Tour Operator can Influence its Supply Chain to be More Sustainable
Presenter: Alexandra Michat Roux, EXO Foundation Manager & EXO Travel Director of Sustainability
How can DMCs influence hotels and other travel suppliers to become more sustainable? Alexandra of EXO Travel will share how EXO is working to influence its suppliers (hotels, restaurants, etc.) to choose a more sustainable path. When EXO Travel contract suppliers, they ask them to sign EXO’s sustainability addendum. It includes main requirements regarding sustainability (both ethics & environmental protection) & health/safety. This has already been signed by 619 partner hotels. In 2019, EXO released a new version that includes a request for hotels to set-up refillable water stations for guests. EXO Sustainability Guide 2019-2020
September 22nd, 2020 | Recording of the webinar is available for GSTC members
Sustainable Events: Examples from Scandinavia
Presenter: Peter Reelfs, Sustainability Advisor & Lecturer, NorthFlash
Every tenth tourist stated at TripAdvisor’s TripBarometer 2017/18 “event” was the reason for their last trip. Events are also a common tool used by tourist destinations to attract visitors and extend the season. For tourism companies and destinations that work sustainably and organize events, it is therefore only logical to also pay attention to sustainability in events, as the ecological and social footprint of an event can be immense. This webinar is about identifying the sources of the impact and how to minimize negative consequences.
August 26th, 2020 | Recording available for GSTC members
Kilimanjaro Porters Assistance Project (KPAP)
Presenter: Karen Valenti, Program Manager, KPAP
KPAP raises public awareness regarding the proper treatment of porters on Kilimanjaro, assists climbing companies with implementing procedures that ensure fair and ethical treatment of their porters, lends climbing gear free of charge, and offers educational classes to empower and motivate porters and mountain crew.
July 21th, 2020 | Recording available for GSTC members
Vanuatu Tourism Crisis Response & Recovery Plan
Presenter: Jerry R. Spooner, Director, Vanuatu Department of Tourism
Vanuatu has developed a Tourism Crisis Response & Recovery Plan to tackle the effects from Cyclone Harold and COVID19. The five core pillars in phase 1 of the Recovery Plan include health, access, product, marketing and comms. The Plan can be downloaded here: https://cutt.ly/quOxPz8
July 15th, 2020 | Recording available for GSTC members
Inclusive Travel: the Importance of Accessibility and How to Implement it
Presenter: Martin Heng, Inclusive Travel Specialist
The concept of inclusive travel is an integral part of sustainable tourism where services should be provided for all people. Accessibility is a central element of any responsible and sustainable development policy. It is both a human rights imperative, as well as an exceptional business opportunity. “Tourism for All” is also referred to in the GSTC Criteria (GSTC-I criterion A7.4; GSTC-D criterion B8). Martin Heng will explain its importance and provide clear examples that can be easily implemented by hotels, tour operators, and destinations.
June 30th, 2020 | Recording available for GSTC members
Thompson Okanagan Tourism Association (TOTA) Tourism Resiliency Program
Presenter: Glenn Mandziuk, TOTA President & CEO
Together with the British Columbia Regional Tourism Secretariat representing the 5 Regional Destination Management Organizations (RDMO) in British Colombia Province, TOTA has activated a new Tourism Program for the industry in late April to provide direct support the industry was asking for.
June 18th, 2020 | Recording available for GSTC members
Food Waste Reduction in Hotels: Insights from Winnow
Presenter: David Walker, Chief Commercial Officer, Winnow
Winnow was founded in 2013 with the belief that food is too valuable to waste. Our proposition was to create a solution to the problem of food waste in the hospitality sector. Today, Winnow is helping chefs and managers in 40 countries save over 36 million meals.
June 17th, 2020 | Recording available for GSTC members
What Can be Learned from Six Senses’ Strict Plastic Policy
Presenter: Jeffery Smith Vice, President – Sustainability, Six Senses Hotels Resorts Spas
“No plastic straws since 2016 and millions of plastic bottles eliminated every year thanks to producing and bottling our own drinking water (in glass bottles) on site. Plans are now well underway to eliminate the rest and we encourage our guests to join in too. Our audacious goal: to be completely free of plastic by the year 2022.”
May 26th, 2020 | Recording of the webinar is available for GSTC members
Implementing sustainable practices in the time of COVID-19
Presenter: Natalie Kidd, Managing Director, PEAK DMC; Chief Operating Officer, Intrepid Group
Due to the ongoing impact of coronavirus (COVID-19) and the likelihood of international borders remaining closed for an extended period, Intrepid Travel has suspended all tours globally until at least 30 September 2020. Natalie Kidd will share insights from Intrepid Group / PEAK DMC about how companies can continue implementing sustainable practices at such times.
May 19th, 2020 | Recording available for GSTC members
Discussion: COVID19 recovery as a path to better destination stewardship
Led by: Jonathan Tourtellot, CEO of Destination Stewardship Center; Co-Chair of GSTC Destination Stewardship Working Group
May 14th, 2020 | Recording available for GSTC members
Sustainable Tourism Activities around Volcanoes National Park in Northern Rwanda
Presenter: Greg Bakunzi, Founder, Red Rocks Initiatives For Sustainable Development
Red Rocks Initiative is an African non-profit organization that supports sustainable development in Africa by engaging in sustainable tourism and community-driven environmental conservation initiatives that are meant to benefit local communities.
May 12th, 2020 | Recording available for GSTC members
Influencing Supply Chains Using Certifications
Presenter: Randy Durband, GSTC CEO
Supply chain development is a form of procurement and a form of verification of the sustainability of the products and services under offer of a tourism business. If a seller or operator of travel services wishes to claim that their supply chain is sustainable, how do they go about it? Do they conduct their own analysis of each supplier’s performance? That would be time-consuming and costly. A better approach is to trust the work of the experts that conduct neutral, independent, 3rd-party certification of businesses.
The webinar will use two case studies of Royal Caribbean Cruises Sustainable Shore Excursion and MSC Cruises Protectrours, that give priority to businesses that are certified by a Certification Body that is accredited to the GSTC Criteria*.
* Note: the phrase “accredited to the GSTC Criteria” is short-hand for a CB being accredited for the certification scheme using either the GSTC Criteria directly or their own GSTC-Recognized standard. GSTC Recognized standards comply with the GSTC Criteria, therefore this short-hand phrase includes the use of either of those standards.
April 14th, 2020 | Recording available for GSTC members
How to prevent sexual exploitation of children in tourism (by ECPAT)
The current COVID-19 crisis and restrictions are affecting the modus operandi of child sex offenders. No country or child is immune to this ever-growing risk. As the world responds to COVID-19, push factors that facilitate or lead to sexual abuse and exploitation of children are expected to intensify. All partners need to address the rapidly changing situation and its devastating effects, to ensure that child protection remains central to the current and future responses, including for the Travel & Tourism sector’s recovery. The webinar will focus on the prevention of the sexual exploitation of children, including trafficking and practical ways that members can implement the specific section of the GSTC Criteria.
* Gabriela Kühn, Head of Program – Against Sexual Exploitation of Children in Travel and Tourism (SECTT), ECPAT International
* Damien Brosnan, Programme Manager, The Code
April 9th, 2020 | Recording available for GSTC members
Behind BookDifferent.com
Presenter: Lonneke de Kort, BookDifferent CEO
Bookdifferent.com is a Social Enterprise, founded in 2012 in The Netherlands. Their main goal is to help people choose a better way to travel. That means, also, booking accommodations that take care of the environment, the local people, and the communities they are located in.
Feb 11th, 2020 | 10:00-11:00 CEST | 16:00-17:00 BKK