Luigi Cabrini GSTC Chair« The World Tourism Day is an opportunity to reflect on the many challenges that our sector faces, and on the actions needed to address them.  The theme of this year: « Tourism and Green Investments » relates to many aspects of the GSTC mission. By providing tools to destinations and the whole tourism industry to implement concrete actions toward sustainability we create better conditions for green investments. Both public and private investors are looking more carefully at the management of entities and at their sustainability standards. In the 15 years since the launch of the first set of global criteria for hotel and tour operators, the GSTC Criteria have become the main reference for certifications and for an increasing number of governments and major private tourism players. Now that tourism is fully recovering after the pandemics is the time to avoid repeating the same mistakes that fueled an increasing antagonism toward a development that did not take into consideration its negative impacts on communities and the environment. »

Luigi Cabrini, GSTC Chair

World Tourism Day

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UNWTO has identified investments as one of the key priorities for tourism’s recovery and future growth and development. For World Tourism Day 2023, UNWTO highlights the need for more and better-targeted investments for people, for planet and for prosperity. Now is the time for new and innovative solutions, not just traditional investments that promote and underpin economic growth and productivity. More information here: