
The GSTC’s Chair of the Board, Luigi Cabrini, is featured in the February edition of the Travel & Tour World online magazine.  The Travel & Tour World magazine is a B2B travel magazine with online global readership of over 2 million.   The article entitled “GSTC Making Advances in Tourism Sustainability” focuses on the history, objectives, and application of the GSTC Criteria. In an excerpt from the article, Mr. Cabrini gives a foundational explanation of sustainable tourism and why it is pertinent to all sectors of the tourism industry:

“Sustainable tourism is one that takes into full more effective sustainable practices and to help account the current and future, economical, social create a common understanding of sustainable and environmental impacts, addressing needs of visitors, the industry, the environment and also communities. The definition takes basis from the International Rio Conference in 1992. Sustainable tourism advocate for a wise use of resources, making sure that they are available for the next generation. One important approach that we have on sustainable tourism is that it should be spread across all the various segments of tourism. We are not satisfied in limiting sustainable tourism in small niches of eco-tourism or nature tourism but we do believe that it should permeate the whole tourism chain including mass destinations. This is one point that is clearly embedded in the global sustainable tourism criteria. We also give equal importance to environmental, economical, social and cultural aspects of tourism development and make sure that there is a right balance between all of them.”

Additionally, the article addresses the role that sustainable tourism and the GSTC has in combatting global issues such as poverty and climate change. The GSTC Sustainability Training Program was highlighted as a tool for travel and tourism stakeholders to use in order to effectively deal with such pressing problems. For more information on this 1-5 day on-site program, please visit here.


You can view or download the full article by visiting Travel & Tour World online and clicking « download latest magazine ».