2014-07-28 19.54.32Washington D.C., USA (August 25, 2014) Industry and Government policy makers in the emerging South East Asian nation of Myanmar (also known as Burma) are increasingly being guided by the Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC) Criteria.

The country of Myanmar is expected to receive 3 million international visitors this year (2014), up from 2 million in 2013 and 1 million on 2012.

«It’s one of the fastest growing destinations we have ever seen in Asia and the Pacific», said Steve Noakes who represented GSTC at the official introduction of the Council in association with the Myanmar Tourism Federation.

Myanmar’s tourism sector has been very undeveloped in the modern post WW11 era for a range of reasons, including a tourism boycott called for by opposition groups partly prompted by the military government’s declaration that 1996 should be Visit Myanmar year. Since the political, economic and social reforms announced in 2011, following five decades of military rule, there has been a dramatic upsurge in international visitors to Myanmar.

A range of recent policy initiatives supported by the Government have endorsed the principles embodied with the GSTC Criteria.

About the GSTC Criteria

The GSTC Criteria are the baseline standards, which businesses and destinations should achieve to approach social, environmental, cultural, and economic sustainability. They address sustainable management, socio-economic impacts, cultural impacts, and environmental impacts. Since tourism destinations each have their own culture, environment, customs, and laws, the Criteria are designed to be adapted to local conditions and supplemented by additional criteria for the specific location and activity.


Photo and Content by GSTC Member, Steve Noakes