GSTC Japan Members Meeting concluded successfully

The Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC) held a workshop for its Japanese members in Tokyo on May 13th, 2024. The event, organized in collaboration with JTB Corp, took place at the JTB Tennozu Head Office Building.

The workshop provided a platform for GSTC Japan Members to engage in interactive sessions, discussions, and presentations focusing on the region’s latest trends and best practices in sustainable tourism.

This workshop marked the second of its kind in Japan for GSTC Members and was highlighted by the presence of several key figures from the GSTC as GSTC CEO Randy Durband, GSTC General Manager Roi Ariel, GSTC Asia Pacific Manager Emi Kaiwa, and GSTC Market Development Manager Rita Kuan. The event built on the momentum of the first workshop held in September 2023, which had successfully brought together participants from 15 GSTC Organizations and Destination Members in Japan.

GSTC Japan Members Meeting concluded successfullyThe event with over more than 40 attendees, was led by Kuniko Takasaki, Managing Executive Officer, Chief DEIB Officer, of JTB Group. Randy Durband, GSTC CEO, delivered a report on the GSTC2024 Conference in Stockholm, Sweden, providing insights into the conference highlights and key takeaways. During this one-day event, participants were able to gain a deeper knowledge of the GSTC Criteria and share their experiences and challenges.

During the session, members exchanged ideas on enhancing collaboration and integrating new sustainability practices. Additionally, attendees discussed innovative approaches and shared best practices for future projects, fostering a productive environment that concluded in arranging further meetings.

Overall, the GSTC workshop in Tokyo was a significant success, reinforcing the commitment of GSTC Members in Japan to advancing sustainable tourism. The meeting highlighted the ongoing efforts and achievements in the field, inspiring participants to continue their work toward a more sustainable future for the tourism industry.